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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Institutional investors sell their shareholdings at pretty much the same time. At a loss. Unusual timing. Do coincidences like this just happen to happen?

With regards to this bit, I think the institutions realised it had got to the point where they either took a hit and got something back, or lost the lot. Had they kept their holding and the "Rangers men" not bought in, it was game over and they knew it. There was nothing unusual in them bailing out when they did. The fact they invested in the first place is the unusual bit.

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Oxymoron of the year award?

"The Company is managing its cash resources carefully and will require further funding before the end of January"

Who writes this stuff for them?...The company is running a tight ship, but will go bust in 3 weeks .

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Their moments of hope and light get shorter and shorter these days.

Got to laugh at the poor wee bears, whilst the spivs are tying up all the assets through securities on loans and building huge pay off clauses into their contracts Ashley has hoovered up the merchandising and intellectual property. Soon King will get the club but what will the club be? A membership number of a private members club and little else?

Poor teddies, left with a clusterfuck that their pride won't let them walk away from, because Ally said no tae. Ally, the one that walked away, doon to the bottom of his garden to play with the fairies.

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This is an incredibly daft question probably, but I'm not an economic expert like all of you. :(

Why is Ashley bothered about Rangers? He's already incredibly rich. Is it just a case of trying to hoover assets while keeping the club barely afloat?

Is it really worth all the trouble it's causing him?

<<< isn't ruthless/capitalist enough to survive in the "world of business"

He's a mad troll, probably posts in the politics forum too.

Even obese muther fucking rich b*****ds love a laugh.

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What I don't understand is that Ashley has no interests in the club. Cockwomble confirmed that the club is independent of the company which owns it. The company may go bust but the club carries on. Ashley's dealings are with the company which owns the club, not the club itself, so I don't see how he can be doing anything wrong. Our lords and masters really are getting themselves into a tangle.

In terms of Ashley, potentially it could be I'd suppose, if he wants to face-down the SFA. Intriguing.

In terms of the sporting side of things - it only really becomes a tangle if a case arises where the 'club'* is moved from one company to another to separate itself from debts; or the company goes into administration; or the company is liquidated; and someone claims no sanctions are put upon the 'club'.

You would quickly see total anarchy if football teams could spend whatever they liked but never face the consequence of having spent too much.

*however that is actually defined

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Assets and intellectual property. A bit like Norman Bates dressing up as his mother. Doncaster was talking twaddle.

Edited by Dr Koop
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Did anyone else watch Lost and thought that whilst it was entertining and, to a degree, intriguing, that the final series was totally bizarre and the ending completely unexpected?

Nope. We all knew they had actually died... Just like Rangers.

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Assets and intellectual property. A bit like Norman Bates dressing up as his mother. Doncaster was talking twaddle.

Not going to get into the debate about the difference or otherwise between clubs and companies - just pointing out that the new, novel definitions arrived at following the Rangers liquidation are not definitely unworkable. They are workable if the 'clubs' still face responsibility for whatever their 'companies' do in running them. Otherwise it would be anarchy.

Interestingly such a situation could, cast-ironly, never have come about in SFL in its latter years.

Their rulebook explicitly excluded members from incorporating or de-incorporating, or restructuring, while insolvent or to otherwise 'dodge' debt.

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In terms of Ashley, potentially it could be I'd suppose, if he wants to face-down the SFA. Intriguing.

In terms of the sporting side of things - it only really becomes a tangle if a case arises where the 'club'* is moved from one company to another to separate itself from debts; or the company goes into administration; or the company is liquidated; and someone claims no sanctions are put upon the 'club'.

You would quickly see total anarchy if football teams could spend whatever they liked but never face the consequence of having spent too much.

*however that is actually defined

So you're familiar with Brazilian domestic football then...

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Not going to get into the debate about the difference or otherwise between clubs and companies - just pointing out that the new, novel definitions arrived at following the Rangers liquidation are not definitely unworkable. They are workable if the 'clubs' still face responsibility for whatever their 'companies' do in running them. Otherwise it would be anarchy.

Interestingly such a situation could, cast-ironly, never have come about in SFL in its latter years.

Their rulebook explicitly excluded members from incorporating or de-incorporating, or restructuring, while insolvent or to otherwise 'dodge' debt.

It wasn't an invitation to a debate. The strategy of Scottish football vis one of the two entities that have the largest supports is clear. The thorties, the SFA, the SPFL, will invent, reinvent, dodge, connive, imagine, conflate and baffle to preserve its existence in one form or another to secure commercial interests that, experience tells us, have overwhelmingly favoured those two businesses.

I'm reminded that the clubs got on their high horse about the proposals of two summers ago to completely compound the folly but their silence since has been deafening.

That you and I and other users of this forum - football fans - look at the Scottish game and see a plate of spaghetti sauced up with 'clubs' and 'holding companies' as heralds to god knows what next from the league in terms of club stewardship tells me the whole thing is utterly fucked.

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Is it?

All I keep hearing is how great Scottish Fitbaw is these days.

Do you want your clubs concentrating on this? or would you prefer they continually harass the football authorities about Rangers and the newco / oldco situation?

If you ever listened to anyone outside your little bubble, Five Stars, you'd realise that Scottish Football is currently presented - again - with a situation where the governing bodies may very soon have to show whether they have the balls to be honest or whether they will perpetuate the slanted playing field ensured by vested interests. And - again - the indications are that they are going to shit their pants and allow those vested interests to dictate what happens. Cockwomble's embarrassing statement a few days ago is the most shameful thing I've heard from someone in a similar position in many a year.

If you want to hear how good football is at the moment, just ask fans who, some for the first time ever, have seen their teams win silverware since rangers died. Ask the Accies fans who thought it couldn't get any better after beating Hibs yet now find themselves challenging at the top of the secondmost competitive league in Europe. Ask the Hearts fans who have skelped your ersatz mob twice so far as they run away with the Championship.

In fact, just wait until we get rid of MJ, and ask a few Killie fans. Big fúck-off cloud over RP at the moment - silver lining is that we've cut the knuckledragger visitors by more than half.

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Who writes this stuff for them?...The company is running a tight ship, but will go bust in 3 weeks .

A whole new spin on payday loans. Instead of going to Wonga to get some cash to tide you over till you get paid, you go to Ashley/whoever to get some cash so that you can actually have a payday for the players...

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