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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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:unsure2: “To date, the cost to the Liquidation of participating in the EBT proceedings has been minimal, with the costs being funded by a third party. Going forward, the third party has asked for the Liquidation estate to make a contribution to the future costs of the process. Having liaised with the Committee, we are now seeking to agree an apportionment of costs acceptable to both parties.”

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With all these arrests and the warrant issued will the fraud squad look at these pesky ebt loans that have yet to be paid back. They were the start of everything. If it wasn't for them Murray wouldn't have sold the club/company to a dodgy person for a quid.

The legality of the EBTs have been confirmed long time ago. No doubt the SFO have looked at SDM during this investigation but it seems that, as of the present, he is clear. Very pleasing to see that the law is now intent in bringing serious charges against the criminals who conspired in this massive fraud, now we await the arrest of the scumbag that is Craig Whyte and indeed anyone else who has been involved in this. Hopefully Green is a very worried man just now.

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With all this revisionism flying around let's not forget that RFC was a complete basket case long before Their Hero showed up or the fans shocking attitude to any legitimate questioning of their club or it's custodians.

Be careful what you wish for.

Edited by AberdeenBud
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With all this revisionism flying around let's not forget that RFC was a complete basket case long before Their Hero showed up or the fans shocking attitude to any legitimate questioning of their club or it's custodians.

No instead of the whatabout this or that, lets just try and focus on the fact that there has been a very serious and massive fraud committed that has cost many thousands of people a great deal of money and distress. That fraud being a massive criminal conspiracy committed by people in positions of trust.

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Naah .. let's focus on the fact your mob were warned Minty's accounting and spending didn't add up ... even when the poor guy tried to cut costs the fans turned on him ...

Your mob and club got it's just desserts.

Not surprised that you have this outlook, being the bigoted and twisted fucker that you are against a football club.

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No instead of the whatabout this or that, lets just try and focus on the fact that there has been a very serious and massive fraud committed that has cost many thousands of people a great deal of money and distress. That fraud being a massive criminal conspiracy committed by people in positions of trust.

A fraud that could not, and probably would not, have been committed were it not for my aforementioned points.

So as much as you may wish to ignore them, they remain entirely relevant.

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A fraud that could not, and probably would not, have been committed were it not for my aforementioned points.

So as much as you may wish to ignore them, they remain entirely relevant.

Listen we all know the story where Murray is concerned, however the fact remains that there has been a massive fraud committed, something that you and others on here seem to want to ignore by throwing it all back to the SDM tenure. Try and realise that every Rangers fan is very aware of the Murray days and his financial dealings but now we are on the verge of seeing a gang of criminal fraudsters being brought to book, that will do for me and if Murray becomes embroiled in the charges put forward then that will do for me also.

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The legality of the EBTs have been confirmed long time ago. No doubt the SFO have looked at SDM during this investigation but it seems that, as of the present, he is clear. Very pleasing to see that the law is now intent in bringing serious charges against the criminals who conspired in this massive fraud, now we await the arrest of the scumbag that is Craig Whyte and indeed anyone else who has been involved in this. Hopefully Green is a very worried man just now.

If only someone had warned you lot.

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A fraud that could not, and probably would not, have been committed were it not for my aforementioned points.

So as much as you may wish to ignore them, they remain entirely relevant.

Indeed, under Sir Minty of the Moonbeam, OldRangers had racked up losses of £135,777k (per the accounts to 30 Jun 2010), yip, you read that right, that's cumulative losses of nearly £136m during the glory days.... (And for the avoidance of doubt, that is before the disputed tax liabilities).

Sir Minty of the Moonbeam was so desperate to get out, that he ignored the due diligence findings of his own board.

Craig Whyte was indeed a hero shyster, Sir Minty knew it, but couldn't give a shyt, his need to cauterize the cyst that was OldRangers and to get the hell away was just too great.

Every time I think about it, it brings a smile to my face. :)



Edited by aDONisSheep
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What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Anyway you were warned about the billionaire who you paraded around Ibrox like some demigod, Then you had Cuckles who you were warned about by sheff utd fans, he done a bit o dog whistling and he was paraded around like a demigod, then Sally whistled about buying tickets to cover his massive wages and you all fell for his one of the boys acts.

