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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Really? The whole thing about this is that HMRC had a responsibility to the employees, the fact that they allowed Whyte to withhold PAYE for the time mentioned was irresponsible of them, which part don't you get about that. So please expand on what i've made up.

Again youngsy, what should they have done? And yes, Whyte didn't withhold anything, Rangers did. What part of "Craig Whyte was Rangers" do you struggle to understand?

This screams of you yet again trying to lay the blame somewhere it doesn't belong.

HMRC dealt with the whole Rangers case in a very worrying manner.

I agree Benny, hmrc were far too lenient and patient with old Rangers, especially in the face of their campaign of dishonesty and skulduggery.

Shame it didn't save them.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Is PAYE paid to the Revenue every month? Or is it every quarter, like V.A.T.? If it's every quarter, I can see why it wasn't paid for the best part of 9 months, with seemingly no action having been taken.

First quarter missed, promises made to pay etc, etc, 2nd quarter missed, morepromises, etc etc, third quarter payment approaches the boom is lowered.

Although I was surprised that HMRC let it run so far, too, given Whyte's track record.

Paid every month, on or before the 19th of the month. In that respect HMRC were negligent in not dealing with Whyte sooner than they did instead of allowing this to go on for 9 months.

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Again youngsy, what should they have done? And yes, Whyte didn't withhold anything, Rangers did. What part of "Craig Whyte was Rangers" do you struggle to understand?

This screams of you yet again trying to lay the blame somewhere it doesn't belong.

I agree Benny, hmrc were far too lenient and patient with old Rangers, especially in the face of their campaign of dishonesty and skulduggery.

Shame it didn't save them.

The blame for the liquidation lies with Whyte, that has always been my stance on this, not HMRC or any other organisation.

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I didn't mean you told lies. I meant you'd had to make something up to cover for forgetting what you really wanted to say.

You hadn't actually meant to go to the trouble of making that silly point had you?

Tell me then Youngsy, why do you think that HMRC 'allowed' non-payment then?

Try if possible to avoid sounding like an utterly paranoid nut-job in your answer.

You really are coming across as a arrogant person on here at times. Again i'll state, HMRC have shown a great deal of irresponsibility in allowing Whyte to withhold PAYE knowing that he was under their investigation. It was incompetence at best from them and nothing to do with any underhand move or conspiracy against Rangers. I think my last sentence wasn't the answer you wanted, more the opposite i should imagine.

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At deidco HQ what exactly were the board of directors and the accounting department employees doing whilst the evil genius hid the mail and diverted HMRC's phone calls ?

You know those same employees that handled the accounting for the deidco prior to Whyte, those same guys that would issue the cheques and check the bank statements ... mmmmh ?

I'll bet they knew that HMRC had little chance of seeing payment .... long before HMRC did ... but you continue living in your fantasy world.

Without a doubt they knew but at the end of the day Whyte was the man running the show, he made the decisions.

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The blame for the liquidation lies with Whyte, that has always been my stance on this, not HMRC or any other organisation.

Pipe down with your attempts to blame HMRC then.

Incidentally, do you reserve any criticism for other directors from the period at all, or was the dastardly Whyte able to bamboozle them all from his hollowed out volcano as he stroked a cat?

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Pipe down with your attempts to blame HMRC then.

Incidentally, do you reserve any criticism for other directors from the period at all, or was the dastardly Whyte able to bamboozle them all from his hollowed out volcano as he stroked a cat?

Where did i ever blame HMRC for the liquidation? I've stated that they were irresponsible in allowing Whyte to withhold the PAYE for such a long time, knowing full well he was undder their investigation. As for the directors, without a doubt they have to apportion some of the blame but as i've said many times, Whyte was running the show.

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Paid every month, on or before the 19th of the month. In that respect HMRC were negligent in not dealing with Whyte sooner than they did instead of allowing this to go on for 9 months.

Is PAYE not paid quarterly, approx 5 weeks after the close of the quarter? If so then Rangers missed 2 payments and HMRC nailed them before the third. Hardly a negligent case of dragging things out.

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Without a doubt they knew but at the end of the day Whyte was the man running the show, he made the decisions.

What about their responsibilities, if they were in the know?

Whyte had authority, but he wasn't a despot capable of sending those who opposed him to the Tower.

Whyte is clearly a despicable individual, without whom things would have developed differently (or perhaps merely more slowly), but he could not and did not act alone. Suggesting HMRC should have intervened, but turning a blind eye to the blind eye turned - in turn - by directors of the bloody company itself, seems a bit bonkers.

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What about their responsibilities, if they were in the know?

Whyte had authority, but he wasn't a despot capable of sending those who opposed him to the Tower.

Whyte is clearly a despicable individual, without whom things would have developed differently (or perhaps merely more slowly), but he could not and did not act alone. Suggesting HMRC should have intervened, but turning a blind eye to the blind eye turned - in turn - by directors of the bloody company itself, seems a bit bonkers.

The good part here is that, even if you fully accept that "HMRC were irresponsible", it's still absolutely impossible to believe that Whyte managed to withhold PAYE for that long without directors, HR or payroll services being aware of it. Which suggests club-wide complicity in a fraudulent scheme. As in "HMRC were irresponsible, but Rangers as an institution deliberately defrauded the Treasury".

And that's only if you accept that HMRC were in some way remiss, which is a highly dubious argument.

In short, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out why some Rangers fans are so very keen on spreading the blame as far and wide as it will go.

Edited by flyingrodent
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This is the problem with loose language and sloppy journalism. Poor inadequates like youngsy here will latch onto anything that moves blame away from their dearly departed club or their lacklustre, shitebag, disloyal fans.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. No wait a moment, it would be sad if it wasn't so funny. That's it

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This is the problem with loose language and sloppy journalism. Poor inadequates like youngsy here will latch onto anything that moves blame away from their dearly departed club or their lacklustre, shitebag, disloyal fans.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. No wait a moment, it would be sad if it wasn't so funny. That's it

Spot on. It's this idea of spreading the blame wide that the Rodent mentioned.

Whyte never had any previous as a Rangers man and wasn't there long, so he can be seen as an external force. HMRC can obviously be characterised similarly.

The culture of victimhood and the paranoid idea that Rangers have been singled out for unfair treatment, help to create a narrative that is cosier, but wildly removed from the reality of how the club behaved under successive regimes.

Edited by Monkey Tennis, Today, 16:32.

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The blame for the liquidation lies with Whyte, that has always been my stance on this, not HMRC or any other organisation.

What should the HMRC have done about Whyte?

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You are still ignoring the fact that HMRC would have trusted Rangers BoD to act in an honest and responsible manner despite CW's involvement. Duh !!!

The BOD could have over-ruled Whyte at anytime.

Just another example of Densboys wild imagination.

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The BOD could have over-ruled Whyte at anytime.

Just another example of Densboys wild imagination.

Might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he didn't say that. I think he's accusing the directors of wrongful trading, if so it would be up to the liquidators to decide if they want to go after the directors themselves for cash to pay oldco's debt.

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