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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This has been raised on here and I've already said that I doubt if a club without that history would have much appeal.

It is a compelling question though. FC United of Manchester, as far as I know, arose over disenchantment with the increasing commercialisation of the original club, the debt created by the Glazers and the disenfranchisement felt by the traditional, local working class support. It meant fans, effectively in only very small numbers, deserting a still powerful, glamorous and successful club.

The case for Rangers fans doing something similar is surely far stronger, given the utter shambles the existing club has become.

I don't really blame Ted for saying he'd chuck it. He lives in Perthshire and I can see why travelling to watch parks football might not seem that attractive. I don't suppose FC United drew many supporters from the original club's Surrey or Dublin constituencies either.

Has the idea of a breakaway club been seriously touted anywhere among Rangers fans though? Things like the red and black scarves, mirror the yellow and green ones worn by disaffected Man United fans, but I'm genuinely interested to know whether the idea of taking protest much further in this way, has received any meaningful attention or interest.

There was some discussion on Follow Follow about this but there was no real appetite for it. I doubt it would ever get off the ground but if it did i think it would appeal to the likes of the Union Bear types and the more 'traditionalists' among the support if you know what i mean. There is still a few within the support who haven't moved with the times and still see Rangers as the White , Protestant , British football club..I make no apology if that upsets some Rangers supporters as it is the truth. They are there all around us at games..Thankfully it is a minority but they are there. They would use the new club as a vehicle for their outdated political views.

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Fair enough. Personally though, I simply cannot get enough of this stuff. I honestly can't imagine getting fed up of it. Despite being decent however, I doubt if I'm representative.

I'm rather bored by it all, to be honest. Although I suppose I'm one step removed from it, living as I do in the gerrymandered, failed, orange statelet.

(The goings on at Ibrox are faithfully reported in the local media, all the same.)

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There is still a few within the support who haven't moved with the times and still see Rangers as the White , Protestant , British football club..I make no apology if that upsets some Rangers supporters as it is the truth. They are there all around us at games..Thankfully it is a minority but they are there. They would use the new club as a vehicle for their outdated political views.

Surely if they are all around you that would make them the majority, which is most people's view and is easily confirmed when seen home or away.

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There was some discussion on Follow Follow about this but there was no real appetite for it. I doubt it would ever get off the ground but if it did i think it would appeal to the likes of the Union Bear types and the more 'traditionalists' among the support if you know what i mean. There is still a few within the support who haven't moved with the times and still see Rangers as the White , Protestant , British football club..I make no apology if that upsets some Rangers supporters as it is the truth. They are there all around us at games..Thankfully it is a minority but they are there. They would use the new club as a vehicle for their outdated political views.

I see what you mean and yes, there might be a danger of it.

Something similar crossed my mind when the re-birth formed and before the STs shifted in such big numbers.

Again a genuine question, given that you were good enough to answer the last one honestly:

Why would you see any new start being the vehicle for only the type of poster you identify? Would the idea not have a certain appeal for your good self, for instance?

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Rangers are not going to die. Peter Lawwell will nod through the Ashely "Take over", as he would rather see a weakened Rangers playing than them being killed off. If it does not look like Rangers will get promoted this season, look for the cozy PR puff pieces for League reconstruction. Then when Rangers get back in to the top league it will be business as usual for Old Firm Inc.

awwell is an SFA board membr, so many overestimate his powers. if anything i'd ay he'd be against it.

Rangers fans jizzing over Charlotte fake type emails now, you couldn't make it up.

Are we really?

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I think it's probably accurate though Bennett, don't you - seriously? You only need to look at the noises the likes of Gilmour made when the SFL 1 proposal was voted down, to see that exiling Rangers was not really favoured by most top flight clubs, until their fans forced the issue.

No it's only half the story, not the whole truth....

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That's very good. That's very impressive sir. I'll leave you to carry on. There's just one thing I don't get... Actually, you do me undue credit Wisbit. There is nothing fake about my bemusement at all.

What, Columbo was only pretending to be puzzled? I'm going to have to have a lie down.

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Tell me the other half then.I don't know it.

The SPL supporters wanted Rangers in the bottom tier...The Clubs tried to bully the SFL into allowing Rangers into SFL 1.

The fans wanted reconstruction. The clubs didnt.

The fans want all games to kick off at 3pm on a Saturday.

The clubs do what the TV Executives tell them to do.

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There was some discussion on Follow Follow about this but there was no real appetite for it. I doubt it would ever get off the ground but if it did i think it would appeal to the likes of the Union Bear types and the more 'traditionalists' among the support if you know what i mean. There is still a few within the support who haven't moved with the times and still see Rangers as the White , Protestant , British football club..I make no apology if that upsets some Rangers supporters as it is the truth. They are there all around us at games..Thankfully it is a minority but they are there. They would use the new club as a vehicle for their outdated political views.

Aren't they doing that already with the current Rangers, though? Not meaning that as a "new club" joke - if it can lead to no more Craig Whyte/Charles Green/Easdale/South African criminal/Mike Ashley/Lyle Lanley types drawing money from the club then its a chance worth taking, surely?

Giving up the history for good would be hard, but a chance to make new history with a fan-owned club has to be seriously worth considering. I think Monkey Tennis has said a few times that Rangers pride themselves on dignity - not going to go into trolling territory, but really, there isn't any dignity in being ridden rotten by parasites in perpetuity, which considering how fragile Rangers are financially is a very real risk. There could be some in starting afresh, rather than desperately clinging onto 54 titles etc. at the price of being taken advantage of forever more.

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The SPL supporters wanted Rangers in the bottom tier...The Clubs tried to bully the SFL into allowing Rangers into SFL 1.

The fans wanted reconstruction. The clubs didnt.

The fans want all games to kick off at 3pm on a Saturday.

The clubs do what the TV Executives tell them to do.

All true, but not really relevant here.

SJC said that were it not for the expressed views of fans, SPL clubs would probably have admitted the Newco straight into the top flight. I'm convinced this is true, but Bennett called it fabrication. I asked him why and he said that only half the story had been provided.

Nothing you've said above, supports him.

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All true, but not really relevant here. SJC said that were it not for the expressed views of fans, SPL clubs would probably have admitted the Newco straight into the top flight. I'm convinced this is true, but Bennett called it fabrication. I asked him why and he said that only half the story had been provided. Nothing you've said above, supports him.

SJC implied that Rangers were to be kept in the SPL as if nothing had happened, we all know that isn't 100% true.

Rangers wouald have faced 5 years of sanctions including financial penalities and points deductions but you already knew this. SJC only told half the story.

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SJC implied that Rangers were to be kept in the SPL as if nothing had happened, we all know that isn't 100% true.

Rangers wouald have faced 5 years of sanctions including financial penalities and points deductions but you already knew this. SJC only told half the story.

Any sanctions would in reality I think, have been similar to those that materialised anyway - some settling of debt and some restrictions on signings. I think points penalties were never realistic.

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