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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This has become a must read for all Rangers supporters. Absolutely glorious.

Deep running seethe in every dig or post they make, welcome to the future of the BRALT

This is getting bizarre.

Again, I have absolutely no reason why I should be seething, King strikes me as a guy who's worth the watching, a convicted crook and a proven liar - I dare say there's a lot of mileage in the BRALT on the back of his 'tenure'.

If I were a 'Rangers' fan I'd be optimistic and I'd certainly be hoping a corner had be turned but I wouldn't be on here posturing and assuming everyone was gutted that such a dubious character had just engineered a foot in the door.

I still think Sarver would have provided a more secure future for 'Rangers' btw.

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This is getting bizarre.

Again, I have absolutely no reason why I should be seething, King strikes me as a guy who's worth the watching, a convicted crook and a proven liar - I dare say there's a lot of mileage in the BRALT on the back of his 'tenure'.

If I were a 'Rangers' fan I'd be optimistic and I'd certainly be hoping a corner had be turned but I wouldn't be on here posturing and assuming everyone was gutted that such a dubious character had just engineered a foot in the door.

I still think Sarver would have provided a more secure future for 'Rangers' btw.

That might be well and good but you should definitely be seething......I know I am......yesterday's really taken the gloss of my teams charge towards the Championship Title.

Damn that Dave King! :angry:

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Again king isn't going to be running things solo, he will have to work with others and isn't going to be calling the shots.

Server IMO was nothing but a diversion.

I actually agree with you Re: Sarver.

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This is simply staggering:

"Keith Jackson: The Daily Record has led the way exposing truth about ropey Ibrox regimes and we won't stop digging now.

KEITH and the Record Sport team have not always proved popular with ex-board members at Ibrox thanks to a series of revelations on dodgy dealings - and the new regime should expect the same level of scrutiny.

IT WAS most certainly the most exciting 13 minutes of action Ibrox has seen this season.
And with the passing of time, yesterday’s obliteration of the old regime by shareholders may come to be regarded as the single most significant win in the history of Rangers Football Club.
But that will depend entirely on what Dave King does next, now his war for control is over.
By reclaiming ownership of the boardroom on behalf of the club’s fans, King and his cohorts scored a momentous victory yesterday.
As a result of this routing Rangers have been freed from those who have abused and mutilated it beyond all recognition. The club is now back in the hands of people who wish to do no more than nurture it.
All of which deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated by the fans who have also been exploited and trampled upon by a succession of shameless characters.
Yesterday then was their moment of liberation and they roared in approval as King, Paul Murray and John Gilligan were swept across the threshold on a wave of raw emotion.
But that was yesterday. From this morning King, Murray, Gilligan and Douglas Park – who was quickly appointed on to the new team – have an almighty task to confront.
They must begin rebuilding the reputation of a club which, over the last four years, has become the most toxic institution in British sport. How they do so will determine the extent of their legacy.
It is time for these men to prove they are worthy governors and they should expect to be held to the same level of scrutiny they demanded of the previous directors. In fact they should demand it.
Yesterday was, in a smaller way, a victory for this newspaper. For four years the Daily Record has led the way in exposing all sorts of scandals and shenanigans at the top of the old marble staircase.
The list of ex-board members and executives who have fallen out with this publication in that time reads like a Brogues Gallery.
Craig Whyte, Ali Russell, David Grier, Duff and Phelps, Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Brian Stockbridge, Craig Mather, Sandy and James Easdale, David Somers, Derek Llambias, Barry Leach – all of the above have had reason to curse the paper we print on.
Some of them still detest the Daily Record and that’s fine by us. In fact, they can all consider themselves barred for life from reading it.
It was interesting then that yesterday, around half past one, the Rangers PR office contacted this sports desk to invite our reporters to attend King’s coronation. In effect, one of the first acts of the new board was to lift the ban imposed on us by Llambias. Not a bad start, we must admit.
But King and his men must now prove their own credentials as there is a chance here for them to do some serious good, not just for Rangers but for the Scottish game in general.
Having fought to become this club’s custodians it is incumbent upon them to continue to do the right thing. They have a unique chance, not just to display leadership but also establish proper standards from the boardroom down.
They stormed in on a ticket of transparency and accountability so they must be held to their word.
There is a certain irony about the fact a man who had to pay the authorities in South Africa more than £40million to stay out of jail can win an election fought on trust but that’s an indication of how far Rangers have been allowed to fall.
The truth is King may have tried to stiff the taxman but there is no reason to doubt his intentions for his football club to be anything other than honourable.
If they were not, he wouldn’t have been endorsed by a man as credible and decent as Murray, who will be interim chairman until King’s fit and proper status is decided and who will play a major hands-on role in plotting the way forward.
For four years now Murray has, at times single-handedly, led the fight against a succession of regimes and fallen out with many of the same names and faces as this newspaper.
It is preposterous to suppose he would willingly walk King into power if he felt it was in any way a risk to this club’s return to health.
Murray’s endorsement of King, in fact, may have been a crucial factor in persuading such a huge majority of shareholders to back him.
That both seem to be on the same page should comfort fans as the pair of them begin overseeing a forensic investigation, in search of historic skulduggery behind the scenes.
There is a touch of the Eliot Ness about Murray, whose determination to uncover what has been done to Rangers and by whom has driven him this far. Of all the main players in this saga he should be credited for his tenacity and honesty.
This is a man with a vision for Rangers involving meticulous levels of corporate governance as well as a willingness to work tirelessly for the club. He will also reach out to the rest of Scottish football, mending broken relationships.
Murray’s aim is not just to rebuild Rangers but to modernise it, ridding it of outdated cultures and the ingrained sense of entitlement which has done so much to hold it back.
Those who put self-interest or prejudice ahead of the good of the club are unlikely to last long under his watch.
If he thinks the last four years have taken a toll he’s in for a shock but it’s just as well for Rangers that Murray’s stubborn streak is so deep.
Perhaps he should nick the last line from The Untouchables, as a fully vindicated Ness confronts Al Capone amid a chaotic courtroom and says: “Never stop, never stop fighting till the fight is done.”
For this new Rangers regime of King, Murray, Gilligan and Park their fight is only just beginning."
Once again the Record is re-writting history - the notion that they have been a lone voice against the shysters is staggering, they've welcomed each and every one of those guys into Ibrox and played their part in pulling the wool over the 'rangers' fans eyes time after time.
Succulent lamb is certainly back on the menu.
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This is simply staggering:

