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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sometimes i honestly believe you are beyond help.

The memorial is for the Ibrox disaster on the 2nd of January 1971.

Note the date it was unveiled. Note where the annual wreath laying takes place and if all that fails just read what you can clearly see on the picture posted.

We know there were two other incidents and they were added but it is THE memorial for the 66 who died.

I honestly cannot believe i even have to explain this to you. We might seldom agree on anything and have had a few heated debates but i honestly thought you were better than this...TBH it really doesn't get much lower than this

What bit is it you want people to read?

Unveiled by Chairman David Murray on 2nd January 2001 to commemorate those who lost their lives in tragic events at Ibrox Stadium.

Even your club seems to think you are wrong:

Every year at the home game closest to the anniversary, the club pays its respects to those lost by laying a special wreath at the Memorial which was built in honour of those who died and other victims at the stadium in previous years.


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As i said WRK ... You are a lost cause.

I was wrong in only thinking you were better than that. Looks as if i was wrong.

Says the man who regularly posted "not one penny more from me" and then went and bought not one but two season tickets. Your credibility is as solid as wet toilet paper here.

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That is a grievous insult to many a small childs lovingly crafted spit balls

To be fair the spit balls aren't toilet paper any more once they have been recycled into a high powered projected missile to the back of the napper.

In Secondary we had this one teacher we really hated and always put plenty of spit balls stuck to the ceiling above his chair, they fell when they dried out. :)

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With all their state aid shit, they will dissolve into a puddle of poo at this :D


The Rangers have been saved. :rolleyes::lol:

ETA, that's Legia fucked for next season, :) GIRFUY's Legia. :lol:

Edited by hellbhoy
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You know the saddest thing about you is you dont even see it.

As for my principles...where are all the season tickets you were buying for the family? (1)Forgive me for not wanting lectured on how i support my team from somebody who hasnt been to a game in Scotland in literally years(2)

1. Did Johnston vote against the Frankenstein club? No, so why would I go against what I had said? Fuckwit.

2. Already been up for one game this season, and once my treatment's finished, there'll be plenty more.

You know, the saddest thing about you is that any fantasy spun by a fellow berr becomes Gospel for you. Or maybe the saddest thing is that you have no principles. Or maybe the saddest thing is that you see a reference to followers of a football team (their choice) as offensive, while feeling it "banter" to abuse people for reason of their skin colour(not their choice).

It's even possible that the saddest thing is that you've let The Kincardine down by your inability to use apostrophes.

Nah, I'm going with the "racism's fine if nobody sees it". That really wasn't your finest hour.

Now off you go and tell your new club that they don't know what their memorial's for.

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Now off you go and see if you can find your principles.

Principles eh..

Here we have someone who claims to be a senior trade union rep in his 3rd 5 year term, who has posted repeatedly about wanting a football club to die for good, not caring about the many people who will lose their jobs and be thrown on to the scrapheap.

Aye you cannae beat principles, eh Norman...

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Principles eh..

Here we have someone who claims to be a senior trade union rep in his 3rd 5 year term, who has posted repeatedly about wanting a football club to die for good, not caring about the many people who will lose their jobs and be thrown on to the scrapheap.

Aye you cannae beat principles, eh Norman...

It's quite simple really Benny, The Rangers die and the fans move on to support their local club giving them more cash to survive the aftermath or spend it wisely on something else. Those who lost their jobs just find other jobs created by the vacuum that is left from The Rangers dying.

I know your a bit simple Benny but that's simple economics where one thing collapses another takes it's place and the cycle of money keeps on going around and around keeping those shareholders happy, except if you support a The Rangers club.

Rangers might die but the money the fans would have spent at Ibrokes gets pumped back into the economy somehow.

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It's quite simple really Benny, The Rangers die and the fans move on to support their local club giving them more cash to survive the aftermath or spend it wisely on something else. Those who lost their jobs just find other jobs created by the vacuum that is left from The Rangers dying.

I know your a bit simple Benny but that's simple economics where one thing collapses another takes it's place and the cycle of money keeps on going around and around keeping those shareholders happy, except if you support a The Rangers club.

Rangers might die but the money the fans would have spent at Ibrokes gets pumped back into the economy somehow.


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Strange old day on the BRALT.

Our Rangers following friends first went mad by citing European results selectively in an apparent attempt to support Jackson's lie about a diminished OF requiring everyone else to scale back their ambitions. Utterly baffling.

We then get silly nonsense, accusing others of showing disrespect to the victims of a tragedy.

Rangers fans right now appear to be really suffering and the ones on here are struggling to hold things together.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Strange old day on the BRALT.

Our Rangers following friends first went mad by citing European results selectively in an apparent attempt to support Jackson's lie about a diminished OF requiring everyone else to scale back their ambitions. Utterly baffling.

We then get silly nonsense, accusing others of showing disrespect to the victims of a tragedy.

Rangers fans right now appear to be really suffering and the ones on here are struggling to hold things together.


They did.

No Rangers supporter is struggling with anything and certainly not having to lie about anything.

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