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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seeing as Turnbull was a character who took centre stage as events unfolded in one of Scottish footballs largest dramas, there's nothing wrong with mentioning it.

Congratulations on not letting your hatred of someone dissuade you from attempting to sully a tribute to the man ...

In what way is going on about the events of 2012 a tribute to the man?

It might be hard for some to believe but not everything resolves around all things happening at Ibrox, pretty sure he's done a lot more for Raith than speak out against the farce a few years ago. I guarantee if he didn't get involved in the Sevco saga Phil would never have heard of the guy let alone give him a "tribute"

And yeah, any Celtic fan shouldn't be looking upto or praising this muppet. The guy is a grade A arsehole who makes the rest of us look bad when claiming he's a Celtic fan, when the truth is he is anything but.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Let's not forget Phil has no great love for Scotland or Scots, Happily labeling us all as intolerant of all things Irish and Irish people (I've yet to hear anyone from Ireland living in Scotland make these claims) despising being born and brought up up Glasgow he also tells us "I don't owe that place a thing" and compares Irish people living in Scotland with Black Americans in the 1950's

It's funny he used to use the lack of an official St.Patrick's Day parade as a sign of our hatred of Ireland (Have you ever been out in Glasgow on St.Paddy night?) Yet when Scotland lights up our landmarks green in honor of it this year, What does he say.............f**k all, as it doesn't suit his little agenda

So if you want to quote him, that's fine. Just remember He ain't no Celtic fan or a champions for our fans, He's an embarrassment of an individual who had a hatred towards Scotland which is kinda ironic considering he's obsession with all things in Govan,


Some quotes

However many others of Irish extraction find that their seat is still at the back of the bus in Scotland.

The Scotland that schooled both McKenna and I was built on generations of Irish sweat and often Irish blood. I don't owe the place a thing.

I finally left Glasgow in the mid-1990s. I wanted better for my young family. Since then my native city's intolerance of all things Irish

The Irish inScotland also have a much worse health profile than the rest of the country. (lol wut)

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Your assumptions are wrong.

No they're not, I'm bang on the money about him. If Turnbull didn't make any comments regarding the sevco situation back in 2012. oor Phil wouldn't be posting any faux tribute

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I am quite saddened that Turnbull will be remembered primarily for the role he did sticking up for the Scottish Football Fan.

As a Raith Rovers Supporter his legacy to us is far more important and closer to home.

He with others saved our club. He put his hand in his own pocket and saved our club. He put in place a board and budgets which see our club run properly.

It is no surprise the SEVCO hordes want to spout bile. I am sure he knew this would come but he was a mna of such integrity that he would take the chance.

If anything this thread should not feature his name. This is about Sevco. Turnbull had no beef with Rangers/Sevco. He loved football. It is sad that his quiet dilligent behind the scenes work at Raith is overshadowed.

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Seems Phil works you into a lather as much as he does the Sevconians. Personally I don't a fig about his ramblings other than they annoy the horde. Lash at it though.

Nice deflection.

Why wouldn't him "ramblings" annoy any Scottish Celtic fan? Personally I don't take kinda of being branded an intolerant bigot.

I don't even know why you bother posting on this website. day in day out all it's "sevco sevco sevco" All you seem interested in is discussing them or trying to wind up the few Rangers fans we have posting on this site.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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I was referencing your subtle inference that I someone looked up to him. I see your now using the orc's much favoured tactic of cherry-picking and quoting in isolation.


It's clear to anyone with half a brain cell or integrity that I am referring to your assumptions about me.

Shame on you ...

Ah of course, you don't look upto him, you simply put up his articles to annoy the handful of Rangers fans on this forum. It's so obvious that's the reasons why. How silly of me eh? :rolleyes:

Shame on me? Shame on you, you're the one who has an obsession with Rangers more so dare I say than you care about Celtic.

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Laughing at Sevco and their demise an obsession? You're sounding like an orc.

If you can't see why being on this thread day in day out discussing the same thing isn't an obsession. There isn't much hope for you.

