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Adam Answers the Walter Smith Mystery – The Rangers Website Got it Wrong!

I posted a piece a wee bit earlier today, which was prompted by Adam and Ecojon talking at cross purposes (that being a charitable explanation) about Walter Smith’s position as a Director of Rangers.

I have mentioned before, regarding other Ibrox directors, that there is a duty to notify Companies House of Directorial appointments and departures within 14 days. Ecojon was wondering why Mr Smith’s appointment, trumpeted all over the press on 11th and 12th November did not seem to have been noted by Companies House.

I looked at what the official Rangers website said on 11th November, and what it is saying today, and pointed out certain inconsistencies.

Adam, who has in the past had access to the inner workings of Rangers came up with a fine “nothing to see here, please move along” response as noted below.

The official site got it wrong a few weeks ago. Nothing sinister in it, they just jumped the gun with what they said. Todays piece clarifies the position as i stated earlier this morning Paul.

As you say though, not a huge issue. In fact, its not even an issue at all.

I agree that this is not a big issue, yet the response is in the finest tradition of spin-doctoring. Almost in a “We are at war with Eastasia; we have always been at war with Eastasia” manner.

(I am not suggesting Adam is a power-mad egomaniac, intent on world domination and happy to twist the truth to dupe the cowed population and to direct them at his enemies. No that is actually ##### ######! Boom-tish!

[Editor’s note – even though this is intended as a joke I have instructed the writer to remove the name of ##### ###### in case they take it seriously – thank you])

So what is Adam’s explanation for declaring that two directors had been appointed “WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT” in November when that is wrong? Ah yes.

“The official site got it wrong and jumped the gun.”

So, the official site, operation of which has been taken in-house by Mr Green to save £30,000 per month, managed to announce two new directors, complete with quotes from them both and from the CEO, coupled with a picture of all three, leading to this being all over the press the next day…and this was all a mistake!

Indeed, such a mistake that the “mistaken” post was still there this morning when I looked!

It would, I suspect, be an embarrassment to Mr Green that his internal website operation were able to make such a mistake, and then not to notice it!? Maybe he should out-source it again to someone who won’t make such a mistake! After all, on Adam’s explanation, the present operation is incompetent!

People accuse me of finding something negative to say about Rangers everytime I post. That is not true. In one post in February, for example, I was neutral about them until the end of the second paragraph. (Another joke by the way).

I have repeatedly proclaimed my belief in Mr Green’s remarkable business abilities, which have resulted in him turning an asset worth £5.5 million into one worth upwards of £60 million or more, in under six months!

And this website issue is not a big deal. However the immediate rush by Adam and others to respond and to suggest that today’s post by Rangers “clarifies” the situation, when in fact it directly contradicts what it said before, is indicative of the instinctive desire to “defend” Rangers, even where there is no attack at all!

And bizarrely, the way in which the official site acts as if the report of 11thNovember does not exist, is what makes people interested in the previous announcement. I suspect that literally thousands of companies every year manage to forget to tell Companies House about directorial changes. I imagine very few, if indeed any, have any action taken against them.

I find the matter curious.

Posted by Paul McConville

PS Do me a favour guys (and girls) – tone it down a bit please. I am delighted that the blog is known as a place for reasoned discussion generally, and the quality of the commenters and their respect for each other, even where disagreeing, is integral to that. Let’s not lose it. Thanks.

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I'm only here today to tell all of the Ayebroke bears that have been posting on this thread, while their new club plays down on in Scotland's Fourth Tier League, that i am enjoying watching you forever being force-fed Karmic pie, especially the most spiteful among you. smile.gif

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Green started a new company to operate the club, the existing membership was transferred to the new company, this was not a new membership

Simply not the case as I already demonstrated and others confirmed. A club membership belongs to a club and it does not transfer when there is a change of owner.

You can't have it both ways. If the club and company are separate (which they aren't) there would be no need for a transfer of membership.

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I swear we were the same club! But what about Third Lanark, did they continue as a club through 1967? No so your club died and has clone that is acting like Rangers.

The new club will Forever be known to everyone, apart from the deluded people who follow it, and only for as long as it survives, as 'The Rangers Clone that replaced the tax-dodging cheating RFC (R.I.P.)'. smile.gif

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We may need to tag on a bit once the SPL hearing has finished and stripped the cheating cnuts of titles. SOOOOO much to look forward to in the New Year .... :lol::lol::lol:

Can't wait for that as well, Scottish Cup 2009 final is ours and i'll be laughing all day at the orcs blaming everyone but themselves. :lol:

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Simply not the case as I already demonstrated and others confirmed. A club membership belongs to a club and it does not transfer when there is a change of owner.

You can't have it both ways. If the club and company are separate (which they aren't) there would be no need for a transfer of membership.

With the shysters involved in rangers for the last few years, the berrz are getting it ALL ways. Weirdly, they seem fine with this....

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Dumbarton fan in apology revelation.

To quote form a Pink Floyd song on Dark Side of the Moon - I was really, really drunk at the time (when I wrote that post last night).

Misinformed, rude and drunk - Dumbarton fans, what are we both like, eh?

I'll let you off with it cos i like your avatar.

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With the shysters involved in rangers for the last few years, the berrz are getting it ALL ways. Weirdly, they seem fine with this....

Do you think Shiels will play Pascali tomorrow against Celtic tomorrow Norm?

A bit of a risk, Killie could win the game and then lose the points.

