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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Having had time to consider everything, there is no way Rangers should have had the plug pulled in such a way. It was well within the powers of the HMRC to allow them a stay of execution they could have called for the vote to be postponed until today.

Morally Rangers should still be Rangers and I will wait until the dual contracts thing before commenting on this matter further.

Enjoy it. :D;)

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Haven't seen you for months, mate. I'd started to assume you'd fallen down a hole or something.

well considering your club are in the SPL and the Champions league and mine was in the Ramsden Cup and SFL 3 i fail to see how we could have seen each others post... unless you are one of those so obsessed to come down and ruin the matchday threads on the SFL 3 forum

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I'm sure the BDO/liquidators should have something to say about the recovery of the 'loan money' as well for the creditors. Haul the players into court for recovery. I am sure they will have plenty of assets to chase. Those involved in this farce are as guilty as those running the scheme.

Not a hope in hell, if the money was to be paid back it would go to the trust who ran the scheme and the paper work is set up so that will be highly unlikely. From Neil Patey on sportsound :lol:

Edited by bennett
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Having had time to consider everything, there is no way Rangers should have had the plug pulled in such a way. It was well within the powers of the HMRC to allow them a stay of execution they could have called for the vote to be postponed until today.

Morally Rangers should still be Rangers and I will wait until the dual contracts thing before commenting on this matter further.

Enjoy it. :D;)

But rather than mount a serious challenge to that liability, which was of course still under appeal, Duff & Phelps stuck that 90+ million figure into the CVA proposal, thereby enabling HMRC to block the proposal unilaterally. Given their underhand dealings, serial dishonesty, and downright slipperiness, should H&D not be getting pursued by angry berrz? Remember who asked for them to be appointed.....

I have to say the thought that rangers may have been able to carry on but chose to commit suicide, is rather amusing. From all the facts and figures discussed here in earlier, more informative times, they were on their arsebones anyway, so it may well have been postponing the inevitable.

And,one final thought, morally, "rangers" (and their fans) are equivalent to the old rangers. Bankrupt. Any day now, the Retard will have Traynor saying they should be back in the SPL, because "they've been punished enough".

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Oh God, I love this. So two out of three judges rules that massive sums of money given that haven't been and will never be paid back are "loans"?

That is outstanding. Why didn't the two judges just stuff that judgement into a cheesegrater and mail it to HMRC's Colon, London?

I'll put my hands up - I thought that the idea that "loans" that don't need to be paid back were not really "loans" was so obvious that not even the civil courts could miss it. Looks like I couldn't have been more wrong.

And now, the multi-seethe begins. HMRC brood on their revenge, the SPL are handed a huge shite sandwich and every Bun in the land is asking - can we sue anyone in revenge for suiciding our club over nothing? Can Rangers go after Craig Whyte, the revenue or the RTC blogger?

Short answer - naw, but that won't stop any of these fannies from trying.

Off out to watch my team in the Champions League tonight and the good news is that even if we get pumped six-nil, we're still guaranteed European football next season.


The Tribunal ruled that the loans are recoverable. I know this doesn't fit in with your world-view but it is, nevertheless a finding in law.

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Where's the corrupt lawyer? Where's the failed social worker? At least the discredited journalist had the balls to go on the Radio and admit what little credit he had has now gone.

Where are all the 'You owe £150,000,000 ya cheats'... :rolleyes:

To each and every one of you who wondered why i stuck by my club on this thread through the darkest days ...GET IT RIGHT FUCKING UP YE'S!!! I was 100% correct from beginning to end...We owed nothing. It was a legal loophole...the clue is in the word LEGAL!!

People have sat around their keyboards patting themself on the back over this complete joke of a thread. I lost interest in idiots kidding themself on that they were fighting for justice and sporting integrity a long time ago...How fucking daft do you feel now? In all honesty some of you are so far up your own arses you cant even see that you have been taken for idiots.



Your club effectively died for nothing and you're fannying about in the Third Division, having been fucked out of two cups while your ex-greatest rivals are odds-on to make the Champion's League knock-outs.


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Guest Kincardine

I will wait until the dual contracts thing before commenting on this matter further.

Enjoy it. :D;)

Interesting. You posted dozens of comments when you thought we were guilty of misuse of EBTs. Not only dozens of comments but dozens of acerbic comments.

Today you've said, "I will wait until the dual contracts thing before commenting on this matter further."

That's a very sensible post and credit to you for such a considered remark.

However it does show you to be a hypocrite.

You didn't hold back when you thought we were guilty.

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Where's the corrupt lawyer? Where's the failed social worker? At least the discredited journalist had the balls to go on the Radio and admit what little credit he had has now gone.

Where are all the 'You owe £150,000,000 ya cheats'... :rolleyes:

To each and every one of you who wondered why i stuck by my club on this thread through the darkest days ...GET IT RIGHT FUCKING UP YE'S!!! I was 100% correct from beginning to end...We owed nothing. It was a legal loophole...the clue is in the word LEGAL!!

People have sat around their keyboards patting themself on the back over this complete joke of a thread. I lost interest in idiots kidding themself on that they were fighting for justice and sporting integrity a long time ago...How fucking daft do you feel now? In all honesty some of you are so far up your own arses you cant even see that you have been taken for idiots.


