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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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ah but has anyone seen No8 and Andy Goram in the same room ?!ph34r.gif

Yes, of the two Andy Gorams No8 is always the Andy Goram on the left.

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Re media rights, saw this elsewhere. Pos no tv cash for Sevco then :D

Someone referred to it earlier and it likely refers to the division of league assets (property, bank balance, equipment, etc.) if it's wound-up. It'd be really surprising if a new club didn't get any prizemoney for 3yrs. However, they definetely would get a marginal cut of extra income under current arrangements... perhaps 1.2%.

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So I can't be bothered feigning enough interest in the SFL structure to find out how many teams are in the 3rd division, sue me. All you've done is highlight another example of SFL greed triumphing over sporting integrity. While they bleat about league expansion at the top, they keep the door firmly bolted at the bottom to protect their share of the cake.

Remind me which positions those chaps hold in the SFL orginisation. dry.gif

It's a pity that SFL greed got in the way. :(

Are you just trying to distract P&B snipers away from your one time fat hero McCoist with this pish?

Oh, the SPL irony :lol:

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and did either turn up at Poz's "Rangers liquidation house party" ?


I don't think they've been liquidated yet, if they have I missed the party too. :(

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Great find ,someone tweet that...


Police call for an end to Old Firm derbies in bid to end bloody mayhem

Feb 27 2011 Exclusive by Stephen Stewart, Sunday Mail

A POLICE leader demanded the Old Firm derby is banned amid escalating violence yesterday.

Les Gray, chairman of the Scottish Police Federation representing rank and file officers, said the nation simply cannot afford to deal with the drunken violence sparked by every clash between Rangers and Celtic.

And, after the violence and disorder that surrounded last Sunday's game, he claims the only solution is to forbid the teams from ever playing each other again.

Gray told the Sunday Mail: "The Old Firm games should be banned. They are just not worth the murder and mayhem that accompanies them.

"Every time we think we've got to grips with this issue, it just flares up again - as it did on Sunday.

"The cost to the police and the taxpayer is astronomical. In these harsh financial times, we can't afford to allow this any longer.

"A straightforward murder investigation can cost the taxpayer £1million, while a serious assault can cost £250,000.

"And it's not uncommon to get these kinds of crimes after an Old Firm match. Just look at the statistics for the violence.

"If the players are on the park squaring up to each other and being aggressive, I cringe.

"I know this violence will be replicated later on Scotland's streets - but then it will be done with bottles and knives."

Gray's demand comes after one of the worst weekends of football-related violence with arrests and casualties reported across Scotland.

Paul Coleshill, a member of Glasgow police board, said a ban was not out of the question: "It is not set in stone that these games have to come to pass. I can't see how we can go on paying the social and financial costs for this amount of disruption.

"People have to think the unthinkable to address this issue. And stopping Old Firm games altogether - or cutting the number of games - has to be on that list."

Every police cell in Glasgow was filled after last Sunday's Old Firm game.

Across Strathclyde, 230 arrests were made for violence, anti-social behaviour and disorder, compared to a Sunday average of 182.

Officers also responded to 157 domestic abuse incidents - an 80 per cent rise on the average Sunday - and arrested 51 people.

Other police forces were also under strain.

Central Scotland Police, which covers Stirling, Falkirk and Alloa, were bombarded with an average of 18 calls per hour.

Officers logged 222 calls between noon and midnight on match day, compared to 170 in the same period on the previous Sunday.

The number of assaults rose from eight to 22 and domestic incidents went from one to 11.

Ambulance chiefs said they dealt with 18 per cent more 999 calls across the country than on a normal Sunday with crews responding to 444 emergency calls, compared to 377 the week before.

The Scottish Ambulance Service said: "The busy periods are long after the game has finished. People have been drinking all day."

Five men were fined and given football banning orders for religiously aggravated breach of the peace at the Celtic Park clash.

Three were in their teens, one was 21 and the fifth was 30. One of the teenagers convicted, Celtic fan Mark McMurray, 19, of Airdrie, got a two-year banning order and £300 fine for shouting and swearing inside the stadium.

McMurray claimed yesterday that the police had been "very heavy-handed".

He said he had only been singing a song called "Cheer Up Walter Smith".

Strathclyde's assistant chief constable, Campbell Corrigan, was dismayed by the young ages of McMurray and the other offenders.

He said: "They have obviously soaked up the abhorrent tradition that thinks it's OK to behave that way."

Corrigan added: "People from across the world will have been watching the game on Sunday, and we have to send the message that any kind of violence is unacceptable.

"I am sad and embarrassed that some people may see any type of sectarian behaviour and think it is representative of Scotland."

There are fears of more violence with the Glasgow giants set to play each other seven times by the end of the season.

Two more Old Firm games will take place next month, including a Scottish Cup replay on Wednesday, with a third to be arranged for late April or early May.

Corrigan admitted: "It is a nightmare to have seven in a season. It has major implications for our resources."