"Keith Jackson: The Daily Record has led the way exposing truth about ropey Ibrox regimes and we won't stop digging now.

KEITH and the Record Sport team have not always proved popular with ex-board members at Ibrox thanks to a series of revelations on dodgy dealings - and the new regime should expect the same level of scrutiny.

IT WAS most certainly the most exciting 13 minutes of action Ibrox has seen this season.

And with the passing of time, yesterday’s obliteration of the old regime by shareholders may come to be regarded as the single most significant win in the history of Rangers Football Club.

But that will depend entirely on what Dave King does next, now his war for control is over.

By reclaiming ownership of the boardroom on behalf of the club’s fans, King and his cohorts scored a momentous victory yesterday.

As a result of this routing Rangers have been freed from those who have abused and mutilated it beyond all recognition. The club is now back in the hands of people who wish to do no more than nurture it.

All of which deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated by the fans who have also been exploited and trampled upon by a succession of shameless characters.

Yesterday then was their moment of liberation and they roared in approval as King, Paul Murray and John Gilligan were swept across the threshold on a wave of raw emotion.

But that was yesterday. From this morning King, Murray, Gilligan and Douglas Park – who was quickly appointed on to the new team – have an almighty task to confront.

They must begin rebuilding the reputation of a club which, over the last four years, has become the most toxic institution in British sport. How they do so will determine the extent of their legacy.

It is time for these men to prove they are worthy governors and they should expect to be held to the same level of scrutiny they demanded of the previous directors. In fact they should demand it.

Yesterday was, in a smaller way, a victory for this newspaper. For four years the Daily Record has led the way in exposing all sorts of scandals and shenanigans at the top of the old marble staircase.

The list of ex-board members and executives who have fallen out with this publication in that time reads like a Brogues Gallery.

Craig Whyte, Ali Russell, David Grier, Duff and Phelps, Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Brian Stockbridge, Craig Mather, Sandy and James Easdale, David Somers, Derek Llambias, Barry Leach – all of the above have had reason to curse the paper we print on.

Some of them still detest the Daily Record and that’s fine by us. In fact, they can all consider themselves barred for life from reading it.

It was interesting then that yesterday, around half past one, the Rangers PR office contacted this sports desk to invite our reporters to attend King’s coronation. In effect, one of the first acts of the new board was to lift the ban imposed on us by Llambias. Not a bad start, we must admit.

But King and his men must now prove their own credentials as there is a chance here for them to do some serious good, not just for Rangers but for the Scottish game in general.

