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wulliamwallace, on 02 Feb 2015 - 13:16, said:snapback.png

I admitted i got it wrong about the kid being hurt and i also said the guy who did it should go to jail, i also said the likes of you bring up child abuse to score points and in your reply ^ you used child abuse to score points.

I also heard a few songs at the game which was mocking child abuse funny how you never mentioned them being sung ?

Im not going to carry on the tit for tat pish with you, its not why i come on here, i can see through you and you have already come across as a seething bigot and a racist so i dont expect anything else, you are a liar and a fraud.

You said the boy had not been hit....You lied when you claimed i had made the story up to deflect away from how shite Rangers are. I know how shite Rangers are better than most. You lied when saying i had brought up child abuse....You did that and lied by saying they were made up stories. A man has was sent to prison for it FFS!! You lied whe you said i was using child abuse to score points. You were i was merely correcting your lies.

I have mentioned the singing of ALL songs at the game and given my opinion so claiming i havent mentioned them would be yet another lie.

You can't see what is right in front of your face never mind through me. As far as your claims i am a seething bigot. Really? How many seething Protestant bigots agree to bring their daughter up in the Roman Catholic faith? How many take their wife and Daughter to the Chapel every Sunday? How many seething Protestant bigots would continually have a go at Rangers supporters for singing sectarian songs? So we can mark that down as yet another lie. You're on a bit of a roll here.

I am not trying to deflect this thread away from the troubles at Rangers..but i am not going to sit back and let somebody like you throw wild accusations about without replying.

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Would you walk away from his massive salary when you've got them bent over a barrell?

It was The Clipboard that leaked the story to the press. He is wanting out but obviously wanting paid up and he is just trying to force their hand.

Rangers haven't even changed their subs in the last 4 months so it is going to be interesting to see who they leave out and with our Under 20s hammering a very strong Hearts team 5-1 earlier in the week it is surely time the likes of Halkett , Hardie and Gallagher were given a chance in the first team. They simply cant be any worse....Oh and Marius Zaliauskas(sp) also played in that game. It is a mystery to me why he hasn't figured more in the first team considering the utter garbage we watch every single week

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Would you walk away from his massive salary when you've got them bent over a barrell?

We got rid of one inept manager by giving him a wage rise then sending him on gardening leave. If i was Clipboard i would be furious i wasn't offered the same and this is why he will continue to work his ticket until they give him the same terms McCoist was given

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You don't get it.

Everyone is welcome at Celtic.

Most Celtic fans on this forum are not 4th or 5th generation Irish or Catholic.

Why should people forget their roots. Would you expect Scots in other countries to forget their roots?

Those that are saying you should cut all ties with your Irish Catholic past are trying to go too far If you want to discuss it you must accept that celtics roots are very much along religious lines and not Ireland as a whole. I have no problem with that but i do have a problem with the playin of Irish Rebel music before games...I do have a problem with them wearing Famine badges on their strips yet not wearing poppies on them.

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Not his best piece, that one. Some of his articles are better than others. Saying I like Spiers is not the same as saying that everything he's ever done is wonderful. A balanced, measured perspective absolutely throws you guys doesn't it?

Sorry but i missed this due to the game thread. Blanced and measured eh? It was out and out lies. Obviously i had him down as discredited before this but surely that article has to be the end of any credibility he ever had?

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I actually feel sorry for the Newcastle 5.

Young lads, wanting a game of football and they have walked into a complete shitstorm,

Must be incredibly embarrassing for them to have this 'favoured status'. It's a bit like Saddam Hussein marking his sons Higher exams and giving them 110% each.

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You clearly have no clue what demographic means in statistical analysis in relation to anything do you?

Demograhic - the statistical characteristics of human populations (as age or income) used especially to identify markets. 2 : a market or segment of the population identified by demographics.

As I said, if you were inferring that Celtic are any less capable of attracting support from "all backgrounds" you are talking out of your hole .. in fact it's likely to be the opposite since our supporters are drawn from a wider geographical area (courtesy of your last rambling post .. trying to stray off point). The effect being; the backgrounds of our customers are likely to be more varied ...

If you weren't inferring that the other three teams were better or different from Celtic at attracting fans from all backgrounds ... you could simply have said so ... though it's a bit late in the day since you appear to have picked it up and tried to run with it ...

Were the words I used too complicated?

How about a bit of racial profiling? :whistle

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I actually feel sorry for the Newcastle 5.

Young lads, wanting a game of football and they have walked into a complete shitstorm,

Must be incredibly embarrassing for them to have this 'favoured status'. It's a bit like Saddam Hussein marking his sons Higher exams and giving them 110% each.



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So dodgy Dave is willing to spunk another 40 million on the Rangers.

Fair enough, he'd only be due to give it to the taxman in SA anyways.

Does his remarks about the 9-in-a-row days refer to a return to EBTs or other tax evasion strategies?

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So dodgy Dave is willing to spunk another 40 million on the Rangers.

Fair enough, he'd only be due to give it to the taxman in SA anyways.

Does his remarks about the 9-in-a-row days refer to a return to EBTs or other tax evasion strategies?

No a return to the winning days on the pitch ;) I see he is also matching pound for pound what Rangers first make.

Edit and what the RST make.

Edited by TheBattleFever
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Does anyone know if it's against the rules to make a company statement without it appearing on the Stock Exchange? I can't find it.

Interesting. It doesn't appear on the Rangers website either, although you can find it on Google. Looks as though it's been posted and then withdrawn.

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I know when we had players on loan from Newcastle previously the deal was rumoured to be that we only paid a contribution to their wage if they didn't play that week. Although this sounds like on another level, but then again perhaps diddy teams in the lower leagues have to endure stricter conditions.

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