A senior police insider said: "The costs of dealing with these games - from helping victims to prosecuting people - could rise above £40 million this year.

"That's huge in a recession. And the number of arrests could be into four figures.

"About 10 years ago, they moved to earlier kick-offs to reduce the amount of drink-related violence, and there was an effect. But sadly, we are now back at the levels which forced that change in the first place."

Edited by THE KING
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Any word yet on which hotel Sevco FC will be using on their way to Brechin? Gleneagles is aboots half way is it not and only befitting for the biggest and most supported club in the world in Govan

Edited by Claymores
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I don't think they've been liquidated yet, if they have I missed the party too. :(

You haven't missed it.

The 'Official' Liquidation day has still to come. If someone with a spare £200 million steps forward ... willing to pay off Rangers debts - £140 million and pay the Green consortium's asking price of £50 million for the assets ... Rangers can still be saved from liquidation. laugh.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Well summarised and as I also noted, it's happened before: Clachnacuddin went into liquidation in late 80s, current ltd company was formed in 1990, but the authorities regard them as the 1886 club.

Agreed. As I've said before, if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

In this instance if it's in the same stadium as the orcs, wears the same jersey as the orcs, has the same knuckletrailing fans belting out the same bile as the orcs, then it IS the orcs, and I've no time for the must-eat-my-alphabetti-spaghetti-in-alphabetical-order types droning on about "different legal entities".

To be honest, that's the way it should be, shown as demoted to Division 3 and duly punished for their disgraceful actions, not allowed to start again with a clean sheet and an angelic halo over their heads.

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Any word yet on which hotel Sevco FC will be using on their way to Brechin? Gleneagles is aboots half way is it not and only befitting for the biggest and most supported club in the world in Govan


Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Agreed. As I've said before, if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

In this instance if it's in the same stadium as the orcs, wears the same jersey as the orcs, has the same knuckletrailing fans belting out the same bile as the orcs, then it IS the orcs, and I've no time for the must-eat-my-alphabetti-spaghetti-in-alphabetical-order types droning on about "different legal entities".

To be honest, that's the way it should be, shown as demoted to Division 3 and duly punished for their disgraceful actions, not allowed to start again with a clean sheet and an angelic halo over their heads.

But they haven't been demoted. We're in limbo as to what has actually happened.

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Any word yet on which hotel Sevco FC will be using on their way to Brechin? Gleneagles is aboots half way is it not and only befitting for the biggest and most supported club in the world in Govan

Out of all the things they've done, staying in a hotel to play Hearts gives me a flash of anger. Maybe, because it showed how shit D&P were at admin. Maybe, because it was a big fuckyou to the creditors. Or perhaps that it seemed like such a ridiculous thing to do for any team whether in admin or not.

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Sorry I was mistaken, he was credited as being in the top 20 by a sports publication in 2009. Instead of picking up on my mistakes, which really are an irrelevance in the debate as to whether "someone I met on an internet forum" is more knowledgeable in the subject than someone who is internationally recognised in the field, would you mind showing me where it can be proved "there is a legal distinction between the club and the company"?

Um, no, since I don't believe that there is. Are you confusing me with someone else?

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Out of all the things they've done, staying in a hotel to play Hearts gives me a flash of anger. Maybe, because it showed how shit D&P were at admin. Maybe, because it was a big fuckyou to the creditors. Or perhaps that it seemed like such a ridiculous thing to do for any team whether in admin or not.

What it demonstrated more than anything else was their arrogance, their belief that they would get away with all of it because of who they were - ah, the fresh air of reality smells so much the sweeter for it! :D

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You haven't missed it.

The 'Official' Liquidation day has still to come. If someone with a spare £200 million steps forward ... willing to pay off Rangers debts - £140 million and pay the Green consortium's asking price of £50 million for the assets ... Rangers can still be saved from liquidation. laugh.gif

Although... The BTC is still just a hundred ton weight poised over oldco's head:

By a quirk of fate I’m dealing with two specific press offices at the moment. One is the advisors to His Excellency President Assad of Syria, the other is the Tribunal Service attached to the judiciary in the UK.

Over the past fortnight I’ve had about the same level of service and information from both.

Which is odd since one is a notorious police state mired in kleptocratic corruption, civil war and generally violent systematic meltdown and the other appears to be British civil servants facing no such difficulties.

Yet try as I might it is next to impossible to puncture the extraordinary secrecy surrounding the First Tier Tax Tribunal where the fate of Rangers is to be determined.

Let’s start with some really simple information which, astonishingly, the judiciary service press office did manage to supply – they told me the names of those running the Big Tax Case hearing.

They are Mr Kenneth Mure QC (judge), Mr Scott Rae and Dr Heidi Poon.

So at that point I thought I’d try another easy question like when exactly did the Tribunal begin?