Having fought to become this club’s custodians it is incumbent upon them to continue to do the right thing. They have a unique chance, not just to display leadership but also establish proper standards from the boardroom down.

They stormed in on a ticket of transparency and accountability so they must be held to their word.

There is a certain irony about the fact a man who had to pay the authorities in South Africa more than £40million to stay out of jail can win an election fought on trust but that’s an indication of how far Rangers have been allowed to fall.

The truth is King may have tried to stiff the taxman but there is no reason to doubt his intentions for his football club to be anything other than honourable.

If they were not, he wouldn’t have been endorsed by a man as credible and decent as Murray, who will be interim chairman until King’s fit and proper status is decided and who will play a major hands-on role in plotting the way forward.

For four years now Murray has, at times single-handedly, led the fight against a succession of regimes and fallen out with many of the same names and faces as this newspaper.

It is preposterous to suppose he would willingly walk King into power if he felt it was in any way a risk to this club’s return to health.

Murray’s endorsement of King, in fact, may have been a crucial factor in persuading such a huge majority of shareholders to back him.

That both seem to be on the same page should comfort fans as the pair of them begin overseeing a forensic investigation, in search of historic skulduggery behind the scenes.

There is a touch of the Eliot Ness about Murray, whose determination to uncover what has been done to Rangers and by whom has driven him this far. Of all the main players in this saga he should be credited for his tenacity and honesty.

This is a man with a vision for Rangers involving meticulous levels of corporate governance as well as a willingness to work tirelessly for the club. He will also reach out to the rest of Scottish football, mending broken relationships.

Murray’s aim is not just to rebuild Rangers but to modernise it, ridding it of outdated cultures and the ingrained sense of entitlement which has done so much to hold it back.

Those who put self-interest or prejudice ahead of the good of the club are unlikely to last long under his watch.

If he thinks the last four years have taken a toll he’s in for a shock but it’s just as well for Rangers that Murray’s stubborn streak is so deep.

Perhaps he should nick the last line from The Untouchables, as a fully vindicated Ness confronts Al Capone amid a chaotic courtroom and says: “Never stop, never stop fighting till the fight is done.”

For this new Rangers regime of King, Murray, Gilligan and Park their fight is only just beginning."

Once again the Record is re-writting history - the notion that they have been a lone voice against the shysters is staggering, they've welcomed each and every one of those guys into Ibrox and played their part in pulling the wool over the 'rangers' fans eyes time after time.

Succulent lamb is certainly back on the menu.

You read that and were thinking Elliot Ness in the Untouchables whereas I was thinking more Asa Akira latest interracial porno where she gets utterly roasted and there isn't anything she won't swallow....

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Tbf while scoop Jackson has had his fair share of clangers they have had their teeth into the old board and dug around more than they used too. Still like to see them and others dig s bit deeper and maybe expose some of the murkier dealings that many suspect has happened ( though criminal investigations may hamper that)???

Roddy Forsyth and the telegraph have also stepped up their game too, with Richard Wilson continuing to be reliable.

While Spier's makes up fairy tales regarding old firm games.

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Tbf while scoop Jackson has had his fair share of clangers they have had their teeth into the old board and dug around more than they used too. Still like to see them and others dig s bit deeper and maybe expose some of the murkier dealings that many suspect has happened ( though criminal investigations may hamper that)???

Roddy Forsyth and the telegraph have also stepped up their game too, with Richard Wilson continuing to be reliable.

While Spier's makes up fairy tales regarding old firm games.

I agree with you Bennett (that's twice today!) but I can't help but think the real target for the criminal investigation is actually SDM.

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This is simply staggering:

"Keith Jackson: The Daily Record has led the way exposing truth about ropey Ibrox regimes and we won't stop digging now.

KEITH and the Record Sport team have not always proved popular with ex-board members at Ibrox thanks to a series of revelations on dodgy dealings - and the new regime should expect the same level of scrutiny.

IT WAS most certainly the most exciting 13 minutes of action Ibrox has seen this season.

And with the passing of time, yesterday’s obliteration of the old regime by shareholders may come to be regarded as the single most significant win in the history of Rangers Football Club.

But that will depend entirely on what Dave King does next, now his war for control is over.

By reclaiming ownership of the boardroom on behalf of the club’s fans, King and his cohorts scored a momentous victory yesterday.

As a result of this routing Rangers have been freed from those who have abused and mutilated it beyond all recognition. The club is now back in the hands of people who wish to do no more than nurture it.

All of which deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated by the fans who have also been exploited and trampled upon by a succession of shameless characters.

