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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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ST renewal in already.

25% increase (because I sit near the halfway line apparently)

They can get lost until (1) The wigs and Spivs are out AND (2) McCoist is out

Game by game for this bear.

Tbh, I would tell them to ram there ST too....25%....ffs

If your going game by game,you are still giving them money......might not be popular but the only way to get them out is to starve them of cash.....starting with gate money. I realise bears want to see there team,but surely game by game will let the spivs stumble on....not having a go at you ....just my opinion.....would like to hear opinions on this from rangers fans that's all....Celtic fans put a strangle hold on gate money until the old board could borrow and beg no more and the rest is history.

Edit to add...game by game is like drip feeding the spivs cash rather than up front.....similar to Dave glibs idea.....would it not be better for fans to boycott games which starves them out quicker.....then someone can pick them upnand run them properly wither its a mccoll or a glib??

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Well why don't you go challenge Phil... contact him and see what he says.

i've got no reason, want or inclination to challenge him.

I know who my source is, i have no idea who mad Phil's is. Go challenge him if you think he's talking shite.

I don't know why you are so fearful of discussing rumours on here. before your old club died, every day the back pages of the red tops would be feeding the fan base some pile of shite rumour about the worlds best player signing for rangers.... bet you were all happy to discuss these rumours?

now for some reason, you are all scared to, until they become fact!

Such is the difference in salary given by you both, you have a valid reason to challenge McGillivan on this, far more than me or anyone else. After all you provided myself with a figure far removed from McGillivans, so i would think that for the reason of reliability of your source you or indeed your source should refute his claim.

As for stating i'm fearful of discussing rumours about the club, behave yourself ffs. More the fact that i can't be arsed going into it all, not anything about being fearful, however if you want to ask me, ask away.

Now getting back to McGillivan and his blog, you have stated you have info far different to his, so why not challenge his take on things, you stated it not me. So who is correct here, you or McGillivan, Dave. As for challenging McGillivan, i've did that on something far more important than money, football or clubs, i was proven correct on that, suffice to say that he was found to be a liar who was trying to stir up sectarian hatred.

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Tbh, I would tell them to ram there ST too....25%....ffs If your going game by game,you are still giving them money......might not be popular but the only way to get them out is to starve them of cash.....starting with gate money. I realise bears want to see there team,but surely game by game will let the spivs stumble on....not having a go at you ....just my opinion.....would like to hear opinions on this from rangers fans that's all....Celtic fans put a strangle hold on gate money until the old board could borrow and beg no more and the rest is history.

I've said this before, the only way to rid the club of this board is by starving them of income. You will always get fans going to see the team, it happened with Celtic, but by having a significant reduction in gate money and a severe reduction in ST uptake it will soon have a detrimental effect on the board and club. The only thing stopping so many is the fear factor, such as security over Murray Park and the Stadium being one of the main things. The events of the past two/three years doesn't help any on a decision such as this. However it's about time these support groups got organised in such a way that this board would have no option but to sell up.

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I don't know why you are so fearful of discussing rumours on here. before your old club died, every day the back pages of the red tops would be feeding the fan base some pile of shite rumour about the worlds best player signing for rangers.... bet you were all happy to discuss these rumours?

Who is fearful?

Speaking for myself i just can't arsed with everykunt and his/her dug having a source/being in the know....

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Such is the difference in salary given by you both, you have a valid reason to challenge McGillivan on this, far more than me or anyone else. After all you provided myself with a figure far removed from McGillivans, so i would think that for the reason of reliability of your source you or indeed your source should refute his claim.

As for stating i'm fearful of discussing rumours about the club, behave yourself ffs. More the fact that i can't be arsed going into it all, not anything about being fearful, however if you want to ask me, ask away.

Now getting back to McGillivan and his blog, you have stated you have info far different to his, so why not challenge his take on things, you stated it not me. So who is correct here, you or McGillivan, Dave. As for challenging McGillivan, i've did that on something far more important than money, football or clubs, i was proven correct on that, suffice to say that he was found to be a liar who was trying to stir up sectarian hatred.

The difference is.... i don't give a f**k what he posts on his blog. i may use it on occasion as a reference to point and laugh at Rangers. who doesn't?

But in the grand scheme of things? he is of no importance to me what so ever.

A bit like whether rangers fans believe me or not, i couldn't give two shits.... i was posting on this thread long before the post liquidation gang created their new profiles and started posting on the BRALT, so really, orc opinion (when rarely shared) is of no value.

what i would suggest is that as a rangers fan you should look at the two suggested wages (what was it i posted by the way? its that long ago i son't remember) and be fearful that either of them are correct.

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Who is fearful?

Speaking for myself i just can't arsed with everykunt and his/her dug having a source/being in the know....

