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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It was a stich up, Green was always going to get in there, unless everything CF posted was a fake and all these meetings never took place, one thing we did not have was neutral administrators.

He would have run a mile had fans been organised and put the funding in place, can't blame him for your fans failure at the time.

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It was a stich up, Green was always going to get in there, unless everything CF posted was a fake and all these meetings never took place, one thing we did not have was neutral administrators.

Charlotte Fakes ?

:D :D :D

Next you will be quoting the disgraced provo lawyer :D

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Another non story from obsessed Charlotte.

From what I am hearing Thomson (winding up order in 10 days :lol: ) is not going to touch Fakeover with a barge pole, seemingly all the material is illegal, non admissible and falls foul of levison.

anyway when does Charlotte reveal something worthwhile?, so far its all pretty weak.

ETA to add, even the Scottish Rangers Football monitor refused all the stuff Charlotte had when they were offered it, must be toxic.

Repeat, Tedi bigging up Charlotte :D :D

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Maybe the fans could have done something when..

Well, maybe they could have done something sometime, instead of laughing off any concerns about their financial stability as "chonspiracies and 'tic wet dreams", bickering among their various fan groups as to who were the better "rangers men", and wrapping themselves in that lovely warm 54WATP comfort blanket.

But they didn't.

So rangers died.

So sad, never mind.

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Right, so you think everything CF as come out with is true or false or are you just going to troll me to death with old posts?

Did these meetings between CG and CW take place months before anybody had ever heard of chuckles?

Assuredly they took place, and yes it was a stitch up from before day 1.

But my sort of point (just finished work and getting napper round the last two days worth of lolz) is that snafu etc think by denying the spivs income they will get ''their club'' back.

It is hard to make comparisons, as shoite in the En@lish Leagues like Bolton etc get more financial income Tedi, so I suppose the nearest to what you aspire to compete with is Celtic.

They are valued at what? £60M+?

Any stock market valuation does NOT include players.

So to drive the spivs out, you will need to pony up at least say £40M. Which is roughly what it would take going by the share price 12 months ago.

Then, you would need to rebuild the asbestos ridden hovel, and buy a squad of what the Horde would demand as 'Rangers quality'.

Say another £30M to compete with Celtic , for one years sake.

So denying the spivs more income will lead to what exactly?

Them caving in and accepting a few £££ when they have alternatives, such as sale/leaseback (which would end the charade), or being even more (St)ruthless.

Which again would finish it.

So the voracity of Charlotte is an irrelevance to Rangers, but by damn it is important to the rest of Scottish football, in respect of we need to see how far the corruption of our Governing bodies lies.

Now that, is what must be rooted out. Rangers are gone, done and dusted.

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Which was my point, yes the Rangers fans did nothing but turn out in large numbers which only suited these crooks but even if someone had come up with an Ann Budge type solution there was no way D & P would have ever accepted it, we could have offered £20M they would have knocked back with some complex reason.

Honestly I have no idea what is going to happen next, whatever the end game is, starving them of cash will make it happen sooner, A ST boycott like this was certainly not part of their plan, that much is for sure.

And see detail in previous post , £20M wouldn't be enough.

Which comes back to Craigy and not chuckles. And if back to Craigy, it isn't a big leap to the pension fund killer.

But also, it was the 'myth' of it all. ''Large numbers'' is true, but only because the kiddies prices were about £60/80 a season wasn't it? (plus the freebies given away). It was all about maintaing an illusion. If the prices had remained 'fairly' high (needed to keep in line with the expenditure ), there would have been sub 30,000. Possibly sub 20,000.

And that would have declined the second year due to the dross on offer.

Tedi, I am only doing this from memory, but the Div 3 season when the Record etc trumpted ''full house'' re season sales, I think the figure of £12M was mooted and splashed as such by the compliant journos. The accounts said however iimr , circa £6M.

None of the Horde questioned this, just more of ''Full hoose = WATP'' crap.

Edited by Bing (2)
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Gate receipts and hospitality £13.2M, think its safe to say the Rangers fans did turn out and in numbers way above the nonsense that was branded about on here.

That was two years Season books Tedi, as Charlie said in advance...........

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First year was........

3. Revenue 7 month period to 31 December 2012 £'000

Gate receipts and hospitality


Sponsorship and advertising


Broadcasting rights






Other operating income




Eta, I think it is safe to say Tedi will need to be washing the car for the rest of the day again ........

