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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Norman you know thats not true, it's all been quoted.

I'm not getting bogged down in this with you, you had a go at No.8 for going to Ibrox and not boycotting and you had a go at me for boycotting.

It's all been quoted, so toodlepip...

I must confess I'm in two minds here. I honestly can't decide whether you're trying to brazen your latest cluster out in the hope that nobody will notice, or you're so fucking stupid you don't realise you've made a rip-roaring arse of yourself yet again. It's got to be one or the other.

I've never made claim to be The Great Debater, but you should do yourself a favour and give up. Handing you your own arse is becoming almost a daily occurrence now.

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You mean the bit about his buying season tickets IF the Killie chairman had voted against the newco gaining direct entry into the SPL? The vote the Killie chairman abstained on? That's how I recall it, but you must have the relevant quotes to hand...

Yep, that's the badger. But let's not let the facts get in the way of Bennett's daily self-humiliation, eh?

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You mean the bit about his buying season tickets IF the Killie chairman had voted against the newco gaining direct entry into the SPL? The vote the Killie chairman abstained on? That's how I recall it, but you must have the relevant quotes to hand...

F**l you talking about lol

Norman had a go at No.8 for not boycotting

Then had a go at me for boycotting.

You are replying to the wrong post, you silly person.

Oh look Normans jumped the gun too...

Yep, that's the badger. But let's not let the facts get in the way of Bennett's daily self-humiliation, eh?

Edited by bennett
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I must confess I'm in two minds here. I honestly can't decide whether you're trying to brazen your latest cluster out in the hope that nobody will notice,

The only person trying to "brazen it out" is you.

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Yeh....he wanted a return to the OF carve up as this would be "healthier"!

I thought he said the opposite....

From the BBC (I know, I know)

Dave King on Rangers' future

"The vision for me, as a fan, is to see the Rangers that I know - the nine-in-a-row Rangers that we saw and were a dominant club in Scotland. "Not necessarily winning the league every season but every season expecting to compete with Celtic and performing well in Europe."If one looks at the football talent at the club at the moment and if you look at the financial position of the club, to address the obvious gap between ourselves and Celtic, that is clearly absent."

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This is what no8 and his fellow bears do, they talk nonsense and give it a lot of whatboutrey tit for tat pish, "but they did this and they did that" hoping that the mods get fed up and close the thread, deflection and we are ra peepil / zombies at its best / worst.

Back to the football:-

Ashley has this shambles of a club sewn up, whos paying the 5 loanee's wages and is it coming out of his loan ?

Will the sfa do anything about Ashley running 2 clubs and should sevco be fined & deducted points for running while insolvent ?

You keep coming out with this nonsense. You are the one who lied on the match threead. You were the one who brought up the child abuse issue and lied about it....you claimed the story was made up FFS!!! When i corrected you what did you do? You started ranting about me using it to point score. Liar.


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WhiteRoseKillie, on 04 Feb 2015 - 17:28, said:

celtic were founded in Scotland, by people living in Scotland, are located in Scotland, and Play in the Scottish League....

Clonmel Bhoy, on 04 Feb 2015 - 19:32, said:

Yes by Irish people, who at the time believe it or not were also British….

I believe there are a couple of Spanish and a couple of South American Football Clubs that were founded by Scotsmen.

Does that make these clubs Scottish?

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Well apart from the name change with Dundee United, how have these clubs changed from their origins ?

Dundee Hibs went bust totally in 1922, and the brand new club, Dundee City (later to be United in 1923) resurrected the name to get into the League, as previous members were guaranteed membership. The two clubs are not actually related.

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The vast majority of those players are out of contract at the end of the season and if anybody at the club ever gets round to speaking to them about new deals, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will be offered much less cash than it took to entice them to Ibrox in the first place. The players don’t know if they are coming or going and the club doesn’t know what division it will be playing in next season, never mind who will be calling the shots from the top of the marble staircase.

A chap that I don't know well enough to determine his level of guffyness rather confidently told me the other day that most of the 'Rangers' player's contracts for next season are cancelled should 'Rangers' gain promotion but are honored should they fail (or it might have been the other way round but I don't remember :unsure2: )

Can anyone clarify ?

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Yes was the word you were looking for.

I stated about 6 times they let themselves down.

I may however have to revise this, after listening to the tv, it is clear what they were singing;

Up to our knees in Greenyin blood

Oh no soap in rome.

f**k the soap.

We hate celtic, greenyin b*****ds.

Come on, Tedi, it's a simple question - what was "magnificent" about the rangers' supporters at Hampden?

(Please bear in mind that everyone who watched that match heard the songs, and humour and bigotry can make strange bedfellows)

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Dundee Hibs went bust totally in 1922, and the brand new club, Dundee City (later to be United in 1923) resurrected the name to get into the League, as previous members were guaranteed membership. The two clubs are not actually related.

So using Rangers logic, Dundee Hibs are really still alive surely?

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No, The original Dundee Hibs died in 1897.

No Dundee Hibernian was formed in 1909 after the collapse of Dundee Harp. The name Dundee Hibs continued until 1923 when the name was changed to United. The name City was considered but was objected to by Dundee F C.

However the point remains the same both United and Hibs were formed by Irish immigrants for the Catholic Population with the same history behind them as Celtic.Despite these similarities United and Hibs have integrated themselves with the rest of Scottish football ie they promote themselves as Scottish living in the 21st.century.


The Hibs badge sums it up really well...... The Harp for Ireland, the sailing ship for Leith and the castle for Edinburgh.

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Dundee Hibs went bust totally in 1922, and the brand new club, Dundee City (later to be United in 1923) resurrected the name to get into the League, as previous members were guaranteed membership. The two clubs are not actually related.

So using Rangers logic, Dundee Hibs are really still alive surely?

No, The original Dundee Hibs died in 1897.

Dundee Harp is who you're thinking of. I can get my probation officer to read wiki y'know ;)

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