Do you share that same opinion with your rangers supporting mates or the guys around you at the ground, or work colleagues?

any time one of them wants to discuss something they've over heard.... do you just put your hands up and say.... take your discussion somewhere else, i'm not interested in rumour until it's fact.

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The difference is.... i don't give a f**k what he posts on his blog. i may use it on occasion as a reference to point and laugh at Rangers. who doesn't?

But in the grand scheme of things? he is of no importance to me what so ever.

A bit like whether rangers fans believe me or not, i couldn't give two shits.... i was posting on this thread long before the post liquidation gang created their new profiles and started posting on the BRALT, so really, orc opinion (when rarely shared) is of no value.

what i would suggest is that as a rangers fan you should look at the two suggested wages (what was it i posted by the way? its that long ago i son't remember) and be fearful that either of them are correct.

I think he's lost it Dave, it sounds like he wants you to challenge Phill to a duel over who's anonymous source is correct.

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The difference is.... i don't give a f**k what he posts on his blog. i may use it on occasion as a reference to point and laugh at Rangers. who doesn't?

But in the grand scheme of things? he is of no importance to me what so ever.

A bit like whether rangers fans believe me or not, i couldn't give two shits.... i was posting on this thread long before the post liquidation gang created their new profiles and started posting on the BRALT, so really, orc opinion (when rarely shared) is of no value.

what i would suggest is that as a rangers fan you should look at the two suggested wages (what was it i posted by the way? its that long ago i son't remember) and be fearful that either of them are correct.

As you posted it to myself in a PM i have the view that it wasn't my place to post it, seeing as it came from your source. However now that you ask, you stated that McCulloch was on £2,000 per week, with a deferred bonus in place. Now perhaps you can see the massive disparity between your post to me and McGillivan posting £15,000 going up to £17,500 a week. Someone is wrong and for what it's worth i'm inclined to go with yours, rather than a proven liar like McGillivan.

However why post such info if you aren't going to challenge such as McGillivan has posted, after all if it was a Rangers fan that put up such a link i'm inclined to think that you would have challenged the Rangers fan, might be wrong there but i don't think i am as it is only Rangers fans that seem to be challenged on here.

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As you posted it to myself in a PM i have the view that it wasn't my place to post it, seeing as it came from your source. However now that you ask, you stated that McCulloch was on £2,000 per week, with a deferred bonus in place. Now perhaps you can see the massive disparity between your post to me and McGillivan posting £15,000 going up to £17,500 a week. Someone is wrong and for what it's worth i'm inclined to go with yours, rather than a proven liar like McGillivan.

However why post such info if you aren't going to challenge such as McGillivan has posted, after all if it was a Rangers fan that put up such a link i'm inclined to think that you would have challenged the Rangers fan, might be wrong there but i don't think i am as it is only Rangers fans that seem to be challenged on here.

So, should I be challenging Phil or the poster?

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I've said this before, the only way to rid the club of this board is by starving them of income. You will always get fans going to see the team, it happened with Celtic, but by having a significant reduction in gate money and a severe reduction in ST uptake it will soon have a detrimental effect on the board and club. The only thing stopping so many is the fear factor, such as security over Murray Park and the Stadium being one of the main things. The events of the past two/three years doesn't help any on a decision such as this. However it's about time these support groups got organised in such a way that this board would have no option but to sell up.

I agree you always get some going to the games.....it does tug at the heart strings and you end up going.

Can remember an incident with Celtic fans paying into game then walking out on mass at HT.....which I thought was stupid.....as they had already given them cash....glad to say the fans got there act together and the majority including me stayed away from games ......which as I've said before isnt easy coz its the club you love.

I understand the security is an issue regarding assets .......but something has to give,otherwise this is going to go on longer....game by game is not the answer IMO.

I agree the support need to be united........there are far to many factions and groups in your support with there own agendas....they need to speak as one........easier said than done.

A boycott probably could be organised for say a few weeks or whit ever and see whit statements come out the club....at the very least it would show the people in charge that the support ain't going to take much more.....it shows a bit of fight and shows them they can't just keep slapping yous down and taking the money from you......which is basically whits happening just now......they get yer money then stonewall you.

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So, should I be challenging Phil or the poster?

You can please yourself on that but perhaps you should stand by what your source has given out to you by letting people see how much of a discrepancy there is between both of them and maybe let them decide. Or why give out such info in the first place Dave. After all we haven't seen much from your source after the Jon Daly figure was ridiculed.

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You can please yourself on that but perhaps you should stand by what your source has given out to you by letting people see how much of a discrepancy there is between both of them and maybe let them decide. Or why give out such info in the first place Dave. After all we haven't seen much from your source after the Jon Daly figure was ridiculed.

Ive let people see the discrepancy... I've told you to post the figure I gave you. You have posted it... Are you caught in a time warp, or forgotten already?

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