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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Fuckin hell even by bralt standards the last few pages :bairn

Although one thing that has emerged that is pleasing, If Scotland votes yes sevcos crowds will dwindle even more cause they are all fucking off ta Yorkshire and Wales :lol::lol::thumsup2:thumsup2

Just made my mind up for me on which way to vote.

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You still dont get it. The memorial is for the ibrox disaster... Greig was the captain that day and that is why it was chosen. It was unveiled on that day.

There were other incidents and they are given their place below the statue.

The point really isnt about the memorial and if it is only for 'The disaster' or not and more it is in poor taste to use it in this way. Of course you just cant let it go and have to drag it on and on and on.

Right, at this point you're just trolling WRK. You know fine well your talking mince and you're hoping that will make him bite. You are in fact using a memorial to the deaths of nearly a hundred people to troll someone in a football forum. No doubt your fellow bears will be along in a minute to tell you how disgusting they think you are.

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You still dont get it. The memorial is for the ibrox disaster... Greig was the captain that day and that is why it was chosen. It was unveiled on that day.

There were other incidents and they are given their place below the statue.

The point really isnt about the memorial and if it is only for 'The disaster' or not and more it is in poor taste to use it in this way. Of course you just cant let it go and have to drag it on and on and on.

During your soapbox moment you might as well read this piece from ages ago about how those people WOULD HAVE NOT lost their lives if your club had made newer safety protocols, but instead your club crammed in 80,000 people to keep the dosh rolling in for the cnuts in the BoD at the time. Cheapskates then, cheapskates now & cheapskates forever.

Jock Stein and the Ibrox disaster.


I remember the Ibrox disaster well and still regard it as a terrible tragedy, which like most tragedies could have been avoided had advice been heeded and money spent.

The victims as it happens were Rangers supporters, sixty six poor souls some of whom were children. Nowadays news travels fast, then it didn't. It filtered through slowly and we gradually learned the true extent of the terrible loss of the young and innocent.

It had been a quiet game, all ticket, eighty thousand supporters and just two arrests for drunkeness when public drunkeness at football matches in Scotland , especially at New Year was totally acceptable.However there had been no trouble and two very late goals, one from each team ensured an exciting finish, but not a contributory factor in the ensuing carnage.

Susbsequent investigations showed that those that died were all heading away from the pitch, all in the same direction down the stairways and to the exits when Colin Stein equalized for Rangers.

Those that died, suffered a slow, horrendous death with the air literally being sucked out of them. Crushed limbs, organs rendered useless by the sheer weight of desperate humanity pressing down on them, gasping for life as it ebbed from them.

In the aftermath the recriminations flowed,and after an official enquiry Rangers football club was hammered. One of the conclusions drawn was that the club had been reluctant to take expert advice on ground safety, despite the THREE major warnings in the decade before 1971. Sherrif Irvine Smith severely criticised the men who ran Rangers at the time of the disaster.

He stated that Rangers director Hope's evidence, confused and contradictory, had to be read to be believed.

Two photo images stand out at the time in my mind. The first one is taken outside St Andrew's Roman Catholic Cathedral in Glasgow. We see the proud trio of David Hope, John Lawrence and Matt Taylor, chairman and directors standing next to a bemused Canon John McGuckin.From their general demeanour you wouldn't get the slightest hint that they had been personally held responsible for a catastrophic failure in safety, and were indirectly culpable for the deaths of sixty-six innocent people.

Jock Stein came from the mines of pre-war Lanarkshire and in that sense was no stranger to death and the dangers that accompanied such work. Mining communities were tough but they also bred a sense of togetherness and self help. When Jock Stein learned of what had happened after the game, he and several players went to do what they could.

Amid the chaos , the grief and the sheer numbness of the unfolding catastrophe Stein didn't talk, he acted. He acted in a way that others should have done much earlier, to avoid the senseless loss of life. As he stod back and observed Stein saw the mindless folly of sectarianism reduced to its right place, a total irrelevance before the shrouded remains of the innocent.

Jock Stein did the right thing because what he knew was right, because of the values he had and what he stood for. He didn't need to be lectured about what was right or what was wrong.

Big Jock knew, he certainly knew.