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No instead of the whatabout this or that, lets just try and focus on the fact that there has been a very serious and massive fraud committed that has cost many thousands of people a great deal of money and distress. That fraud being a massive criminal conspiracy committed by people in positions of trust.

You seem............ upset?

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Listen we all know the story where Murray is concerned, however the fact remains that there has been a massive fraud committed, something that you and others on here seem to want to ignore by throwing it all back to the SDM tenure. Try and realise that every Rangers fan is very aware of the Murray days and his financial dealings but now we are on the verge of seeing a gang of criminal fraudsters being brought to book, that will do for me and if Murray becomes embroiled in the charges put forward then that will do for me also.

What are you havering about now? I think these spivs being brought to justice is a good thing and I hope they get their comeuppance. I'm not ignoring anything, we're discussing the fraud at the moment, although we're not sure of the exact nature of the charges, so you may be jumping the gun somewhat with precisely who has been frauded.

The climate that allowed this fraud to take place was absolutely created during the Murray years and at best tacitly condoned, at worst actively encouraged, by the rangers support. This cannot and should not be ignored when discussing the omnishambles of the last three years, despite any criminality that appears to have taken place during the death throes.

What I'm challenging is what appears to be a growing revisionism that RFC and it's supporters were somehow innocent victims in all of this.

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Who are these people? I think we should be told (2009 edition) :).

"The Rangers Supporters Assembly, Rangers Worldwide Alliance, Rangers Supporters Trust and Rangers Supporters Association issued a joint statement in which they also urged Sir David Murray to sell his majority shareholding in the club as quickly as possible."

Steatment read "Rangers fans have endured unnecessary and damaging uncertainty over the future of the club and it is now time for this to be resolved. The current situation cannot continue – it is imperative that a change in ownership is completed now."


They seemed........ upset?

Edited by aDONisSheep
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With all these arrests and the warrant issued will the fraud squad look at these pesky ebt loans that have yet to be paid back. They were the start of everything. If it wasn't for them Murray wouldn't have sold the club/company to a dodgy person for a quid.

But the only people ever wanting to buy into Rangers are dodgy. 8) It just seems to be a prerequisite. :lol:

It is so bad that at times even Dave Kings looks like a best bet. :o

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Long before but not immediately before CW`s arrival, in fact they announced a £13.1M retained profit in 2010, think you forgot to add that part in with all the revisionism flying around.

No they didn't.

According to the accounts they made a profit of £4.2m in 2010 or do you mean the 2010/11 period.

Even if you take Operating Profit (PBIT) it was only £5.1m.



Update; The period from Jul 2010 to Jun 2011 were Nookie's first (and only) set of accounts. They had a profit of £76k (source = STV News).

In fairness Nookie did make a statement that OldRangers was "no longer reliant on bank funding." How did that pan out :)

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Long before but not immediately before CW`s arrival, in fact they announced a £13.1M retained profit in 2010, think you forgot to add that part in with all the revisionism flying around.

I'd say they were still a basket case despite this. As shown by being reduced to having one of their banks representatives on the BoD and the complete absence of any remotely credible figure to buy the club from Murray.

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The legality of the EBTs have been confirmed long time ago. No doubt the SFO have looked at SDM during this investigation but it seems that, as of the present, he is clear. Very pleasing to see that the law is now intent in bringing serious charges against the criminals who conspired in this massive fraud, now we await the arrest of the scumbag that is Craig Whyte and indeed anyone else who has been involved in this. Hopefully Green is a very worried man just now.

Just because someone has not been arrested or a warrant issued does not mean he is clear.

Maybe Murray will not be charged with fraud, but at the very least he should be charged with irresponsible behaviour as a director of a quoted business, where he ignored the formal advice of his fellow directors about Whyte.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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It was the interim results £13.1M, dipped to £9M the following year


Point being that basket cases and profit are not really words you associate together.

Except of course those were only interim statements and not their profits at all.

If you want to see the profits, then you should use the proper source data. Here try these;


Try page 14 for the P&L and 15 for the cumulative P&L.

They were also kind enough to give a five year summary on page 35, and guess what........ Net losses of £8m. Go figure?



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