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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Houston's an idiot. What he's doing is spamming. The moment someone asks you to stop sending them email you have to comply or you are breaking the law (even if they previously gave permission which Houstom claims he got from his sandy's lawyer). Never mind getting sued by a convicted fraudster he could end up in jail.

Is he sending them all likes?

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what would selick fans do if your club was in the same situation having a board in charge you hated and your club was going down the cludgy?

no wait a minute you were 1993/94. :lol:

fhanny power......no wait that didn't happen either, selick flans did nothing and could only watch as the ship started sinking. :lol:

lucky for you a sugar daddy walked through the door at the last minute with a big bag of money to plug the holes.

you hated him at first too

Did celtic fans not organise to an extent? I seem to remember they had a massive drop in attendances - some kind of boycott* or the like.

Shame for rangers fans that the sugar-daddies they've put their faith in have been a set of shysters unworthy of that faith.


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what would selick fans do if your club was in the same situation having a board in charge you hated and your club was going down the cludgy?

no wait a minute you were 1993/94. :lol:

fhanny power......no wait that didn't happen either, selick flans did nothing and could only watch as the ship started sinking. :lol:

lucky for you a sugar daddy walked through the door at the last minute with a big bag of money to plug the holes.

you hated him at first too

Strange, that's not how I remember it. Oddly it's not how M Kelly remembers it either. In fact Kelly bitches about the fans concerted efforts causing BoS to nearly kill the club.

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You need help to understand what i meant by that? :lol:

It's always funny when pedants try to patronise, surely you could have used your intellectual prowess to overlook my error of judgment and still make sense of the comment or was that too difficult for a wordsmith like yourself?

In all fairness, Maxsta, your original statement was pretty unequivocal, and demonstrably ridiculous.

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In all fairness, Maxsta, your original statement was pretty unequivocal, and demonstrably ridiculous.

It was obvious what i meant. It's ridiculous to over analyse such things that should be obvious to anyone who can speak to people in the real world.

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what would selick fans do if your club was in the same situation having a board in charge you hated and your club was going down the cludgy?

no wait a minute you were 1993/94. :lol:

fhanny power......no wait that didn't happen either, selick flans did nothing and could only watch as the ship started sinking. :lol:

lucky for you a sugar daddy walked through the door at the last minute with a big bag of money to plug the holes.

you hated him at first too

Wow, you've just made all that up

McCann wasn't a sugar daddy, in case you forgot the fans raised more through the share issue than Fergus ever put into the club.

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It was obvious what i meant. It's ridiculous to over analyse such things that should be obvious to anyone who can speak to people in the real world.

I understood you perfectly. You meant something very much like this:

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I'm still shocked he was bumming up Norman :lol:

Who was bumming up who? I think you will find WRK offered the olive branch. I am not one to hold grudges against anybody and especially not somebody who i have never met before. If you go back to when WRK first joined the site you will see he was a decent poster who posted quite a bit on this subject...What happened after that is quite spectacular with some pretty outrageous posts BUT i am ever the optimist and hope he returns to the poster he once was.

As HT said....Let it go FFS

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It was obvious what i meant. It's ridiculous to over analyse such things that should be obvious to anyone who can speak to people in the real world.

are they actually nit picking an arguement because you said you had supported rangers since birth ? jesus wept , what a bucn of strange creatures

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(substituting 'Rangers fan' for 'Roman Catholic' and allowing that you did say 'from birth'. Apart from that, it's bang on.)

Interesting point you raise (inadvertently)

What age can you be said to have 'chosen' your football team?

How many kids get a choice?

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Who was bumming up who? I think you will find WRK offered the olive branch. I am not one to hold grudges against anybody and especially not somebody who i have never met before. If you go back to when WRK first joined the site you will see he was a decent poster who posted quite a bit on this subject...What happened after that is quite spectacular with some pretty outrageous posts BUT i am ever the optimist and hope he returns to the poster he once was.

As HT said....Let it go FFS

Thanks for setting the record straight, No.8.

I certainly did change my posting once the scale of the corruption in our Game became apparent, and have continued, I believe, to be consistent in my views on the matter. A declaration easier to make when you don't have to change your viewpoint according to circumstances like failed CVAs, liquidation, concurrent licence holders, one rangers voting on the fate of another one, etc.

I'll never fail to defend myself against personal attacks, of which there have been many of varying severity - up to and including a suggestion that I kill myself - but you can rest assured I will "return" to my usual placid self when we get as far as the stake through the heart/silver bullet/headshot which finally kills that mob of thieves and charlatans off. Hopefully taking the likes of Ogilvie and Doncaster with them. Because then the idiots like bennett and Magoo will disappear, as Bendarroch apparently already has*. Tedi will be gone too, as there will be no need for a football forum for him if rangers don't exist.

Then we can concentrate on the other lot.

*Beraing in mind - a. he may yet be back, and b. His vitriol was so plentiful, anybody could cop for it. ;)

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