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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You talk some pish.

I never knew what that shit was 'til I was a teenager, there are fans of every club that are decent and not fed bigoted pish from the womb.

And don't bother coming back with you're not a Rangers/Celtic fan, every team sang those shitty songs, doesn't mean you actually care what they mean when you just go to watch football as a kid.

Yeah, sure.

Even the most cotton wooled kid going to Wellington School in Ayr knows about all the sectarian shit surrounding the Old Firm and what it's about by the end of their primary school days, let alone one from any other background locally - especially in an area of the world whose largest local newspaper - the Ayrshire Post - still gives loving coverage to the local Orange Order marches long after most local rags in other parts of Scotland dropped doing so as "bad for business".

The "didn't know until I was a teenager" line by Orcs and their ilk holds all the water of a sieve - especially those that continued to support them until their recent collapse.

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I believe that I was eight years old when I first became aware of the sectarian issue between Rangers and Celtic, probably because of the Mo Johnson signing. To put this in perspective my entire knowledge of football basically involved St. Mirren, the Old Firm, and being aware that for some reason Aberdeen were unable to kick a jelly bean.

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Yeah, sure.

Even the most cotton wooled kid going to Wellington School in Ayr knows about all the sectarian shit surrounding the Old Firm and what it's about by the end of their primary school days, let alone one from any other background locally - especially in an area of the world whose largest local newspaper - the Ayrshire Post - still gives loving coverage to the local Orange Order marches long after most local rags in other parts of Scotland dropped doing so as "bad for business".

The "didn't know until I was a teenager" line by Orcs and their ilk holds all the water of a sieve - especially those that continued to support them until their recent collapse.

You're still talking pish.

What you really mean is that you knew early doors so everyone else must be the same,bollocks.

I wore Rangers, Celtic, Leeds, Birmingham and Ayr strips and can't remember anyone commenting one way or the other.

Life for a kid was a lot more innocent 30 or 40 years ago, my dad preferred to get me a Rangers and Celtic ball at the same time, he was obviously playing safe but he never mentioned it to me.

And 30 or 40 years ago the young ladies of Wellington would only have been interested in popping their cherry.

Edited by ayrmad
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I was about 12 or 13 when I was told by my mother as we watched the Orange walk go by that what it stood for.

:blink: I was in shock at what she said ! I really was ! especially as I was imitating the guy who threw the pole around up and down and around his back at the time :lol:.

Needless to say I never understood it until that moment and will always remember as I got a slap on the ear as a memory never to forget.

I still don't understand really why sectarianism is prevalent at a sport ? but I do know how all this shit became attached to the game and it is vile bigoted hatred to the core.

What's more shocking about it they are supposedly Christians FFS :o(Protestant catholic/Roman Catholic I use the catholic bit there as Protestants have seemed to forget that bit ?) a peaceful religion based around kindness,compassion and generally being a nice person to hang around with as long as they don't start with the Jesus loves you message and wouldn't it be nice if it was a draw so everybody gets a point.

Football is better off without it but I'm sure there would be some other ugly component that would arise to give fans something to hate each other about in a fanatical way just because we need that element of getting one over the opposition just to annoy them and get right up their noses.Outside the old firm you only need to look at some of the insults after the Scottish Cup Final we just had by the Hearts and Hibs fans :blink:.Just for the banter man.

Edited by hellbhoy
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The 2008 ranking was a statistical anamolly based on expunging terrible vogts results and some good back to back wins against a highly rated but in decline French side..

Yeah, teams get a real boost from being 4th seeds in a group with two World Cup finalists and a quarter-finalist, don't they?

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I was about 12 or 13 when I was told by my mother as we watched the Orange walk go by that what it stood for.

:blink: I was in shock at what she said ! I really was ! especially as I was imitating the guy who threw the pole around up and down and around his back at the time :lol:.

Needless to say I never understood it until that moment and will always remember as I got a slap on the ear as a memory never to forget.

I still don't understand really why sectarianism is prevalent at a sport ? but I do know how all this shit became attached to the game and it is vile bigoted hatred to the core.

