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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The hotels twitter feed which was bombarded by yahoos, greenyins and plastics does not lie, a few polite Rangers fans informing the hotel of the board`s shenanigans does not change that, I think you will find that me and Bennett were spot on...as usual.

Well, if it's on Twitter, it must be true....

Only a post on Facebook would carry more weight, imho. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Plastic what, btw, Tedi?

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Don't start the precious currant bun,apparently plastic means Celtic fan.

Oh, don't worry - I'm quite aware of the casual racism being evinced by NBM's biggest fan.

Edit - wee punctuation issue - don't want to be riling The_Diddy now, do we?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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STV have the good guys on 51%, BBC 48%, both have the Rats on 36%.

Hopefully not, although if the current shareholders want to retain their shareholding and not lose it through dilution they they will be required to match any investment offered by the good guy shareholders.

Sorry, I am not following this. Can you provide the details of who the good guys are and who the rats are. You know, just so I am sure. ;)

Edited by strichener
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So you were just trolling then. caught out lying again.

Not lying at all, pelucía. Your wee term "plastics" is a contraction of a pejorative term for the Irish. And, had you been unaware of this, there's been plenty of discussion on here.

Oh, by the way - you haven't deleted all your uses of the words "declan" and "dheclan" - best cover your tracks properly before coming over all holier-than-thou, wee man.

You could maybe get some advice on how not to be racist next time you go for a point with No8.

Or maybe not.

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Not lying at all, pelucía. Your wee term "plastics" is a contraction of a pejorative term for the Irish. And, had you been unaware of this, there's been plenty of discussion on here.

Oh, by the way - you haven't deleted all your uses of the words "declan" and "dheclan" - best cover your tracks properly before coming over all holier-than-thou, wee man.

You could maybe get some advice on how not to be racist next time you go for a point with No8.

Or maybe not.

It's been a while since 'Rangers' got a point...

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Of course you are a liar WKR, plastic = celtic fans, by itself it has nothing to do with the derogatory term for Irish 'paddy' there is no way I would use that phrase so away and stop jumping to daft conclusions, phil 3 names is your typical plastic celtic fan.

Why would I delete them, the name Declan is not racist in anyway, you are trying way too hard here.

I thought Plastic was a shortened version of Plastic Paddy. A term used by Rangers fans to describe celtic fans not born in Ireland but who claim some sort of link to Ireland, to feel closer to the football team they support?

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I thought Plastic was a shortened version of Plastic Paddy. A term used by Rangers fans to describe celtic fans not born in Ireland but who claim some sort of link to Ireland, to feel closer to the football team they support?

You, me and the rest of the world, Dave. However, NBM's No. One Fan says different, so we must all be wrong, then. What other reason for the use of "plastic" would there be, I wonder? No doubt Mr Principles can enlighten us.

Unless, of course, he's got just enough decency to realise he's let his mask slip* yet again.

*As I believe the accepted expression goes.

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Not lying at all, pelucía. Your wee term "plastics" is a contraction of a pejorative term for the Irish. And, had you been unaware of this, there's been plenty of discussion on here.

Oh, by the way - you haven't deleted all your uses of the words "declan" and "dheclan" - best cover your tracks properly before coming over all holier-than-thou, wee man.

You could maybe get some advice on how not to be racist next time you go for a point with No8.

Or maybe not.

You found any of those racist posts on Pie and Bovril yet?

I could always go over to Follow Follow for you and bring over my post slating the Chelsea supporter and the apologists but then that doesn't fit with your wee agenda against all things Rangers. No you are not a bigot. Not bigoted at all.

Never mind you just keep in with your wee bigoted Irish Republican friends. Maybe try asking CB why he was banned numerous times from that other site.

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Interesting watching the pieces shift in the Birmingham City story currently unfolding.

In their case, it is demonstratably the case that the 'club' is legally separate from the 'parent company', the extremely slippery entity below:

(Receivers Appointed)
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

It is certainly the case that 'old Rangers' did not have this structure - the club was incorporated, and later became a PLC.
Many authorities have been paraded to pretend that this was not the case, mostly referring to each other rather than any points of law if they are asked to justify their logical acrobatics.

These assertions do not alter the facts of the matter one jot.

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Paddy would be offensive, paddy is a mildly racist derogatory term for someone who is irish, there is no way I would use that.

Plastic however is fair game for anyone or anything that is fake.

So why refer to the celtic fans as "plastic", then? I'd say your lot had just as many, if not more (itro 500 million more, apparently). It would be as ludicrous as fans of the rangers referring to their "rivals" fans as bigoted. ffs. Oh, hang on a minute...

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You found any of those racist posts on Pie and Bovril yet?

I could always go over to Follow Follow for you and bring over my post slating the Chelsea supporter and the apologists but then that doesn't fit with your wee agenda against all things Rangers. No you are not a bigot. Not bigoted at all.

Never mind you just keep in with your wee bigoted Irish Republican friends. Maybe try asking CB why he was banned numerous times from that other site.

What racist posts on Pie and Bovril? Tell you what, you go and find the posts where I claimed they existed.

Wagons..........CIRCLE! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I thought Plastic was a shortened version of Plastic Paddy. A term used by Rangers fans to describe celtic fans not born in Ireland but who claim some sort of link to Ireland, to feel closer to the football team they support?

I thought Plastic Whistle played at Firhill for Thrills!?

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Raging and


He cannot help himself :lol:

Wee Fergus was a Fud but this character is a crackpot. He got banned by a Mod. from Forkhill in South Armagh :lol: Of course now he has never heard of Big Bill Fae Forkhill AKA The Reaper.

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