Nothing, that is, other than a year's worth of PAYE, NIC, and VAT. Oh, and the millions owed to other clubs at home and abroad, the Police, Ambulance Service, the Newsagent, the face-painter, the shredder company (money well spent), the energy companies...... Aye, nothing sounds about right when you're "ra peepul".

How fucking daft do we feel? Not daft enough to claim that the club which has existed for less than five months has won ANYTHING. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Guest Kincardine


Your club effectively died for nothing and you're fannying about in the Third Division, having been fucked out of two cups while your ex-greatest rivals are odds-on to make the Champion's League knock-outs.


Oh please. Is there some way of stopping stupid posts like this?

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Haven't seen you for months, mate. I'd started to assume you'd fallen down a hole or something.

Just checked...I have 1043 posts on this thread. I posted through the darkest days and have been proven 100% correct...no ifs buts or maybes...100% correct.

Where are Poz,Hibee Jibee,MrX etc etc etc etc ................and so on and so on :rolleyes: I doubt there has never been so many people so wrong in the history of the internet. This is certainly an epic thread...maybe not for the reasons some had hoped for but i am glad as a Rangers poster to have stuck by the club.


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Interesting. You posted dozens of comments when you thought we were guilty of misuse of EBTs. Not only dozens of comments but dozens of acerbic comments.

Today you've said, "I will wait until the dual contracts thing before commenting on this matter further."

That's a very sensible post and credit to you for such a considered remark.

However it does show you to be a hypocrite.

You didn't hold back when you thought we were guilty.

I've lost count of the number of guilty people I've seen walk out of courtrooms.

The EBT thing has always been more (for me) about the football rule rather than the law. I don't believe today's verdict has helped in that respect. We'll see. The club was dead anyway, so the verdict is like a posthumous pardon - salves consciences, but doesn't help the one doing the hemp fandango.

I just can't understand the triumphalism from your fellows this evening - the NEW club are still in D3, they're still not setting the heather alight, and Charlie still needs 20 million for ....what, exactly?

Oh, and Ally's still the manager.

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What happened to all the celebrations that were meant to be happening on this day when Hector finished us off for good? All that popcorn gone to waste ;)

You put your faith in Irish Phil

You put your faith in the Tax case website

You put your faith in the dodgy lawyer

You put you faith in KDS --- best website in the world © Norman

You put your faith in dicks like Andy Muirhead

You put your faith in the Ch4 kunt

You put your faith in Paul Brennan's CQN

You put your faith in any halfwit with a blog :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guilty of what? Running a perfectly legal tax avoidance scheme?

When enquiries are made regarding the repayment of these 'loans', it will surely be established that these 'loans' were never intended to be repaid - which they weren't.

When the individuals try to explain why they won't be repaying the 'loan', it could well become apparent that these 'loans' were nothing more than fraudulent attempts to avoid paying tax - once they've been established as fraudulent, it could then become a matter of tax evasion, rather than tax avoidance.

Here's how it could go:

HECTOR: "So, Doddsie - gonnae pay this loan back, mate?"


H: "How no, likesay?"

D: "I was telt I widnae have tae pay it back".

H: "You were telt you widnae have tae pay a loan back? Whae telt ye that, like?"

D: "Erm, Rangers...and my agent - they said it would be alright - they said they'd been daein it for ages".

H: "ORLY?"

Make no mistake, folks - this is tax fraud.

Loans, my arse! :lol:

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Your club effectively died for nothing and you're fannying about in the Third Division, having been fucked out of two cups while your ex-greatest rivals are odds-on to make the Champion's League knock-outs.


You really do have no shame... :lol:

Rangers will be here long after you and i are long gone but 1 thing is for certain...We will have no rivals in Scottish Football. We were. are and always will be the biggest most successful club in Scottish football.

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Will duff and duffer be forced to hand back their fee for misleading the buyers on the amount of debt?

Can the sale to charlie be reversed for them proving false info?

Can hmrc be liable for blocking a cva?

Can ticketus now ressurect dead co and pay of small creditors?

Will Charlie try to distance himself from oldco if questions start getting asked about the cheap deal?

Will billy dodds pay the scottish ambulance service a couple o bob out of a question of conscience?

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When enquiries are made regarding the repayment of these 'loans', it will surely be established that these 'loans' were never intended to be repaid - which they weren't.

When the individuals try to explain why they won't be repaying the 'loan', it could well become apparent that these 'loans' were nothing more than fraudulent attempts to avoid paying tax - once they've been established as fraudulent, it could then become a matter of tax evasion, rather than tax avoidance.

Here's how it could go:

HECTOR: "So, Doddsie - gonnae pay this loan back, mate?"


H: "How no, likesay?"

D: "I was telt I widnae have tae pay it back".

H: "You were telt you widnae have tae pay a loan back? Whae telt ye that, like?"

D: "Erm, Rangers...and my agent - they said it would be alright - they said they'd been daein it for ages".

H: "ORLY?"

Make no mistake, folks - this is tax fraud.

Loans, my arse! :lol:

Neil Patey of Ernst and Young has already said that will not be the case :lol:

Edited by bennett
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