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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I see you dodged a proper response ... not for the first time.

How will it be funded since as you do not have much cloth left to cut and the only income stream is ST sales.

You need investment or sugar-daddy gifts.

Investment as everyone knows will not becoming from the city as they already had their fingers burned when it was a more attractive proposition .. ground floor opportunity. Every serious investor on the planet now knows the clumpany is a basket case, has a moronic and unreliable customer base and is a financial 'black hole'.

So how will this glorious revolution be funded ...?

I'm sure there are a few thousand Rangers fans that just want to go to the football, but there's a much higher percentage who will need to see De Boer/Gazza type marquee signings, going the season unbeaten, domestic trebles and Champions League football every year before they'll go regularly.

Cutting their cloth won't get them back to where the majority of their fans want them to be, especially when Ashley has their good bits.

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I see you dodged a proper response ... not for the first time.

How will it be funded since as you do not have much cloth left to cut and the only income stream is ST sales.

You need investment or sugar-daddy gifts.

Investment as everyone knows will not becoming from the city as they already had their fingers burned when it was a more attractive proposition .. ground floor opportunity. Every serious investor on the planet now knows the clumpany is a basket case, has a moronic and unreliable customer base and is a financial 'black hole'.

So how will this glorious revolution be funded ...?

Fuxace. Anyone else hear the ridiculous tale about Sellick fans taking out Provey loans to buy a pilotless aircraft to fly over Ibrox today? What a damp squid* that story turned out to be.

I kent all along where The Celtic Drone would be........stuck behind his keyboard posting about Rangers ;)

*Squid are damp (usually).

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Well just the Queens Coronation speech to go today and I fully expect a double full house of phrases in Big House bingo....

It will be speak a lot a say nothing pledge of world domination will be back.

And to follow this month we will have two events

ST sale announced at premier prices because we have to and the playoffs might work out and you want to pay that much anyway as this will tide things over till

The next share issue as Queen Dave announces The Cardigan is back and needs new cardigans and players so prepare your wallets to be fucked again folks.........

Rangers International....

Mugging believers Yesterday

Mugging believers Today

Mugging believers Forever..

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Looks like it's back to square one in the Circle of Life at Ibrox:

1) New owners

2) Just you wait, all you diddies will soon be getting pumped

3) Owners loot everything that isn't nailed down

4) Team playing shyte

5) Blame the owners/"Sack the board"/Walking away

6) Boardroom meltdown

7) See 1)

Still, good work by Dave King & his buddies - they've done exactly what they said they'd do in a fine display of non-glib unshamelessness, when it looked like it was impossible.

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First stage complete and the boardroom is sorted out.

Now king and co need to provide funding for the short term and get densboy his nomad.

Go through the books and contracts, then we'll see just how bad things are and how long any recovery will take.

Rebuilding ..... Stadium, coaching, manager, scouting etc needs to be sorted and hopefully in a few years time we're back in the top league.

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A great day for Rangers...

..We saw Mr. [Dave King] testify in chief and in cross-examination for four days and are unanimous in finding that he is a mendacious witness whose evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by documents or other objective evidence. It was remarkable that Mr. [Dave King] showed no sign of embarrassment or any emotion when he conceded that he had lied to the Commissioner in a number of his income tax returns. In our assessment he is a glib and shameless liar.

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First stage complete and the boardroom is sorted out.

Now king and co need to provide funding for the short term and get densboy his nomad.

Go through the books and contracts, then we'll see just how bad things are and how long any recovery will take.

Rebuilding ..... Stadium, coaching, manager, scouting etc needs to be sorted and hopefully in a few years time we're back in the top league.

Ashley still get 2 people on the board ,,2 new rats.
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