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You are not allowed to include money from ST for games which have not yet been played, this is detailed as deferred income separately in the accounts, which is why the amount you see is £6.4M

The £13.2M (from the full accounts not interims) was income from ST`s, gate receipts and hospitality for season 12/13 only.

Yet the accounts cover 13 months Tedi.................

£6.4 M from the first year, and from your own Rangersstandard crown re the second

So, at 30 June, £6.9M of season tickets had been sold, £2.4M was to be collected under payment plans, and £4.5M had been received in cash

£6.4 (1st year) + £6.9 M (2nd year to the end of the a/c period) = £13.3.

Rounding off, that is the amount you claim for one year.

Chuckles said all this at the time ffs.

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All I can say is that you are wrong on this point.

You are simply not allowed to include revenue from ST`s for matches which have not yet been played, it was clearly listed as deferred income in the interim accounts, of course the other thing that shows your assumption up to be wrong is the fact that the club would have received more money after December 2012 from match day ticket sales.

The £13.2M was for 12/13 season only.

Tedi, ffs, you have been duped all the way, are now wary as Hell, yet still swallow the Party line.


I assume you are refferring to

Deferred income comprises season tickets, sponsorship, hospitality and other elements of income which have been received in advance and will be recognised as revenue as the season progresses.

which was £8.1M.

So if the season sales for the games still to be played as at Dec 2012 were still to be taken into account, the total would have been what? £18M? Plus the lucrative hospitality. Plus the Sponsorship? £13M less a generous 1/2 season = £6.5M, take away from £8.1M = £1.6M.

The hospitality fees were huge (getting bigger :D) and you add the sponsors, and you actually believe they added up to £1.6 M from Dec to the end of the season.


How far through the season is December?

It was 13 months Tedi, 2 fecking years :)

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It is nothing to do with the party line or any other such nonsense.

It is merely a simple fact that you are not allowed to include income from ST` for matches which have not yet been played in your accounts as revenue, any such income must be listed as deferred income, this is pretty basic stuff, every other club is the same.

The £13.2M did not include a penny of ST money for the 13/14 season.

20 secs to google...

In our current financial year, which ends on June 30, we will have had two seasons' season tickets, because next year's season tickets will go on sale in May.

If you are saying CF is admissible, so then will the Records interview with Charles.


Includes other such purlers as

Green told TalkSPORT today: "Ticketus don't have any involvement whatsoever. They were involved with Craig Whyte, which caused a problem, and previously to that David Murray used them when he was running the club.

"They are no way involved. The season ticket money this year came into the club and that's sat in the bank.

"Rangers is in such a fantastically strong position without the IPO (stock market launch)."

He added: "The club has got cash, it's still got no debts. In terms of the monthly requirements for cash, we can't run out of money

lol, not much point in c+p'ing more, the whole thing is a dream, including the 'Rangeritus' :D

THE Ibrox chief said: "I am Rangers. I'm running that club, I'm making the decisions and I'm going to protect that club with my life."

Rangers chief Charles Green meets Rangers fans at Ibrox

RANGERS chief executive Charles Green has described the club's financial position as "fantastically strong" as he seeks to mastermind a return to the Champions League.

The Third Division club announced earlier this month they would seek admission to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange. Green hopes the realigning of their finances following the liquidation of the oldco will be completed before Christmas.

He insisted Rangers are in a sound financial situation and maintained that links with Ticketus, who struck a controversial agreement with former owner Craig Whyte, are in the past.

Green told TalkSPORT today: "Ticketus don't have any involvement whatsoever. They were involved with Craig Whyte, which caused a problem, and previously to that David Murray used them when he was running the club.

"They are no way involved. The season ticket money this year came into the club and that's sat in the bank.

"In our current financial year, which ends on June 30, we will have had two seasons' season tickets, because next year's season tickets will go on sale in May.

"By the end of June we'll have collected, so I'll have another pile of cash before this (financial) year ends.

"Rangers is in such a fantastically strong position without the IPO (stock market launch)."

Clarifying his use of "I", Green added: "I am Rangers. I'm running that club, I'm making the decisions and I'm going to protect that club with my life. No one's ever going to abuse it.

"I've started to catch Rangers-itis. What I do see now is an opportunity to finish it and take it back to greatness.

"I won't leave before Champions League music's playing at Ibrox. But I've already changed my mind once, so it may be I end up changing my mind until we win it (the Champions League)."

Green says the player wage bill has been cut from £27million to under £7m and that Rangers are in rude health.

He added: "The club has got cash, it's still got no debts. In terms of the monthly requirements for cash, we can't run out of money."

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