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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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hence why I try and not even debate with them anymore it is utterly pointless. I actually think some of the points that come across would be agreed with by the majority if it wasn't for the part of your profile that says team:rangers.

All i've done is say what i think the situation is at Ibrox. Nobody has offered an alternative, i've had 20 notifications in the last two days and they've all been petty digs, playing the man and not the ball.

I honestly think some of the posters in here just get their kicks out of BRALT tit for tat.

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So having got the assurances they wanted, it then turned out they didn't have the assurances they wanted.

Have I got that right?

I thought that the UoF were considering the proposals made by the club and were going to look into it. I don't think they ever claimed to have anything sorted out.

Tbf i was this expecting from the board.

Edited by bennett
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Why are you obsessed with the fact i do accountancy? :lol:

Nah it's more likely that the investors towards Laxey aren't going to be keen for their money being used in a petty board room battle, when they can leave with what they have. Asset stripping especially with such a high profile case would not be an easy option. Laxey don't fanny around with money they're all about the profit margins.

What age are you anyway?

Could you expand on that Max ? I don't do accounts but maybe you can help me out. Cheers.

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Go on, explain the irony, this should be good.

Oh so you can't see it? Are you five years old...

You're trying to call me immature using the most immature patter i've seen on here. Grow the f**k up, do you not have anything better to do with your life today? :lol:

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That particular "moment" lasted a good couple of weeks, if I recall correctly.

I wonder if he's going for a World Recorpd with this one?

You just made that up.

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hence why I try and not even debate with them anymore it is utterly pointless. I actually think some of the points that come across would be agreed with by the majority if it wasn't for the part of your profile that says team:rangers.

Some people just can't let go of their preconceived prejudices. A good example was last night - where almost every post i made was jumped on by a certain poster trying to stir up an argument out of nothing.

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Could you expand on that Max ? I don't do accounts but maybe you can help me out. Cheers.

It's strange how people on here expect you to answer all their questions when they don't even show human decency when speaking to you.

Is this an interview because you've still not told me what age you are, whilst you're mocking my job too it'd be nice if you would tell everyone what it is you do, so we can come up with a wee nickname or something equally hilarious!

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Is it a crime to change your mind, we football fans are an emotional bunch, we love our club and this causes us to take different view on things as events unfold, of course this is something you will never know anything about.

People change their minds all of the time, there is nothing worse than someone who is so rigid that they can't adjust their opinions.

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Not at all. I was renewing right up until the 120 day review...All pish and wind and heard it all before from Green and Whyte. Not a penny from me. Not an easy decision to make but not one single penny.

I have the money here and actually tried to buy a Value Gold ticket for the Etihad with it but they were sold out. I will not be a season ticket holder at Ibrox until there is a dramatic change in the boardroom. I may go to the odd away game though but i ll decide that when i need to

Ah, I see.

Dasodoodah gets totally exasperated with all the off the park pish, decides he's had enough and intends to go watch Hearts - who have just been relegated - and he gets pelters, shunned and put on ignore by No8.

No8 gets fed up with it for the same reasons and decides to use the cash he would normally use for an Ibrox ST, to go watch Man City - who have just won EPL - and sounds off like some kind of righteous hero.

Nothing to be confused about here eh?

Which one of these posters should be considered to be the glory hunter? :rolleyes:

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A problem most Rangers fans face on here, if you dare to disagree with the mobs opinion then they just gang up and attempt to shout you down.

I wouldn't even mind if any of them shouted down where they've disagree with me rather than just utter pish patter.

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hence why I try and not even debate with them anymore it is utterly pointless. I actually think some of the points that come across would be agreed with by the majority if it wasn't for the part of your profile that says team:rangers.

But you guys all still realise this in an Internet forum full of experts in every field and kid on hard men at every turn.

While I'm not much for ripping people's posts or arguing much with other posters I have to say that if you're looking for common sense, fair and balanced arguments, a sense of decency and people to treat other posters with respect and decency then the Internet and specifically Internet forums are not for you.

(I don't necessarily mean you, you just posted the last on that specific topic of decency and reasoned debate).

Edited by thehoss
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All i've done is say what i think the situation is at Ibrox. Nobody has offered an alternative, i've had 20 notifications in the last two days and they've all been petty digs, playing the man and not the ball.

I honestly think some of the posters in here just get their kicks out of BRALT tit for tat.

Why do you think your pipe dream is worth anything other than digs? What evidence have you shown that this is anything other your personal fantasy?

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All i've done is say what i think the situation is at Ibrox. Nobody has offered an alternative, i've had 20 notifications in the last two days and they've all been petty digs, playing the man and not the ball.

I honestly think some of the posters in here just get their kicks out of BRALT tit for tat.

What's a notification? Like a red mark thingy?

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Oh so you can't see it? Are you five years old...

You're trying to call me immature using the most immature patter i've seen on here. Grow the f**k up, do you not have anything better to do with your life today? :lol:

Huh? Do you honestly think the way you post on here shows maturity? I jokingly called you a five year old so you call me one? Really? That's mature?

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Thanks for actually responding to the content.

His spend spend spend challenge would bother me why?

Again regarding his reputation, it doesn't affect Rangers. He has prior convictions, so what? Since when have football fans cared so much about the morality of the suits?

He would pass the SFA's test, he has previously given us £20M and lost out so it's really not like any of the previous is relevant unless you just don't like him as a person. I really don't understand why anyone would believe he's trying to fleece Rangers fans. Where does that come from other than a timmy wet dream?

Ok I don't want to get into a thing, but can you prove king put in that 20mil and lost it all?

Is it easily traceable?

I mean apart from lip service what proof do you have?

It's like Murray saying he put a ton of money into rangers when in reality he didn't spend a penny(loan to purchase rangers) and just moved debt around which is now affecting other MIH businesses now.

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I wouldn't even mind if any of them shouted down where they've disagree with me rather than just utter pish patter.

You won't get much reason out of them i'm afraid. I see that you've currently got Aofjays hounding your every post, probably best just to stop responding to him.

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It's strange how people on here expect you to answer all their questions when they don't even show human decency when speaking to you.

Is this an interview because you've still not told me what age you are, whilst you're mocking my job too it'd be nice if you would tell everyone what it is you do, so we can come up with a wee nickname or something equally hilarious!

It's strange how you complain no-one wants to discuss your view but when someone tries to discuss it with you you go in a huff.

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You won't get much reason out of them i'm afraid. I see that you've currently got Aofjays hounding your every post, probably best just to stop responding to him.

aofjays Is a weird one, I just leave him to his own devices. he is like a wasp eventually he will fly out the window and go away .

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Ok I don't want to get into a thing, but can you prove king put in that 20mil and lost it all?

Is it easily traceable?

I mean apart from lip service what proof do you have?

It's like Murray saying he put a ton of money into rangers when in reality he didn't spend a penny(loan to purchase rangers) and just moved debt around which is now affecting other MIH businesses now.

It's been widely reported that he lost it all

There was a south African article which at first looked like it claimed he earned profit from it but that looks like it's been taken out of context.

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