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I'm not one to get hung up on calling the new club Sevco or The Rangers, or anything. I'll even accept a degree of continuity, although we can't pretend that nothing's changed. The notion that the good stuff can be retained, while the bad stuff gets banished doesn't sit at all well.

As far as league entry is concerned though, the 2012 version was new. It wasn't a member of the SPL and given that it's the top flight, it would have been wrong to admit them. To stick them in the first would also have been hopelessly disrespectful to the teams they'd have leapfrogged . Even their entry into the 3rd without a bidding process isn't right, but most of us can live with it.

To not accept the wording that says Rangers were 'kicked out' by other SPL clubs or couldn't 'stay in' the SPL isn't point scoring pedantry - it's simply reflecting the reality of why Rangers are currently in the bottom tier.

Also did not the old club Rangers PLC est 1872 in liquidation have a vote itself on whether to admit the new club Sevco Scotland as it was called at the time straight into the top tier of Scottish football ?

And was it not the Rangers PLC est 1872 the only member of the 12 clubs voting a yes to admit the new club in when the SPL member at the time Rangers PLC est 1872 was still actually a member club in the SPL & SFA and still held the valid licences when Green was trying to shoe horn his new club straight into the SPL ?

SO ! how can Rangers fans actually believe in a complete continuation of the club when there was Green trying to get an SPL position for his new club when the old club still held the SPL licence,and is it not very strange that the Rangers PLC est 1972 had an ACTUAL VOTE to allow Green's new club a straight shoe in to the SPL !

There we have it then ! the SPL member Rangers PLC est 1872 had a vote to allow green's new club a place in the SPL when the old club was very much still alive because the old club held the SPL licence.

ETA ! how can a club have a vote to allow itself to be entered into the SPL when it was already a member club in the first place ?

Edited by hellbhoy
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Do you think Shiels will play Pascali tomorrow against Celtic tomorrow Norm?

A bit of a risk, Killie could win the game and then lose the points.

Do keep up, Bennett. KS trolls again.

Only someone incredibly stupid would ask that question now. Yesterday, maybe, but not the day after he's said it was a wind-up.

Still, it's of great relevance to rangers, so well-posted.wink.gif

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Do keep up, Bennett. KS trolls again.

Only someone incredibly stupid would ask that question now. Yesterday, maybe, but not the day after he's said it was a wind-up.

Still, it's of great relevance to rangers, so well-posted.wink.gif

How foolish of me, discussing Kilmarnock with a Celtic fan.

My mistake.

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Do keep up, Bennett. KS trolls again.

Only someone incredibly stupid would ask that question now. Yesterday, maybe, but not the day after he's said it was a wind-up.

Still, it's of great relevance to rangers, so well-posted.wink.gif

How foolish of me, discussing Kilmarnock with a Celtic fan.

My mistake.

There you go....laugh.gif

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Here we go, the Messiah has spoken.

Strange how his second sentence is "I don't know the entire background, but Dundee United were fairly vociferous against Rangers last summer."

Then he proceeds to tell us all exactly how it is.

Sevco dictionary:

Vociferous (adj) - 1. acting in a manner where one wishes rules to be applied fairly.

2. As above, plus "Give us the money from the cup tie, you thieving c***s".

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Also did not the old club Rangers PLC est 1872 in liquidation have a vote itself on whether to admit the new club Sevco Scotland as it was called at the time straight into the top tier of Scottish football ?

And was it not the Rangers PLC est 1872 the only member of the 12 clubs voting a yes to admit the new club in when the SPL member at the time Rangers PLC est 1872 was still actually a member club in the SPL & SFA and still held the valid licences when Green was trying to shoe horn his new club straight into the SPL ?

SO ! how can Rangers fans actually believe in a complete continuation of the club when there was Green trying to get an SPL position for his new club when the old club still held the SPL licence,and is it not very strange that the Rangers PLC est 1972 had an ACTUAL VOTE to allow Green's new club a straight shoe in to the SPL !

There we have it then ! the SPL member Rangers PLC est 1872 had a vote to allow green's new club a place in the SPL when the old club was very much still alive because the old club held the SPL licence.

ETA ! how can a club have a vote to allow itself to be entered into the SPL when it was already a member club in the first place ?

And the truth will set them free!!!

PS no need for the glorification of a terrorist organisation in your post! It's not necessary in Celtic Park and it's not necessary here :angry:

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Why have you put that forward as a quotation,that was not part of the SFA statement,maybe you should try and separate the reported article from the actual statement.

SFA statement; "The Scottish F.A can confirm that The Rangers Football Club Limited have today received confirmation that full membership of the association has been transferred". That's the statement,not what you tried to highlight. For further confirmation of club continuity read Lord Glennies report.

FFS Youngsy ! if Green had bought the flipping club then there would be no need to transfer it as it would have come with the sale of assets that Green made.There would be no need to transfer the licence if Green actually bought the club itself as it would have came with the sale and this clearly shows that Green bought the assets only and had to acquire the old clubs licence which was in limbo since the 14th of June as it was revoked with immediate effect after the old club filed for liquidation.

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FFS Youngsy ! if Green had bought the flipping club then there would be no need to transfer it as it would have come with the sale of assets that Green made.There would be no need to transfer the licence if Green actually bought the club itself as it would have came with the sale and this clearly shows that Green bought the assets only and had to acquire the old clubs licence which was in limbo since the 14th of June as it was revoked with immediate effect after the old club filed for liquidation.

He knows that..they all know that, they're just being arseholes because they don't know any other way to behave. :lol:

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