The fault lies at the door of your club and you want to defend the bare faced cheek at stiffing the families for their loss of family members by erecting a mock tribute to those who lost their lives on that fateful day. Renaming one of the stands to "The 66" is a more fitting memorial IMO.

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Poor taste you say???Bit like a couple of weeks ago when you were going on about the boys club....and dragged it out over a few pages.Fanny.

I rarely if ever mention the boys club. I was talking about the club you support covering it up. You continue to support them and still deny it. That makes you a despicable b*****d

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Right, at this point you're just trolling WRK. You know fine well your talking mince and you're hoping that will make him bite. You are in fact using a memorial to the deaths of nearly a hundred people to troll someone in a football forum. No doubt your fellow bears will be along in a minute to tell you how disgusting they think you are.

He may be trying to but, as with his principles, it's kind of half-arsed and not quite within his comprehension. I'm simply showing him up as the kind of thick, "Ra gers right or wrong", moron who cannot sum up the slightest independent thought from under a heap of entitled victimhood. Or, rather, pressing the right buttons which encourage him to show himself up. The idiots who rush to support this racist terrorist associate simply reinforce a stereotype which they seriously expect us to believe is the preserve of a " minority ".

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I rarely if ever mention the boys club. I was talking about the club you support covering it up. You continue to support them and still deny it. That makes you a despicable b*****d

Deny it????

Go back and show where I deny anything

I posted there was no place for posting the shit you were posting.....this is a football forum.

Bit rich you now throwing your toys out the pram....considering you find the boys club stuff fair game.

As for being a despicable so and so....who is the one who boasts of drinking with sectarian murderers??

Who is the one that is homophobic????

Who is the one that is a racists???

Look in the mirror ...you are pathetic bag of fail who drives a taxi.

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I rarely if ever mention the boys club. I was talking about the club you support covering it up. You continue to support them and still deny it. That makes you a despicable b*****d

But you never miss a fucking chance to promote your demented agenda with it. See above for confirmation.

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FFS people! Give it a rest about the fucking statue!

Aren't there more important things to talk about? Like, if this Malaysian bloke that they've denied is going to invest comes in with big money, and then comes out with "you know, in our country, blue is not a very lucky colour...."

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Close..not quite there yet but close. I have reached a point where i just dont really care that much and a bit like the referendum i just wish it was all over so we all know where we are.

I thought you would be right up for the referendum after spouting your "Great Britain love it or leave it" shite for years the people of this country will get the chance to do just that. :)

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Jesus. Get a grip. Think I'll walk away until we move on from the discussion of tragedies at football matches.

I'm sure that Norman and the bhoys will let it drop now and we can get back to discussing old clubs, new clubs and so on.

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Not so clever bears over on RM quoting a 10 point deduction and getting back to the SPL ffs. At some have some knowledge that they are fucked when admin happens and others not so bothered because the cash Messiah will soon come to their aid. :lol:


Terry Butcher

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The rules change every year with these arseholes, they must have been hoping we'd go into some trouble again to see their new rule put into effect, once rules are made just fucking leave them and stop changing them to suit yourselves, get these b*****ds in charge of the SFA to f**k.

I don't think Cumnockbear actually knows that if the SFA hadn't made drastic rule changes before Rangers went bust he wouldn't be watching the cloned club.


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Not so clever bears over on RM quoting a 10 point deduction and getting back to the SPL ffs. At some have some knowledge that they are fucked when admin happens and others not so bothered because the cash Messiah will soon come to their aid. :lol:

I don't think Cumnockbear actually knows that if the SFA hadn't made drastic rule changes before Rangers went bust he wouldn't be watching the cloned club.

Tbf not many folk are as clever as you are, your cleverness is almost Normanesque and remember that with your legal background the SFA rulebook is easy peasy to understand.

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Not so clever bears over on RM quoting a 10 point deduction and getting back to the SPL ffs. At some have some knowledge that they are fucked when admin happens and others not so bothered because the cash Messiah will soon come to their aid. :lol:

I don't think Cumnockbear actually knows that if the SFA hadn't made drastic rule changes before Rangers went bust he wouldn't be watching the cloned club.


There are some sane voices on the thread, but the degree of ignorance displayed by so many of their fans is staggering.

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