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Administration escape action plan 1 - advertise and sell some more bricks


Ahhhh, The old brick in the sock tactic.....

Very Weasedale-esque thinking right there... :lol:

Wtf is a REPLICA brick ?? :lol::lol:

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I relented and re-opened the Ashley thread but if it becomes a duplicate discussion to here then it will be closed again

I know you're between a rock and a hard place on this but pretty-much every every thread about Rangers becomes a mini-BRALT.

The diddies and plastics can't help themselves. They regurgitate the same asinine bollocks at any opportunity.

Edited to add 'plastics' to placate Dhense.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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The diddies and plastics can't help themselves. They regurgitate the same asinine bollocks at any opportunity.

Such as....

We're pure the same club, the sfaecauefascottishparluamentuneunemployementofficemylocalpubmygrandmasterfatherinlawtheudfthequeenevenmccoist pure said so do they did.

Eh naw. Youz died. Sup it up b h.

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I think he was referring to Bennett's abortive bid for mod powers, wasn't he?

I think bennett would be an excellent mod.

Not as if his time is taken up with football matters meh meh meh....

(Had to stop autocorrect for "men men men", nothing implicated , just amused me)

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Latest RST Statement
Official Statement - POSTED ON OCTOBER 30, 2014
The Rangers Supporters Trust today announced that it has formed Fleshers Haugh Limited to produce a range of merchandise whose profits will be used to purchase shares in the club.

Trust Chairman Gordon Dinnie said – “For a number of months now we have been selling red and black shirts but it’s obvious from the demand that fans also want other forms of merchandise. We set up Flesher Haugh to develop a range of quality merchandise which will be a credit to the club’s traditions and generate funds which will enable fans to buy more shares and make the club stable.”

“I’m asking for fans with experience and skills in merchandising, design and manufacturing to come forward to help us build an enterprise which provides a real fans alternative.” More information to follow."

Mickey O'Ashley is a fan, he'll help out.

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Oh did I miss you out, pet lamb? I have noted your comment and updated my post out of respect for you ghirls.

Fuxake, what's with the 'h' added to certain words ? No wonder you're known as The_Arsehole. You c*nts go screaming to Mod Towers at the merest sign of the h** word being used by other posters yet you continue your vacuous, childish pish with the extra 'h'. Get a grip, man. :1eye

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a bit of civil unrest......


(c+p because Herald is behind paywall)

Police investigate graffiti attack at home of Rangers director James Easdale
Friday 31 October 2014

POLICE are probing a ­graffiti attack on the home of Rangers director James Easdale.

Vandals targeted the ­property in Greenock, Inverclyde, earlier this month.

The words "Get Out" were scrawled on a wall with spray paint, and the abuse is believed to be a response to Mr Easdale's involvement with the Ibrox club alongside his brother and McGill's buses co-owner Sandy.

James Easdale is a director of the Rangers PLC board, while his brother is chairman of the football board. Between them they own almost six per cent of shares, but Sandy holds the voting rights for more than one-quarter of shares, making him a hugely influential figure.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: "An incident was reported of some graffiti on the outer wall of a house in Greenock between October 12 and 13.

"No-one has thus far been charged in connection with the incident. Police inquiries are continuing."

James Easdale is currently the longest-­serving Rangers board member following his appointment in July last year. He has a personal stake of 0.7 per cent in the club.

Meanwhile, Rangers have named David Somers as interim chief executive following the departure of Graham Wallace.

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If you're referring to Mr X he goes home and away almost without fail. ( If he is who I am 99% certain I think he is )

I do - although not to Rangers games, I have to point out.

I probably am who you think I am, say Hi next time :)

Latest RST Statement

Official Statement - POSTED ON OCTOBER 30, 2014

The Rangers Supporters Trust today announced that it has formed Fleshers Haugh Limited to produce a range of merchandise whose profits will be used to purchase shares in the club.

Trust Chairman Gordon Dinnie said – “For a number of months now we have been selling red and black shirts but it’s obvious from the demand that fans also want other forms of merchandise. We set up Flesher Haugh to develop a range of quality merchandise which will be a credit to the club’s traditions and generate funds which will enable fans to buy more shares and make the club stable.”

“I’m asking for fans with experience and skills in merchandising, design and manufacturing to come forward to help us build an enterprise which provides a real fans alternative.” More information to follow."

Another company to profit from ra peeps stupidity....Roll up roll up ya stupid zombie c***s :lol::lol: :lol:

So they have a great idea, all the need is someone to sort out the design, manufacturing and merchandising of the products. Guess theyve already got someone who can drive a van

Agreed. But I had to laugh at that last signature.

Me too! I dont think I have him in my Rangers spivs sticker book yet, who is it?

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