Mysteriously, we are not allowed to know this. When I asked why, I was informed that:

“The hearing was in private and it is possible that the identities of certain witnesses could be anonymised in the decision notice. So no details of names of witnesses or dates of proceedings can be released at present. The reason dates are confidential is that disclosure could enable identification of who attended.”

So apparently telling us the start and finish date could lead to witnesses being identified. I fail to understand any logic to this and the press office has failed thus far to explain any reason.

Nor can they explain any reason – reasonable or not – why witnesses need to be anonymous in the first place?

It is not a trial it is an appeal in effect. But it is a judicial process and justice is about being seen to be done. The process of appeal courts, crown courts, civil courts, magistrates’ courts, sheriff courts, public inquiries – the judicial process is open. So why are Tax Tribunals so avowedly secret?

Again, no explanation to date.

What many people want to know is what has delayed the Tribunal? We know there’s been a problem because both Tribunals press office and HMRC told Channel 4 News that the decision was expected “shortly after Easter”.

Here we are, three months on or so, not a hint of explanation at this (very expensive) delay. I’m sure there’s a perfectly straightforward explanation. So why can’t we know it?


Yet again, week in, week out, the Tribunals press office simply ducks the question. In the end they seemed to get a wee bit testy about anyone asking simple questions:

“I’m afraid the tribunal have declined to give any further information in this case until judgment is given,” wrote a press officer last week.

I can tell you they have received no complaints about the Big Tax Case from the HMRC about which there were various dark rumours in recent months – but as to when any decision will happen – who knows?

So I can only apologise for this rather Kafka-esque tale. I’ve tried and as I have left our shores for a while it seemed only fair to answer people who’ve asked what is going on?

Of course I haven’t answered, just passed on your questions. I don’t doubt that justice is being done as to whether Rangers FC’s tax arrangements were in order.

But I have very serious doubts that justice is being seen to be done and the taxpayers are owed an explanation.


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Although... The BTC is still just a hundred ton weight poised over oldco's head:

By a quirk of fate I'm dealing with two specific press offices at the moment. One is the advisors to His Excellency President Assad of Syria, the other is the Tribunal Service attached to the judiciary in the UK.

Over the past fortnight I've had about the same level of service and information from both.

Which is odd since one is a notorious police state mired in kleptocratic corruption, civil war and generally violent systematic meltdown and the other appears to be British civil servants facing no such difficulties.

Yet try as I might it is next to impossible to puncture the extraordinary secrecy surrounding the First Tier Tax Tribunal where the fate of Rangers is to be determined.

Let's start with some really simple information which, astonishingly, the judiciary service press office did manage to supply – they told me the names of those running the Big Tax Case hearing.

They are Mr Kenneth Mure QC (judge), Mr Scott Rae and Dr Heidi Poon.

So at that point I thought I'd try another easy question like when exactly did the Tribunal begin?

Mysteriously, we are not allowed to know this. When I asked why, I was informed that:

"The hearing was in private and it is possible that the identities of certain witnesses could be anonymised in the decision notice. So no details of names of witnesses or dates of proceedings can be released at present. The reason dates are confidential is that disclosure could enable identification of who attended."

So apparently telling us the start and finish date could lead to witnesses being identified. I fail to understand any logic to this and the press office has failed thus far to explain any reason.

Nor can they explain any reason – reasonable or not – why witnesses need to be anonymous in the first place?

It is not a trial it is an appeal in effect. But it is a judicial process and justice is about being seen to be done. The process of appeal courts, crown courts, civil courts, magistrates' courts, sheriff courts, public inquiries – the judicial process is open. So why are Tax Tribunals so avowedly secret?

Again, no explanation to date.

What many people want to know is what has delayed the Tribunal? We know there's been a problem because both Tribunals press office and HMRC told Channel 4 News that the decision was expected "shortly after Easter".

Here we are, three months on or so, not a hint of explanation at this (very expensive) delay. I'm sure there's a perfectly straightforward explanation. So why can't we know it?


Yet again, week in, week out, the Tribunals press office simply ducks the question. In the end they seemed to get a wee bit testy about anyone asking simple questions:

"I'm afraid the tribunal have declined to give any further information in this case until judgment is given," wrote a press officer last week.

I can tell you they have received no complaints about the Big Tax Case from the HMRC about which there were various dark rumours in recent months – but as to when any decision will happen – who knows?

So I can only apologise for this rather Kafka-esque tale. I've tried and as I have left our shores for a while it seemed only fair to answer people who've asked what is going on?

Of course I haven't answered, just passed on your questions. I don't doubt that justice is being done as to whether Rangers FC's tax arrangements were in order.

But I have very serious doubts that justice is being seen to be done and the taxpayers are owed an explanation.


I'm a bit puzzled here Macshimmy by your quoting the entire of Channel 4 Alex Thomson's latest blog post without explanation beforehand this is what you were doing.

Have I missed something going on earlier, or are you now confessing to being the one-and-only Alex The Succulent Lamb Slayer? :blink:

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