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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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you're not one of the utd fans in that photo on that dundee fc thread are you?

if you are, all you would have to do is show that and you'd be in

Which thread is that?

I'm afraid United fans don't obsessively scan threads pertaining to their city rivals. Is that normal behaviour in Glasgow, perchance?

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that's what its called 'the dundee fc thread'

and yes all over this forum

Ouch. I wonder when that was taken.

Bunch of haddies. The Nazi at the front should get away from his PC more often - a it peely wally. The Nazi at the back right should be taught the difference between left and right.

But, the wee burd hiding to the left? Wid.

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question - would a victory for the yes vote make it impossible for the hmrc to claim alleged unpaid taxes from rangers?.

*cough* yes.

Just made the polls swing wildly.

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RANGERS has received a number of applications from Club Members to join the Official Rangers Fans Board and the Club is still inviting applications across all the 12 supporter demographics – particularly those from the local Govan community, disabled and ethnic minority fans - ahead of the deadline of 9am on Tuesday 19th August, 2014.

The Official Fans Board will help fans shape the future of their Club through regular and constructive dialogue with the Board and Senior Management and applications will be welcomed from supporters wishing to represent the following categories:

  • Season Ticket Holders
  • Female Fans
  • Families
  • Overseas Fans
  • Fans in Glasgow/Govan Community
  • Disabled fans
  • Ethnic Minorities
  • Under 18s
  • Ibrox match ticket purchasers (non-season ticket holders)
  • Corporate fans (fans who have enjoyed corporate facilities watching Rangers)
  • Fans who attend away games
  • Rangers Official Members (non-season ticket holders)

The Nominations Committee – Reverend Stuart MacQuarrie, former Rangers Captain David Weir, international rugby star Alastair Kellock and supporters Tom Mowbray, Mhairi McKenzie, Melville Curry, Ross Hardie and Holly-Jade Johnston – will evaluate applications with Club Members then asked to vote on the 12 candidates they feel will best look after their interests.

Club Members – which includes all Season Ticket Holders for 2014/15 who receive complimentary membership - can complete the online application form at fansboard.rangers.co.uk and the deadline for submissions is 9am on Tuesday 19th August, 2014.

For further information on how to apply CLICK HERE

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Recruitment Pack



The Official Rangers Fans Board

Rangers Football Club Ltd is creating an Official Rangers Fans Board for Season 2014/15 which will give supporters the chance to shape the future of their club through regular and constructive dialogue with the Board and Senior Management.

The Club is totally committed to improving and enhancing its relationship with fans and the ultimate aim is to take this 142-year-old institution back to the very top of Scottish football together.

Our Ready to Listen Fan Engagement initiative has been embraced by supporters and feedback generated from surveys and focus groups – conducted with a cross-section of the fanbase – has been invaluable.

The Official Fans Board will be created to benefit all supporters and is an important step forward as we strive to improve communications.

  • The Fans Board will provide a platform for supporters to communicate directly with key Club staff in a structured manner
  • Give the Club greater insight into the topics and issues that most affect and concern the wider Rangers fanbase
  • Allow supporters to better understand the Club’s decision-making process on key issues
  • Enable supporters to play a crucial role in helping the Club achieve success on and off the pitch
  • Provide transparency regarding the key issues that affect supporters

The Rangers Fans Board will consist of up to 12 voluntary supporters who will represent all the major stakeholder groups in our fanbase. The Fans Board members will be representative of the following categories of supporters:

Season Ticket Holders


Female Fans

Under 18s (must be over 16 to apply)

Disabled fans

Overseas fans

Fans who attend away games

Ibrox match ticket purchasers (not Season Ticket Holders)

Fans in the Glasgow/Govan Community

Ethnic Minorities

Corporate fans (fans who have enjoyed corporate facilities watching Rangers)

Rangers Official Members (non-season ticket holders

The Role of the Official Fans Board Member

As a Fans Board member each individual will have a responsibility to liaise with supporters from the Group they represent and ensure they best serve their interests at meetings with the Club.

The 12 elected members will have a public profile on the official Rangers website. They will be clearly identified as Members of the Rangers Fans Board and will be contactable by the wider fanbase via email to allow them to obtain feedback and questions from the group they represent. They will also provide those fans with updates after all meetings.

