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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Your first line is a topper mate.

You don't think he has the money to invest? :lol:

BPH/Margarita's shares could be bought for £6M

I probably have "done more background work" than yourself. Yeah i've always stated it's my opinion rather than factual information.

Have you f**k. Why don't you answer the questions then?

I'll ask you another few and we'll see if you can answer these.

1. What is the combined shareholding (in %) of BPH and Margarita?

2. If DK buys this for £6m, how much does this value Rangers at?

3. Do you still think you have done more background work?

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Is it a crime to change your mind, we football fans are an emotional bunch,.

And what about the guy that changed his mind and became a Hearts fan?,,,,abused by your fellow bigots.

Edited by BossHogg
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Maybe you should read some of your fellow swallow swallowers' comments on this thread regarding a poster who has decided to walk away and follow a team with less baggage.

Maybe you should stop making up utter nonsense ... Just a thought

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You want to bury nonsense by posting a lot of nonsense, interesting strategy.

There are hundreds and hundreds of posters on P & B that support other clubs, yet find plenty to of things to discuss that do not concern Rangers, when this whole shitstorm started this thread attracted a lot of discussion, now however most have understandably moved on, what we have left is mainly a few manic obsessives that are really not that interested in football or their own clubs and in reality spend their existence thinking about Rangers, I am not saying this accounts for all BRALT posters, we still have a few reasonable guys who you can have a decent discussion with and a bit of banter, these guys are also visibly active in other areas of the forum, but please do not confuse yourself with one of these reasonable types, while not the worst you are definitely in the obsessive mentalist camp.

Tedi, when "this whole shitstorm started" you were a fair few months from that famous meeting where you became aware of P&B. You must remember that - it was just after Charlie got the go-ahead for the Travelling Players*.

You and wee Bendy are great for telling everyone how things were "back in the day", yet neither of you tipped up until after rangers died.

*And shortly before your first Five Star meltdown. :)

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Tedi, when "this whole shitstorm started" you were a fair few months from that famous meeting where you became aware of P&B. You must remember that - it was just after Charlie got the go-ahead for the Travelling Players*.

You and wee Bendy are great for telling everyone how things were "back in the day", yet neither of you tipped up until after rangers died.

*And shortly before your first Five Star meltdown. :)

8800 posts....5317 on one thread about Rangers FFS :lol:

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His post count on Kiliie went from about 10 to 100 over the killie employee dabacle, he kinda showed himself up a bit, then he took a break.

So you followed WRK to a thread you have no interest in just so you could read his posts and how they were received? And you call him obsessed? Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

Edited by aofjays
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Ah, I see.

Dasodoodah gets totally exasperated with all the off the park pish, decides he's had enough and intends to go watch Hearts - who have just been relegated - and he gets pelters, shunned and put on ignore by No8.

No8 gets fed up with it for the same reasons and decides to use the cash he would normally use for an Ibrox ST, to go watch Man City - who have just won EPL - and sounds off like some kind of righteous hero.

Nothing to be confused about here eh?

Which one of these posters should be considered to be the glory hunter? :rolleyes:

I think you've got the attitude here that because No 8 goes to see Man City and is maybe buying a season ticket that means he is no longer a Rangers fan, i would suggest that his situation is a good bit different to Das as 8 will still be going to Rangers games, albeit away, his decision is that he won't be going to Ibrox to put money in the pockets of the regime that is currently there, nothing wrong with that, the team will still be getting his support at away games.

I go to Man City games on a regular basis, have done for many years, i also, over the course of time, have went to many Liverpool games at Anfield, doesn't make me any less a Rangers fan. Das on the other hand has turned his back on Rangers, quite a significant difference.

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Yes it was complete comedy, highly recommended, I did not get involved, quite happy to sit back and laugh to be fair, just a pity the thread got chopped.

A pity? Not for you and Vicky, as you can post your uncorroborated lies quite happily.

Any other statistical analysis of my posting history, or are you content to continue calling me obsessed while following me around P&B and recording where I post and when?

The debacle at ibrox is entertaining millions - goings-on at WRK Towers would have, imho, limited entertainment value.

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Exactly Youngsy, you can still be a passionate fan from a distance, it is just unfortunate that at least for the short term we have to forgo attending games to force change for the long term good of the club.

This is completely different than deserting the club you love permanently because the going gets tough.

Congratulations on your (and No.8's) elevation to uber-supporter status - by the simple process of, er, not supporting your team.

Brilliant. Let's hope there's enough space for you all on that moral high ground. :lol:

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Exactly Youngsy, you can still be a passionate fan from a distance, it is just unfortunate that at least for the short term we have to forgo attending games to force change for the long term good of the club.

This is completely different than deserting the club you love permanently because the going gets tough.

or the team/club actually still exists.

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Congratulations on your (and No.8's) elevation to uber-supporter status - by the simple process of, er, not supporting your team.

Brilliant. Let's hope there's enough space for you all on that moral high ground. :lol:

You really are a clown. Try and read what was posted without your obvious hatred of all things Rangers related blinding you.

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Have you f**k. Why don't you answer the questions then?

I'll ask you another few and we'll see if you can answer these.

1. What is the combined shareholding (in %) of BPH and Margarita?

2. If DK buys this for £6m, how much does this value Rangers at?

3. Do you still think you have done more background work?

Considering i've been following Rangers since birth i'd find it extremely pathetic if you had done more background work


I'm at work and don't have all the answers to hand or off the top of my head and i'd be here all day if i was to respond to every question.

Where are you going with this?

1. I think it's roughly 30%

2. Value would increase if he acquired the 30% anyway, it's what i think they'd sell at. Not directly how much they're worth. Don't really get your question tbh.

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Who abused him on this forum?

any football fan who changes their team in my eyes is a cretin, hence why I said I would have more respect for even the most bitterest Celtic fans before tits like him.

Not worth worrying about. He has decided to change teams and is now the bestest Hearts fan in the Universe. :rolleyes:

You better get used to this feeling, your new team tonight were virtually all 1st team picks, while we put out a genuine U20 team in the true spirit of the competition, things will be tough for Hearts next year, I wonder what team you will jump ship to next.

While the last two probably don't fall into the category of 'abuse' there was still animosity shown towards him.

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This and it is pathetic.

Supporting a team is not something to chop and change just when the going gets tough, sure choosing to withdraw direct support for a while is fine but to change teams entirely, we certainly do not need fans like that.

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Considering i've been following Rangers since birth i'd find it extremely pathetic if you had done more background work


I'm at work and don't have all the answers to hand or off the top of my head and i'd be here all day if i was to respond to every question.

Where are you going with this?

1. I think it's roughly 30%

2. Value would increase if he acquired the 30% anyway, it's what i think they'd sell at. Not directly how much they're worth. Don't really get your question tbh.


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Considering i've been following Rangers since birth i'd find it extremely pathetic if you had done more background work


I'm at work and don't have all the answers to hand or off the top of my head and i'd be here all day if i was to respond to every question.

Where are you going with this?

1. I think it's roughly 30%

2. Value would increase if he acquired the 30% anyway, it's what i think they'd sell at. Not directly how much they're worth. Don't really get your question tbh.

pc or phone posts ?

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