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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think it has been established now it is used by some as a derogatory name for Rangers supporters and by others as a derogatory name for Protestants. Is it not best to just stop using the term?

I used to sing TBBs and never gave it a seconds thought and before anybody throws their arms up in faux outrage i doubt there are many Rangers supporters of my age fro this part of the world who didn't sing it at one time or another. I don't sing it now and i cringe with embarrassment if i hear it. Not just embarrassment but with genuine anger as it is totally unacceptable.

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hmmm so whats the debate for today ? Israel and Palestine , what a kaffufle eh?

Nah it is what is best for Friday lunch on the rigs in the North sea. Ken is going for Pasta which might appease the mankies as it is of course Italian but they will be up in arms if they don't have their Fish. The chefs are walking a sectarian tightrope here!!

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To illustrate for SJC ... the above is acceptable for those sick of this pish and wishing it dropped, he adopts no stance on the matter ... nobody is going to reply, except to use it to point out your ridiculous response.


Your post invites a response, takes a stance and a position on the the tedious point scoring ... yet you want to "move on" ..

If Calsberg did irony ...

in what way, shape or form did my post take a stance and a position? :blink: It also never "invited" a response hence no question mark.

Do you actually know what irony means? (note the question mark thus inviting a response.)

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Your assuming the origins and meaning of the word, the context of use and it is fact it not used solely by Celtic fans .... Also I am Protestant and not Catholic .... By your own definition any insult thrown at Rangers fans is sectarian .. period.

I am happy to stand corrected on the matter ... which is why I asked FB specific questions he has side stepped several times and given BS answers.

When was the word *** introduced into football chants and or insults ...

When was the graffiti daubed on the walls in NI ...

I noticed you sidestepped the offensive 'neep' remark why? Is it not offensive?

a quick type into google will provide you with images of it daubed on walls in northern ireland dhense, now for christ sake just accept the word has a secterian baggage attached to it and move on. this is genuinley getting boring now . I have not argued once that many in scottish football use it to just mean rangers fans, I accept that but maybe that is becuase they are ignorant to the fact it has different meanings amongst the religous divide in Northern Ireland which I am sure you know as much as I , that many celtic fans and rangers fans have a higeher interest and grasp of . now wgain just move on.

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Absolutely spot on, I said earlier that ignorance is in some ways acceptable, I too was largely ignorant when I was much younger to what I was singing and why I was singing it, in modern society however, there is no excuse, we are all aware that the T word and the H word cause offence in a way which is no longer acceptable.

Some people are just desperate to hold on to their right to be a bigot and while these people exist then bigotry will never be eradicated.

Tell you what, why don't you ask us nicely? Rather than firing the indiscriminate bigot machine gun at all and sundry because you've been so arrogant as to decide what we mean, ask.

Dear Scottish Football,

I hope this finds you well?

As you are no doubt aware, we're having an absolute mare at the moment and we would really much rather that you didn't use your favoured term for us. as it is our turn to play the victim just now. We recognise that you do not attach any sectarian value to the term in question, but we do, and we are an awfully sensitive lot and will do absolutely anything to drag a foreign conflict into the otherwise beautiful game of association football. We're dicks like that.

As a bit of a quid pro quo we promise to stop singing about the walls in Ireland, bathing in catholics blood and throwing coins at the away support. Further we admit that we're cheats, a new club and that Ian Durrant dived just to slur the good name of one of the finest footballers in Scottish history.

We look forward to proceeding on this new and productive basis and wish you all the very best for the coming season.

Lots of love

Team Sevco


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Did you allow me to move on my bigoted little teuchter friend? :P

You can either accept or reject the apology, I do not care. The term is not sectarian it is racist. I was unaware of it's actual origins in the context of it's N Irish use, as are you by your rhetoric. I cannot be racist against my own race however. Your posts on armchair racists were racist and you know it. I do not remember any apologies for your behaviour, merely excuses.

ETA teuchter is also a racist term. It is a derogatory term for a Highland Scot of Gaelic origin. I'll give you the benefit of doubt over your usage though. Please don't use it again.

Edited by stonedsailor
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You can either accept or reject the apology, I do not care. The term is not sectarian it is racist. I was unaware of it's actual origins in the context of it's N Irish use, as are you by your rhetoric. I cannot be racist against my own race however. Your posts on armchair racists were racist and you know it. I do not remember any apologies for your behaviour, merely excuses.

I actually did apologise. You must have missed that but i am not going to keep on apologising for it :rolleyes:

I was actually joking in my post to you.

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Your assuming the origins and meaning of the word, the context of use and it is fact it not used solely by Celtic fans .... Also I am Protestant and not Catholic .... By your own definition any insult thrown at Rangers fans is sectarian .. period.

I am happy to stand corrected on the matter ... which is why I asked FB specific questions he has side stepped several times and given BS answers.

When was the word *** introduced into football chants and or insults ...

When was the graffiti daubed on the walls in NI ...

I noticed you sidestepped the offensive 'neep' remark why? Is it not offensive?

By GENERAL definition: Rangers = Protestant, Celtic = Catholic......whilst this isn't exclusive it is historically accepted that this is the identity of the two Clubs............the context of the use of the word h*ns has correlated with Rangers and therefore Protestants and likewise with the word t*m and Celtic and therefore Catholic.

Personally I don't give a fcuk as I thankfully support neither team nor care for any Religion (whilst respecting the right of those that do so)

An example of this (albeit in a racial not a sectarian way) is the N word which is factually the Latin word for black.........through the annuals of time the use of this word has taken on a derogatory and racist context and is no longer acceptable to be used in modern society. The Latin word for balck remain the N word however.

I have never heard the term "neep" and am therefore unaware if it is offensive or not.......feel free to enlighten me as I won't be offended as that would suggest you (or any internet forum random for that matter) bared some importance in my life.

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You entered the debate by making a statement (your statement indicates your stance) .. yet you want people to drop it and move on ...

You don't need a question mark to invite a response ... the minute you air your view on the subject matter in a public forum it invites a response .. don't play dumb. (I am assuming you are and giving you the benefit of the doubt?)

I think you have misread my "stance and/or position" on the whole subject matter.

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No idea how Tedi's post got in there ... was removing it before you posted.

Not relevant at all really .. it's a simple enough question though? Curiousity as I have not come across anyone Scottish that is unaware as to what a 'neep' is ?

as in turnip? I always thought it was neap as opposed to neep?

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