Elected representatives will be required to regularly attend Fans Board and other relevant meetings, potentially participate in sub-fan working groups and any other requirements outside meetings.

Fans Board Member Commitment

Fans Board Members will be required to give a significant time and commitment to their role and ensure that they:

  • Regularly attend Fans Board and other relevant meetings
  • Contribute to Fans Board discussions and dialogue
  • Apply their skill, knowledge and experience to the work of the Fans Board
  • Prepare adequately for meetings by reading relevant papers in advance
  • Write updates and reports regarding areas of discussion at meetings
  • Be contactable by the wider fanbase via email and respond to them directly on specific issues and areas
  • Participate in sub-fan working groups, and any other requirements outside of Fans Board meetings
  • Liaise with supporters from the group they represent and ensure they best serve their interests at meetings with the Club
  • Support all other 11 Fans Board Members to ensure smooth operation

Job Description

  1. Represent the Rangers fanbase allowing them to communicate directly with the Club in a structured manner.
  2. Help the Club get a better understanding of the issues that most affect and concern your category of supporters
  3. Promote positively knowledge and understanding of the work and benefits of the Rangers Fans Board
  4. Act in an appropriate manner at all times as a representative of the Official Rangers Fans Board and Rangers Football Club.
  5. Contribute to the work of the Fans Board by participating in at least one sub-Fans Board or working group and any other requirements outside meetings.
  6. Read, review and respond to email, documents and communications within agreed timelines.
  7. Provide regular updates to the other Fans Board members from the fans you represent and your area/s of expertise and knowledge.
  8. Attend 70% of all meetings subject to any exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness).
  9. Promote equality and diversity and ensure that people of different gender, race, age or disability are represented.
  10. Support partnerships and joint working with local communities and agencies from a range of sectors which will benefit the work of the Rangers Fans Board and Rangers Football Club Ltd.

Personal Profile

Knowledge and Experience

  • Demonstrating a knowledge and experience of the supporter category they are representing is essential.
  • Evidence of past working with the supporter category they wish to represent would be desirable but not essential.
  • Strategic vision and the ability to focus on practical issues would be a benefit to this position.
  • An understanding of the Rangers Fans Board and its aims and objectives would be beneficial.

Skills and Aptitudes

  • Good communications and IT skills are essential. Good verbal communication skills are also desirable.
  • Commitment to dedicating the necessary time to be an effective member of the Fans Board is essential.
  • Commitment to act solely in the best interests of the Fans Board and supporters rather than personal interest and gain is also essential.
  • Commitment to engaging with supporters from all backgrounds and geographical areas is also key.
  • Regular contributor to forums and social media and/or familiar with writing reports would be beneficial.
  • A willingness to take on additional tasks e.g. a role on a sub-committee would be desirable.
  • Demonstrating the qualities of objectivity, fairness, integrity, discretion and good judgement.
  • A proven track record as a good team player would also be beneficial.

The Selection Process

An external, independent Nominations Committee has been set up to help ensure that the Fans Board is democratically elected. Members/season ticket holders over 16 years of age are being asked to complete an application on-line to apply for one of 12 positions on the fan board representing key stakeholder groups.

The Committee will review all Fans Board applications from 20 August and nominate a shortlist of supporters for election to the Fans Board. The shortlist will be selected based on evaluation of all application forms against the criteria listed within this recruitment pack - job description and personal profile.

A shortlist of nominees in each of the 12 categories will be identified by the Nominations committee. The application forms for each of the successful shortlisted nominees will be posted publicly on rangers.co.uk for supporter consideration. Members, including all season ticket holders, will then be given the opportunity to vote on the shortlist of nominees in each of the 12 categories. Voting will be online in September. The votes will be counted and verified and the 12 member Fans Board announced thereafter.

Selection as a candidate for the election process to the Official Rangers Fan Board will be at the absolute discretion of the Nominations committee. The Rangers Football Club Ltd, and the Nominations committee shall have no requirement to provide any justification to any applicant for any successful or unsuccessful application”.

The Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is an external, independent Committee comprising 8 members, set up to help ensure that the Fans Board is democratically elected.

The Committee will be chaired by Reverend Stuart MacQuarrie, who has conducted services at Ibrox Stadium to commemorate the Ibrox Disaster, and includes former Rangers Captain and Hall of Fame Member David Weir who represented the Light Blues with distinction, class and dignity on and off the park during his spell at the Club.