Yesterday then was their moment of liberation and they roared in approval as King, Paul Murray and John Gilligan were swept across the threshold on a wave of raw emotion.

But that was yesterday. From this morning King, Murray, Gilligan and Douglas Park – who was quickly appointed on to the new team – have an almighty task to confront.

They must begin rebuilding the reputation of a club which, over the last four years, has become the most toxic institution in British sport. How they do so will determine the extent of their legacy.

It is time for these men to prove they are worthy governors and they should expect to be held to the same level of scrutiny they demanded of the previous directors. In fact they should demand it.

Yesterday was, in a smaller way, a victory for this newspaper. For four years the Daily Record has led the way in exposing all sorts of scandals and shenanigans at the top of the old marble staircase.

The list of ex-board members and executives who have fallen out with this publication in that time reads like a Brogues Gallery.

Craig Whyte, Ali Russell, David Grier, Duff and Phelps, Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Brian Stockbridge, Craig Mather, Sandy and James Easdale, David Somers, Derek Llambias, Barry Leach – all of the above have had reason to curse the paper we print on.

Some of them still detest the Daily Record and that’s fine by us. In fact, they can all consider themselves barred for life from reading it.

It was interesting then that yesterday, around half past one, the Rangers PR office contacted this sports desk to invite our reporters to attend King’s coronation. In effect, one of the first acts of the new board was to lift the ban imposed on us by Llambias. Not a bad start, we must admit.

But King and his men must now prove their own credentials as there is a chance here for them to do some serious good, not just for Rangers but for the Scottish game in general.

Having fought to become this club’s custodians it is incumbent upon them to continue to do the right thing. They have a unique chance, not just to display leadership but also establish proper standards from the boardroom down.

They stormed in on a ticket of transparency and accountability so they must be held to their word.

There is a certain irony about the fact a man who had to pay the authorities in South Africa more than £40million to stay out of jail can win an election fought on trust but that’s an indication of how far Rangers have been allowed to fall.

The truth is King may have tried to stiff the taxman but there is no reason to doubt his intentions for his football club to be anything other than honourable.

If they were not, he wouldn’t have been endorsed by a man as credible and decent as Murray, who will be interim chairman until King’s fit and proper status is decided and who will play a major hands-on role in plotting the way forward.

For four years now Murray has, at times single-handedly, led the fight against a succession of regimes and fallen out with many of the same names and faces as this newspaper.

It is preposterous to suppose he would willingly walk King into power if he felt it was in any way a risk to this club’s return to health.

Murray’s endorsement of King, in fact, may have been a crucial factor in persuading such a huge majority of shareholders to back him.

That both seem to be on the same page should comfort fans as the pair of them begin overseeing a forensic investigation, in search of historic skulduggery behind the scenes.

There is a touch of the Eliot Ness about Murray, whose determination to uncover what has been done to Rangers and by whom has driven him this far. Of all the main players in this saga he should be credited for his tenacity and honesty.

This is a man with a vision for Rangers involving meticulous levels of corporate governance as well as a willingness to work tirelessly for the club. He will also reach out to the rest of Scottish football, mending broken relationships.

Murray’s aim is not just to rebuild Rangers but to modernise it, ridding it of outdated cultures and the ingrained sense of entitlement which has done so much to hold it back.

Those who put self-interest or prejudice ahead of the good of the club are unlikely to last long under his watch.

If he thinks the last four years have taken a toll he’s in for a shock but it’s just as well for Rangers that Murray’s stubborn streak is so deep.

Perhaps he should nick the last line from The Untouchables, as a fully vindicated Ness confronts Al Capone amid a chaotic courtroom and says: “Never stop, never stop fighting till the fight is done.”

For this new Rangers regime of King, Murray, Gilligan and Park their fight is only just beginning."

Once again the Record is re-writting history - the notion that they have been a lone voice against the shysters is staggering, they've welcomed each and every one of those guys into Ibrox and played their part in pulling the wool over the 'rangers' fans eyes time after time.

Succulent lamb is certainly back on the menu.

I assume jabba wrote that for him.

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I agree with you Bennett (that's twice today!) but I can't help but think the real target for the criminal investigation is actually SDM.

If there's anything linking Murray with anything criminal then I'd like to see him dragged through the courts and banged up.

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When it comes to the most recent chapter they can hang their heads high, a lot of people in the press and on this thread should be utterly ashamed of themselves with the support they showed Mike Ashley and his henchmen.

Is English actually your first language? :lol::lol::lol:

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