What's more shocking about it they are supposedly Christians FFS :o(Protestant catholic/Roman Catholic I use the catholic bit there as Protestants have seemed to forget that bit ?) a peaceful religion based around kindness,compassion and generally being a nice person to hang around with as long as they don't start with the Jesus loves you message and wouldn't it be nice if it was a draw so everybody gets a point.

Football is better off without it but I'm sure there would be some other ugly component that would arise to give fans something to hate each other about in a fanatical way just because we need that element of getting one over the opposition just to annoy them and get right up their noses.Outside the old firm you only need to look at some of the insults after the Scottish Cup Final we just had by the Hearts and Hibs fans :blink:.Just for the banter man.

I've just been talking with a guy (pubs are open late down here) who's over on holiday from Chile. He's English, and has lived in Argentina too. His wife is some kind of psycho/sociologist, and the pair of them asked me why violence and hatred attached itself to football in particular. Chile is apparently a country very similar to Scotland, with a couple of huge teams in Santiago, and most people in the rest of the country supporting their local team, but also one of the big city teams. (I very much think and expect that that is not the case in Falkirk and most Scottish teams, to be clear) He was saying that in towns a thousand miles away from Santiago you would get huge fights when a Santiago derby was going on.

My lame theory was that they were copying the 70's craze for football violence in England, in the same way that Russian and European fascists copy the Skinheads, who originally were anti-racist and into ska, two tone and the like. Obviously football is a popular sport in the world, but you don't hear much about riots involving other sports. Our conclusion was that it was some primevil tribal or gang culture piggy backing thing going on, but we were very pished. We both agreed that religion probably had little to do with it. Everyone (just about) in Chile is a Catholic anyway..

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I was about 12 or 13 when I was told by my mother as we watched the Orange walk go by that what it stood for.

:blink: I was in shock at what she said ! I really was ! especially as I was imitating the guy who threw the pole around up and down and around his back at the time :lol:.

Needless to say I never understood it until that moment and will always remember as I got a slap on the ear as a memory never to forget.

I still don't understand really why sectarianism is prevalent at a sport ? but I do know how all this shit became attached to the game and it is vile bigoted hatred to the core.

What's more shocking about it they are supposedly Christians FFS :o(Protestant catholic/Roman Catholic I use the catholic bit there as Protestants have seemed to forget that bit ?) a peaceful religion based around kindness,compassion and generally being a nice person to hang around with as long as they don't start with the Jesus loves you message and wouldn't it be nice if it was a draw so everybody gets a point.

Football is better off without it but I'm sure there would be some other ugly component that would arise to give fans something to hate each other about in a fanatical way just because we need that element of getting one over the opposition just to annoy them and get right up their noses.Outside the old firm you only need to look at some of the insults after the Scottish Cup Final we just had by the Hearts and Hibs fans :blink:.Just for the banter man.

It's not needed anywhere, I'm not religious in the slightest, personally I find the whole concept utter bollocks but I'll respect people who believe in what they choose to believe in but what fucks me off more than anything is when people try and twist it into something that it isn't. My mother's side of the family is protestant (well they say they are) and support Rangers, now my mum and others are fine, it's just football and they aren't particularly religious either but my cousins have this warped sense that because they're protestant and because they're Rangers fans that they need to hate Catholics and they need to get involved with all that Orange Order shite when the sad fact is that they have no fucking idea what any of it means, they just say it and follow along with it because it's what their old man does but have no actually concept of what they are singing about or what they are hating about.

It also fucks me off when you can't talk about football without someone dragging it up, I mean on a night out not long ago in Glasgow, me and my girlfriend were talking to these lads and started talking about football, they supported Rangers and we support Celtic and it was fine, we had a wee bit of banter and joked around but then one of them just starting calling her a ****** because she's Catholic and starting singing shite about 1690 when the fucker probably had no idea what the hell happened in 1690 other than it has something to do with being against Catholics.

It just fucks me off that Scottish football in Glasgow gets disease with this bollocks and it's fucking 2012, not the 1890s, people should have realise that this bollocks has no place in modern society.

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Sevco v Celtic forum reverted back to using the dead team in its heading.