International rugby star Alastair Kellock, a lifelong Rangers fan, will also play an important role on the panel as will five supporters who contributed to the Ready to Listen campaign since its launch in February - Tom Mowbray, Mhairi McKenzie, Mel Curry, Ross Hardie and Holly-Jade Johnston.

All the individuals selected have different areas of expertise but they are all united by the common goal of helping take Rangers back to the very top of Scottish football and they will work hard to identify the best candidates for election.

Selection as a candidate for the election process to the Official Rangers Fan Board will be at the absolute discretion of the Nominations committee. The Rangers Football Club Ltd, and the Nominations committee shall have no requirement to provide any justification to any applicant for any successful or unsuccessful application.

How to apply

To apply for one of the 12 positions on the Official Rangers Fans Board you must be a Rangers Member and over the age of 16. All season ticket holders for 2014/15 are automatically Rangers Members, unless they indicate they do not wish to be enrolled as a Member of the Membership by sending an email to membership@rangers.co.uk. If you are not a season ticket holder you can become a Rangers Member by visiting rangers.co.uk/membership.

Having read this recruitment pack and the constitution you can submit your on-line application form by visiting fansboard.rangers.co.uk. You will be asked for a reference, someone who can support your application and suitability for this role.

The deadline for applications is 9am on Tuesday 19 August, 2014. Applications received after this date and time cannot be accepted.


Incredible. One might be forgiven for thinking that the clumpany were in the market for a new CEO (or maybe they are reusing the application form that brought Philip Nash to Sevco with the paragraph on remuneration removed.)

As previously noted, PR nonsense. Obviously written by the same hand that produced the (in)famous Graham Wallace 120 day Financial Review.

The paucity of front-line leadership at Sevco Towers, both on and off the pitch, is glaringly obvious.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Becuase HMRC instigated the proceedings, doesn't mean they are fighting it. They made the tax rules, old Rangers tried to circumvent them.

The authorities advised them they considered the club was attempting to defraud them. They had to be dragged to court kicking and screaming before they admitted guilty to a slew of cases just prior to the court date. Why?

They are still fighting and screaming ... the UTT tribunal has sent some cases back to be examined again ... they haven't found in favour of Rangers ..

HMRC will appeal all cases past tribunal level to the appeals courts once the tribunal process has finished.

It's far from over ... Rangers know they cheated the taxman, they know it was immoral and they continue to fight.

Others have simply said it's fair cop ... let's settle.

You can spin it all you like Youngsy ... only bears believe that fairytale.

Spin it!! Both tribunals upheld for the PLC, where is the spin? I would suggest that it is yourself that is trying to spin it, or did we all receive the wrong result from the FTT, 2-1 in favour of the PLC, the UTT upheld for the PLC after HMRC took it to the UTT, that's the fact of the matter, no spin just the fact. Now that HMRC are considering a further appeal i would think that they are fighting both the outcome of the FTT and the UTT.

Edited by youngsy
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Spin it!! Both tribunals upheld for the PLC, where is the spin? I would suggest that it is yourself that is trying to spin it, or did we all receive the wrong result from the FTT, 2-1 in favour of the PLC, the UTT upheld for the PLC after HMRC took it to the UTT, that's the fact of the matter, no spin just the fact. Now that HMRC are considering a further appeal i would think that they are fighting both the outcome of the FTT and the UTT.

HMRC are due more tax than they would have been if they had not raised the assessments. That's at least a partial win for the taxman and proof positive rangers were attempting tax fraud. Real rangers were presented a bill which they then fought and are still fighting. I'm sure you're very proud.

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Spin it!! Both tribunals upheld for the PLC, where is the spin? I would suggest that it is yourself that is trying to spin it, or did we all receive the wrong result from the FTT, 2-1 in favour of the PLC, the UTT upheld for the PLC after HMRC took it to the UTT, that's the fact of the matter, no spin just the fact. Now that HMRC are considering a further appeal i would think that they are fighting both the outcome of the FTT and the UTT.

Hmmm.... That would be the Plc that is the club, then? ;)

The FTTT result was 2-1 in favour of rangers in the cases which the club contested. As these were coincidentally the cases where they'd shredded the paperwork in time no documentary evidence was available, it would have been hard to prove wrongdoing.

