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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

I'm hoping for a bike from Santa. I think we're both going to be disappointed

You can get your wish. I also have a wee pair of stabilisers from when my wee yin learned to use a bike that I will happily send you for free.

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This rather suggests that the goodwill Green has enjoyed may be about to evaporate. He may be forced to pre-empt a leak by announcing that a major reason for the fund raising is to reduce the debt owed to Ticketus<br style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11.199999809265137px; line-height: 17.600000381469727px; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 252);">

Not long to wait

Not long?

No sooner than one fantasy w**k-fest hit's the rocks for the internet warriors - another appears.


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So when the players are approached to pay the taxes due and they state categorically the payments were wages and the club guaranteed to honour the tax due, is any liable for perjury or submitting false evidence to the court?

The Tribunal made the following Findingsof Law:

3 The sums advanced to the employees of the Appellants by way of loan interms of the relative loan documents, were made in pursuance of discretionary powersand remain recoverable and represent debts on their estates.

There are no taxes due on a loan.

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You've made enough of an arse of yourself on this thread without coming out with shite like that.

If you register a side-letter then it isn't a side letter. It's a letter.

Want to join my Truth and Reconciliation Commission?

The premise is that folk like you made capital in judging the outcome of The Big Tax Case and folk like me said we're not as bad as portrayed.

I am hoping for peace and harmony on the board.

Umbungo made this error based on a misreading of the Tribunal's findings. He confused the argument of Mr. Thomson with an actual finding in law. In fact, the majority of the tribunal did not accept Mr. Thomson's argument.

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I would suggest that the creditors should also be hounding HMRC. The refusal of HMRC to accept a CVA will have substantially reduced the amount of money they would get.

The CVA was rejected because of the non payment of PAYE and NI not the BTC, separate situation

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Well now that it appears to be certain that the new Rangers will arise like a phoenix from the ashes of liquidation and soon be the second best team in Scotland, i think it is time for me to depart from this thread.

There is nothing more to be discussed (for me). smile.gif

Enjoy the next few years in the SFL new Rangers fans, i wouldn't wanna be you watching your team struggling in Scotland's fourth tier league this winter and panicking when FPLG's team is sitting in 5th position come May 2013.

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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You can get your wish. I also have a wee pair of stabilisers from when my wee yin learned to use a bike that I will happily send you for free.

In which case I thank you for the kind offer* and hope you get your wish.

*you can hold on to them. I'll just use the set that our youngest has when he's done with them. If you have any handlebar streamers or spokeydokes though I'll take them.

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The Tribunal made the following Findingsof Law:

3 The sums advanced to the employees of the Appellants by way of loan interms of the relative loan documents, were made in pursuance of discretionary powersand remain recoverable and represent debts on their estates.

There are no taxes due on a loan.

Absolutely correct. The liquidator will go after the players (and others) for the total amount of 'loans' they received. They can ask for every penny to be 'repaid'. A whole new can of worms. More interesting days ahead.

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Absolutely correct. The liquidator will go after the players (and others) for the total amount of 'loans' they received. They can ask for every penny to be 'repaid'. A whole new can of worms. More interesting days ahead.

This assumes that it was the company that is in administration that made the loans and not MIH. Remember, the case was against Murray Group Holdings and others rather than specifically against Rangers.

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I'm sure the BDO/liquidators should have something to say about the recovery of the 'loan money' as well for the creditors. Haul the players into court for recovery. I am sure they will have plenty of assets to chase. Those involved in this farce are as guilty as those running the scheme.

Guilty of what? Running a perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme?

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Oh God, I love this. So two out of three judges rules that massive sums of money given that haven't been and will never be paid back are "loans"?

That is outstanding. Why didn't the two judges just stuff that judgement into a cheesegrater and mail it to HMRC's Colon, London?

I'll put my hands up - I thought that the idea that "loans" that don't need to be paid back were not really "loans" was so obvious that not even the civil courts could miss it. Looks like I couldn't have been more wrong.

And now, the multi-seethe begins. HMRC brood on their revenge, the SPL are handed a huge shite sandwich and every Bun in the land is asking - can we sue anyone in revenge for suiciding our club over nothing? Can Rangers go after Craig Whyte, the revenue or the RTC blogger?

Short answer - naw, but that won't stop any of these fannies from trying.

Off out to watch my team in the Champions League tonight and the good news is that even if we get pumped six-nil, we're still guaranteed European football next season.


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I'm sure the BDO/liquidators should have something to say about the recovery of the 'loan money' as well for the creditors. Haul the players into court for recovery. I am sure they will have plenty of assets to chase. Those involved in this farce are as guilty as those running the scheme.

I do hope your drawing on the 'expertise' of those wonderful people over at the RTC.


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Brilliant stuff today. As if the entire charade couldn't get any more ridiculous.

Oohh I reckon there's much more to come. The Sevco gloatfest appears to have died down pretty sharpish, mind. Maybe they've realised things haven't really changed all that much - their club is still dead, and Charlie's still talking bollox to fill the begging bowl.

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Where's the corrupt lawyer? Where's the failed social worker? At least the discredited journalist had the balls to go on the Radio and admit what little credit he had has now gone.

Where are all the 'You owe £150,000,000 ya cheats'... :rolleyes:

To each and every one of you who wondered why i stuck by my club on this thread through the darkest days ...GET IT RIGHT FUCKING UP YE'S!!! I was 100% correct from beginning to end...We owed nothing. It was a legal loophole...the clue is in the word LEGAL!!

People have sat around their keyboards patting themself on the back over this complete joke of a thread. I lost interest in idiots kidding themself on that they were fighting for justice and sporting integrity a long time ago...How fucking daft do you feel now? In all honesty some of you are so far up your own arses you cant even see that you have been taken for idiots.


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