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :angry:

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Nice bit of electioneering here. :whistle


You can see that by the party they represent, 5 out the 6 are obviously knuckledragging bigots. According to Wiki, Jim Dobbin is from Fife and a practicing Catholic. He has also signed a petition against same sex marriage, confirming that all 6 of these MPs are bigots.

It is very telling that not a single MP representing a Scottish constituency has dared to show their support for this beloved "institution".

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It's not needed anywhere, I'm not religious in the slightest, personally I find the whole concept utter bollocks but I'll respect people who believe in what they choose to believe in but what fucks me off more than anything is when people try and twist it into something that it isn't. My mother's side of the family is protestant (well they say they are) and support Rangers, now my mum and others are fine, it's just football and they aren't particularly religious either but my cousins have this warped sense that because they're protestant and because they're Rangers fans that they need to hate Catholics and they need to get involved with all that Orange Order shite when the sad fact is that they have no fucking idea what any of it means, they just say it and follow along with it because it's what their old man does but have no actually concept of what they are singing about or what they are hating about.

It also fucks me off when you can't talk about football without someone dragging it up, I mean on a night out not long ago in Glasgow, me and my girlfriend were talking to these lads and started talking about football, they supported Rangers and we support Celtic and it was fine, we had a wee bit of banter and joked around but then one of them just starting calling her a ****** because she's Catholic and starting singing shite about 1690 when the fucker probably had no idea what the hell happened in 1690 other than it has something to do with being against Catholics.

It just fucks me off that Scottish football in Glasgow gets disease with this bollocks and it's fucking 2012, not the 1890s, people should have realise that this bollocks has no place in modern society.

What about your signature then or does escape you?

Same arse just the other cheek.

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It's not needed anywhere, I'm not religious in the slightest, personally I find the whole concept utter bollocks but I'll respect people who believe in what they choose to believe in but what fucks me off more than anything is when people try and twist it into something that it isn't. My mother's side of the family is protestant (well they say they are) and support Rangers, now my mum and others are fine, it's just football and they aren't particularly religious either but my cousins have this warped sense that because they're protestant and because they're Rangers fans that they need to hate Catholics and they need to get involved with all that Orange Order shite when the sad fact is that they have no fucking idea what any of it means, they just say it and follow along with it because it's what their old man does but have no actually concept of what they are singing about or what they are hating about.

It also fucks me off when you can't talk about football without someone dragging it up, I mean on a night out not long ago in Glasgow, me and my girlfriend were talking to these lads and started talking about football, they supported Rangers and we support Celtic and it was fine, we had a wee bit of banter and joked around but then one of them just starting calling her a ****** because she's Catholic and starting singing shite about 1690 when the fucker probably had no idea what the hell happened in 1690 other than it has something to do with being against Catholics.

It just fucks me off that Scottish football in Glasgow gets disease with this bollocks and it's fucking 2012, not the 1890s, people should have realise that this bollocks has no place in modern society.

What a lot of self serving sanctimonious shite................. Is this the same Celtic supporters that sing songs about supporting terrorism,the same club that continually disrespects poppy day, the same club that allows a (cheering section??? wtf?? Well done for bringing back the thunder Neil) section of its support to go through it`s full repetoire of in-appropriate songs both home and away.... Do me a favour.In fact can you do me 3 favours???

1. Stop talking absolute shite

2. Get your green tinted, woe is me glasses off

3.Tell me what colour the sky is where you live

4.Take a stand ,and the next time one of the knuckle draggers in your midst starts singing about terrorists or fields in another land, report them to one of the usually ineffectual plods standing near to you

5. Come down off that high moral ground that you`re sitting on. You shouldn`t be sitting up there with an empty head, you`ll hurt yourself when you fall off

Your lot are just as bad as the other lot called Sevco,Orcs,etc etc across the city.

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It's not needed anywhere, I'm not religious in the slightest, personally I find the whole concept utter bollocks but I'll respect people who believe in what they choose to believe in but what fucks me off more than anything is when people try and twist it into something that it isn't. My mother's side of the family is protestant (well they say they are) and support Rangers, now my mum and others are fine, it's just football and they aren't particularly religious either but my cousins have this warped sense that because they're protestant and because they're Rangers fans that they need to hate Catholics and they need to get involved with all that Orange Order shite when the sad fact is that they have no fucking idea what any of it means, they just say it and follow along with it because it's what their old man does but have no actually concept of what they are singing about or what they are hating about.