In the cases where the paperwork was available, the club declined to contest HMRC's evaluation.

The spin? That would be you and yours

a. Claiming both tribunals as vindication of rangers' behaviour, when they patently weren't, and

b. Continuing the old "that was the company" bullshit, which really is the tiredest piece of nonsense.

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HMRC are due more tax than they would have been if they had not raised the assessments. That's at least a partial win for the taxman and proof positive rangers were attempting tax fraud. Real rangers were presented a bill which they then fought and are still fighting. I'm sure you're very proud.

They were presented with a tax bill which they disputed, perfectly within their right to do so. The disputed tax bill was found in favour of the PLC at the FTT, HMRC appealed to the UTT, that appeal was thrown out in favour of the PLC. The PLC don't have to fight those decisions, that only applies to the losers in both decisions, that happens to be HMRC. I have to say though, as a UK taxpayer i'm very perturbed that HMRC are pursuing a case which has went against them twice to a very substantial cost to the British public. As i'm sure you are yourself. :)

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Hmmm.... That would be the Plc that is the club, then? ;)

The FTTT result was 2-1 in favour of rangers in the cases which the club contested. As these were coincidentally the cases where they'd shredded the paperwork in time no documentary evidence was available, it would have been hard to prove wrongdoing.

In the cases where the paperwork was available, the club declined to contest HMRC's evaluation.

The spin? That would be you and yours

a. Claiming both tribunals as vindication of rangers' behaviour, when they patently weren't, and

b. Continuing the old "that was the company" bullshit, which really is the tiredest piece of nonsense.

Thats exactly the same spin that MacGilligans island tried to use lol

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....I have to say though, as a UK taxpayer i'm very perturbed that HMRC are pursuing a case which has went against them twice to a very substantial cost to the British public. As i'm sure you are yourself. :)

....and I have to say though, as a UK taxpayer I'm also very perturbed that that bawbag prince charlie get's awa' wi' no paying tax at a very substantial cost to the British public.

In fact I'm mair than perturbed, I'm seething !

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They were presented with a tax bill which they disputed, perfectly within their right to do so. The disputed tax bill was found in favour of the PLC at the FTT, HMRC appealed to the UTT, that appeal was thrown out in favour of the PLC. The PLC don't have to fight those decisions, that only applies to the losers in both decisions, that happens to be HMRC. I have to say though, as a UK taxpayer i'm very perturbed that HMRC are pursuing a case which has went against them twice to a very substantial cost to the British public. As i'm sure you are yourself. :)

Did you miss the bit where I pointed out that the result of these judgements is that real rangers owe the taxman more money? I admit I hid it in that most obscure of places (the begining of my post) so I guess it requires reiteration:

The taxman is due more money now than they were before.

As a taxpayer I'm sure, like me, you want real rangers pursued to the fullest.

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Becuase HMRC instigated the proceedings, doesn't mean they are fighting it. They made the tax rules, old Rangers tried to circumvent them.

The authorities advised them they considered the club was attempting to defraud them. They had to be dragged to court kicking and screaming before they admitted guilty to a slew of cases just prior to the court date. Why?

They are still fighting and screaming ... the UTT tribunal has sent some cases back to be examined again ... they haven't found in favour of Rangers ..

HMRC will appeal all cases past tribunal level to the appeals courts once the tribunal process has finished.

It's far from over ... Rangers know they cheated the taxman, they know it was immoral and they continue to fight.

Others have simply said it's fair cop ... let's settle.

You can spin it all you like Youngsy ... only bears believe that fairytale.

And today, children, our lesson is revisionism. That is re·vi·sion·ism (ribreve.gif-vibreve.gifzhprime.gifschwa.gif-nibreve.gifzlprime.gifschwa.gifm).

The gist of the topic is how to retrofit accepted truths to meet current prejudices. Our guest lecturer is Mr Dhenbhoy whose associated organisation has more than 126 years experience here.

For those especially interested Mr DB has agreed to have a workshop on a more advanced revisionist technique called "airbrushing", a specialty of his company.

Oh and if we are truly lucky, boys and girls, Mr DB's esteemed colleague will join us later after he has dropped his wig and gown off at the dry cleaners.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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