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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Steady on, lad - I don't like your mob either, remember......

The difference of opinion/resolution was, I believe, with Itwiznaeme a couple of weeks ago. Maybe if Bennett is unwilling to provide any back-up for his Lies and defamation, then Itwiznaeme might be able to give his opinion of the exchange - and I'm saying that even though he and I had a wee difference of opinion more recently. I'm fairly sure he'd remember if I'd ever kissed his (or anyone's) ass. Should help to refresh Bennett's memory.*

* Oh, no. I forgot. Itwiznaeme is one of "them", so his opinion won't count.wink.gif

I'm 100% confident that you have never kissed anyone's ass on this or any other forum. Only The Zombies kiss asses, each others asses and 'anyone' who sucks up to them. dry.gif IMO 'Benny the Bitch' isn't worth the time it takes to type a long post. He is good for mocking and ridiculing and nothing more.

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This thread is a bigger car wreck than the Sevco scandal itself.... Just remembered why I bowed out for a few months.

Aye, I thought we were getting back on track, but it has degenerated again over the last week or so. Problem is the lack of debate, because you need more than the Sevconians have in their locker to hold a reasonable position.

Deep down, they're shitting themselves, because they fear that Charlie Boy is another Murray/Whyte figure. I can't imagine where they'd get that idea. Their opportunity for real change disappeared the minute Charlie saw what stance he had to take to keep the orcs onside. Now they're backed into a corner, knowing Charlie is going to f**k the shit out of any semblance of a club they still have, but knowing that without him the whole sorry affair would be over and done with by now.

Being an orc just now must be bloody horrible - like surviving a shipwreck,only to find yourself sharing a lifeboat with a hungry tiger. And knowing that there's nobody to blame but the club itself. From boardroom to the Louden, as long as the results kept coming nobody wanted to listen to the rumours of financial problems - which, to my knowledge, date back to the early part of last decade.

As I say, it must be bloody horrible for them at the moment.....

But it's fucking funny for the rest of us!laugh.gif

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The only nutters are the idiots he engages with. He direct and honest unlike the wee liars and cheats that are prevalent in all layers of your club and support.

Not seen the posts you are referring to but I suspect if he was proved wrong he simply manned up and admitted it ,, it's what he normally does ... your manky mob simply deflect, talk shite and go around in circles .. see Bennett, Bendy and Tedi for prime examples.

I don't really like to waste time speaking to people as moronic as yourself.

You're too filled with idiotic hatred to engage in meaningful conversation.

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I'm 100% confident that you have never kissed anyone's ass on this or any other forum. Only The Zombies kiss asses, each others asses and 'anyone' who sucks up to them. dry.gif IMO 'Benny the Bitch' isn't worth the time it takes to type a long post. He is good for mocking and ridiculing and nothing more.

Mocking and ridiculing is what I'm enjoying most about him, TBH. Once things get moving on the shares/BDO/dual contracts, we can ignore him and his pussies posse. For now, though, I'll humour him. Don't want the sensitive wee soul resigning from P&B, now, do we?wink.gif

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Not frustrating at all... and these are facts, every fan of football in Scotland outside of the The Rangers fans knows it, and you will be reminded of it until the final nail is buried into you Clubs coffin. Not long now. :D

I'm very fortunate on not having to deal very often with diddy clubbers out-with online forums. That's largely because they are hens teeth rare.

The reality is we have a handful of a diddies and ill-informed plastics singing a lonely song and no one that matters is listening to their tales of woe.

Lovely stuff.

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I'm very fortunate on not having to deal very often with diddy clubbers out-with online forums. That's largely because they are hens teeth rare.

The reality is we have a handful of a diddies and ill-informed plastics singing a lonely song and no one that matters is listening to their tales of woe.

Lovely stuff.

Don't you go to the Tribute Act's matches, then? Some of them get 40,000+ diddy clubbers attending.....

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This thread is a bigger car wreck than the Sevco scandal itself.... Just remembered why I bowed out for a few months.

Look to the positive side of the thread. Rangers are dead. A new club has formed calling itself The Rangers (better known as The Zombies). It plays in Div3 (Fourth tier league). Due to the shite that various mouth pieces associated with the name Rangers have spouted, not just in Scotland but around the world recently, and the behaviour of its fans, the name Rangers and its reputation is now damaged beyond repair. Much more is still to come, and they will Forever be tarnished and remembered as the cheating bigots that they always were due to the continuing saga. Before the internet appeared, they may have gotten away with it all, the internet played a huge part in shining light upon them exposing all of their corruption. This thread and many others on other forums, and blogs, have already played a part in exposing them to the world. smile.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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I'm very fortunate on not having to deal very often with diddy clubbers out-with online forums. That's largely because they are hens teeth rare.

The reality is we have a handful of a diddies and ill-informed plastics singing a lonely song and no one that matters is listening to their tales of woe.

Lovely stuff.

^^^^^^^ Trying too hard to hide the tears as he watches his old nine in a row video's, why Minty, why did it have to end! :bairn :bairn

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at what point in your life as a rangers fan did you start using the club v company excuse?

for example....

at any point during 9 in a row, when everyone was lording it up, did you turn to your fellow fans and say "lads, what a buz eh, the company running the team are doing a great job"

or when things started to go pear shaped and the stadium started to fall into a state of ruin, could you be heard on a match day, exclaiming "the company that runs this club really do need to give the stadium a lick of paint"

and just for clarity.... did you call McClelland, Johnston, Greig, Gordon Smith etc Rangers directors.... or directors of the company that runs rangers?

see when Walter moved upstairs.... did he move from the club to the company?

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In your wee head maybe, out in the real world the msm and official sources and the SPL`s own commision are all lining up endorsing continuation, the arguments against like yours are starting to sound like weak wind ups ;)

Did you actually just link MSM and the real world!

Jesus, you need help!

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In your wee head maybe, out in the real world the msm and official sources and the SPL`s own commision are all lining up endorsing continuation, the arguments against like yours are starting to sound like weak wind ups ;)

Scottish football. Corrupt to the core.

Rangers cheated. Then they died. These are the facts.

Just because a few folk don't want to live in constant fear of violent reprisals for telling the truth, doesn't change that.

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In your wee head maybe, out in the real world the msm and official sources and the SPL`s own commision are all lining up endorsing continuation, the arguments against like yours are starting to sound like weak wind ups ;)

Did you actually just link MSM and the real world!

Jesus, you need help!

He did too! I blame his prozac.

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Charles Green may well know that the SPL wont survive in it's current incarnation for much longer. I don't expect it to last.

We know for a fact that Liewell is preparing to do battle with them. He's already fired warning shots across their bows. I hope it's messy, tawdry and casualty filled.

Whatever the top of football in Scotland becomes, we'll be at its pinnacle soon enough.

You know it, I know it, we all know it.

We're well out of it, as you say it's going to get messy. The guys on Radio Scotland on saturday were saying that despite claims to the contrary the Sky deal has not been signed, not looking good at all.

We need to take our time, we've got a good crop of young players coming through and with plenty of time for them to gain experience. We have all the time in the world, while the clocks ticking on the decaying SPL.

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