It also fucks me off when you can't talk about football without someone dragging it up, I mean on a night out not long ago in Glasgow, me and my girlfriend were talking to these lads and started talking about football, they supported Rangers and we support Celtic and it was fine, we had a wee bit of banter and joked around but then one of them just starting calling her a ****** because she's Catholic and starting singing shite about 1690 when the fucker probably had no idea what the hell happened in 1690 other than it has something to do with being against Catholics.

It just fucks me off that Scottish football in Glasgow gets disease with this bollocks and it's fucking 2012, not the 1890s, people should have realise that this bollocks has no place in modern society.

What a lot of self serving sanctimonious shite................. Is this the same Celtic supporters that sing songs about supporting terrorism,the same club that continually disrespects poppy day, the same club that allows a (cheering section??? wtf?? Well done for bringing back the thunder Neil) section of its support to go through it`s full repetoire of in-appropriate songs both home and away.... Do me a favour.In fact can you do me 3 favours???

1. Stop talking absolute shite

2. Get your green tinted, woe is me glasses off

3.Tell me what colour the sky is where you live

4.Take a stand ,and the next time one of the knuckle draggers in your midst starts singing about terrorists or fields in another land, report them to one of the usually ineffectual plods standing near to you

5. Come down off that high moral ground that you`re sitting on. You shouldn`t be sitting up there with an empty head, you`ll hurt yourself when you fall off

Your lot are just as bad as the other lot called Sevco,Orcs,etc etc across the city.

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I was about 12 or 13 when I was told by my mother as we watched the Orange walk go by that what it stood for.

:blink: I was in shock at what she said ! I really was ! especially as I was imitating the guy who threw the pole around up and down and around his back at the time :lol:.

Needless to say I never understood it until that moment and will always remember as I got a slap on the ear as a memory never to forget.

I still don't understand really why sectarianism is prevalent at a sport ...

I can relate to that. Was probably about 10 first time I registered this huge parade of oddly dressed people with weird banners. My mother gave me a non-answer as to what it was.

A few years later at Ibrox I noticed a group in the middle of the main enclosure. Looked kind of drunk but they were holding a banner of the guy on the horse and belting out songs that all seemed to end in F the Pope. If it hadn't been serious you'd have thought it was a scene from Monty Python. I was up under the girders so could see the match and that mob quite clearly. I shouted to my big brother and asked if he'd seen them. He just said, 'Don't look over there'. I think small groups like that can have a poisonous effect. Since no one shouted them down, it maybe became accepted. I'm sure more and more joined in. Peer pressure maybe?

Anyway, I reckon I was about 13-14 when I realized that all this stuff was about some historic Irish thing. Yawn. And here was me thinking we went to Rangers matches and not Celtic's because 'they were an Irish club'. We actually lived a bit closer to Celtic Park than Ibrox. To my brother's credit he didn't have a sectarian bone in his body, and he still doesn't. Maybe that's why he was never more than an infrequent visitor to Ibrox. We actually used to wander down to Celtic Park on big European nights. They opened the big gates early and you could see the match. So I'm probably one of the few Gers' fans who saw Celtic's 1967 team at Parkhead biggrin.gif

But as I got older, and the OF seemed more about violent clashes, I just switched off to football. Always followed the national team though, but what got me interested in Scottish club football again was Aberdeen and Dundee United in Europe.

I was living over here then and a lot of those matches were live. Aberdeen's final against Madrid was played not far from here in Gothenburg. It was a miserable night of rain but what a triumph. A wee bit of '67 and '72 in the sense that these teams were mostly Scots lads. And when Dundee United went on those runs, well. The stand-out was Barcelona home and away. I think they are the only team to have done that. Funnily enough they lost over to legs to Gothenburg, who were still part-timers back then.

Sorry, rambling ... what was the question?

Edited by Danish Pastry
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