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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I looked this up myself when I saw Jelavic's deal... It seems BDO 'sold' or 'packaged' half of OldCo's sell-on rights in what they sold to Green.

The club’s liquidation means all monies raised for deals struck by the oldco are split evenly between the newco and the liquidation pot. As such, the current board will only see £300,000 of the Jelavic cash while twice that amount would have been heading their way had liquidation not occurred.

A Rangers spokesperson confirmed: ‘The club will benefit financially from a sell-on clause that was in the original transfer agreement with Everton. The money will be split between the club and the liquidation estate in accordance with an agreement that was made with the joint liquidators from BDO LLP.'

Cool - pass on half the debt as well !

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If Rangers have no debt, then they have no creditors, so if they run out of cash surely it will be a liquidation rather than an administration 

The players are creditors, their contracts will have to be fulfilled one way or another.
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Not been on P&B since the last debacle...got sick of the bluenoses shouting at me for saying that the business plan was completely unsustainable.....all told you so aside...there are some major questions which need to be answered by Regan

1. if the newco licence was dependant on them having the business plan approved by the SFA, who at the SFA signed off on this?? Why did they sign off on plan which saw such a huge discrepancy between outgoings and income ( I mean outside of player spend as it was clear that MP and Ibrox running costs would outstrip operational income ) Either a fake plan was submitted, or the SFA employee responsible should be removed from office.

2. when they saw the player payroll rising so high on top of running costs, why was no action taken ? I maybe wrong but they were on conditional temp licence so they sfa could surely have stepped in

3. was the sign off on business plan done in the hope that they could finagle newco into top league early via restructuring despite the way that the clubs voted when newco first applied to join league?

In addition the spfl needs to address how it could allow the possibility of a promotion in the event of the next admin event...it would be clear financial doping given that spending £14 million on players when you cant afford it is nothing other than cheating. Newco should have been kept on a very short leash indeed but have been allowed to splurge money to keep the glory hunting fans happy...well attendng anyway. Crikey Paul Hartley got a a part time squad promoted twice with a budget smaller than allys salad allowance !

Good questions.

Tha SFA have a lot to answer for here, it was fairly obvious to your average punter that this wasn't sustainable so why couldn't the authorities see it.

They tried to bend the rules to accommodate them, for the good of the game Regan and Ogilvie should go too.

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Tom English ‏@TomEnglishSport 19mThe Ibrox board’s grand plan, Operation Buckpass, hasn’t fooled many among the support. Players asked to bail out the suits. Fans’ turn next

15 friendlies a couple of exploiting the troops games a new orange top and sponsor a blade of grass Fundraiser should do it.

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It's not like they even have any bloggers to take their rage out on this time. I remember the days when this thread was filled with revenge fantasies about the imminent jailing of the Rangers Tax Case guy but this time round, there's nobody.

Not that this will stop them, mind. My guess is it'll be "People who celebrate club employees losing their jobs" and the football authorities who didn't refuse them entry to the league. After all, it didn't have to make sense last time, and it won't be necessary this time either.

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Fannying around on the internet - think I've found the original New Rangers business plan...

Charles Bialystock: Don't you see, darling Bloom, glorious Bloom? It's so simple. STEP ONE: We find the worst club/company in Scotland, a surefire flop. STEP TWO: I raise a million bucks. Lots of little old ladies out there. STEP THREE: You go back to work on the books, two of them - one for the government, one for us. You can do it, Bloom; you're a wizard! STEP FOUR: We open at Ibrox. And before you can say STEP FIVE, we *close* at Ibrox! STEP SIX: We take our million bucks and fly to *France!*

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Those fucking SFA/SPFL meanies. If only they had bent further over and just allowed The Rangers to go into the Top or second tier of the leagues, this would never have happened IMO.

It's a good point. The unfairness of it all is tragic...

... Right, as if anyone believes that.

It's not, I suppose, the role of the SFA to be monitoring Rangers spending in order to ensure a stable ship. If they want to spend £6 million p.a on salaries in the third tier, fine, go ahead. But this happening should be no surprise to anyone. We've seen it before, and we all know how it ends. No amount of Rangers fans bleating about having to start anew in the third division as was will change that. Nor will Dangerous Dave King be the solution. Incidentally, Rangers fans seething about what rich individuals have done to their club come up with one solution; sell all the shares to one rich, provably crooked, businessman. The stupidity of these people would be sad if it wasn't so hilarious.

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