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Vile stuff on RM related to the death of Sir Turnbull of Hutton. No doubt other Rangers outlets are the same.

Expected, but still sad.

I never understood why the bears didn't like him. They didn't want any special treatment, they wanted to go to the bottom and work their way up, TH agreed and said as much, then they hated him for 'kicking them when they were down'. Bizarre.

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Glad to see you are concerned about my mental health. However my posts on here rarely impact on my other online activities and daily life ... but thanks for the advice anyway.

OK champ

You've got us all fooled. It's clearly just a misunderstanding. It's not an obsession, It's a way of life for you.

Once upon a time this used to be a decent thread, I guess the only positive I can take is you've stayed confined in it and not branched out elsewhere to ruin other threads. You say you're come on here to wind up and laugh at the very few Rangers fans we have on this site, others might say you're a poor troll.

Maybe its best if you post elsewhere eh?

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OK champ

You've got us all fooled. It's clearly just a misunderstanding. It's not an obsession, It's a way of life for you.

Once upon a time this used to be a decent thread, I guess the only positive I can take is you've stayed confined in it and not branched out elsewhere to ruin other threads. You say you're come on here to wind up and laugh at the very few Rangers fans we have on this site, others might say you're a poor troll.

Maybe its best if you post elsewhere eh?

If you don't like what he says put him on ignore. You're polluting the thread with pish just as much as he is but at least his rubbish is on topic.

Maybe its best if you post elsewhere eh?

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Let's not forget Phil has no great love for Scotland or Scots, Happily labeling us all as intolerant of all things Irish and Irish people (I've yet to hear anyone from Ireland living in Scotland make these claims) despising being born and brought up up Glasgow he also tells us "I don't owe that place a thing" and compares Irish people living in Scotland with Black Americans in the 1950's

It's funny he used to use the lack of an official St.Patrick's Day parade as a sign of our hatred of Ireland (Have you ever been out in Glasgow on St.Paddy night?) Yet when Scotland lights up our landmarks green in honor of it this year, What does he say.............f**k all, as it doesn't suit his little agenda

So if you want to quote him, that's fine. Just remember He ain't no Celtic fan or a champions for our fans, He's an embarrassment of an individual who had a hatred towards Scotland which is kinda ironic considering he's obsession with all things in Govan,


Some quotes

However many others of Irish extraction find that their seat is still at the back of the bus in Scotland.

The Scotland that schooled both McKenna and I was built on generations of Irish sweat and often Irish blood. I don't owe the place a thing.

I finally left Glasgow in the mid-1990s. I wanted better for my young family. Since then my native city's intolerance of all things Irish

The Irish inScotland also have a much worse health profile than the rest of the country. (lol wut)

If you want to incite bigotry and hatred towards a group of "the other" you do it by telling your audience that "they" don't like you, "they" are out to get you, you're not safe from "them".

Once you've convinced them that the target group is largely composed of malevolent bigots who seek your downfall it legitimises hatred towards them.

Mad Phil is working in a long established genre of hatemongering swivel eyed loons.

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(is there not a Celtic thread to squabble on?)

Mr Ashley, as perceived by Dave Squires ( google him - some superb cartoon work)


Mr Ashley - or his Nominated ;) underlings - has been quiet for weeks and weeks, but he still has the 'Rangers' testicles in his grasp. I can't wait for the squeeze to begin.

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Funny how running a football club as a profitable business seems to be frowned upon.

If more clubs were owned by people that balanced the books then there would be less turmoil and armageddon.

Sort of symptomaic of the hatred of business success in the country as a whole. If the fans want to own Newcastle or Sevco stump up the cash and buy them. if not shut up and be thankful you have a team to support.

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Funny how running a football club as a profitable business seems to be frowned upon.

If more clubs were owned by people that balanced the books then there would be less turmoil and armageddon.

Sort of symptomaic of the hatred of business success in the country as a whole. If the fans want to own Newcastle or Sevco stump up the cash and buy them. if not shut up and be thankful you have a team to support.

With the top end of the English game the sheer scale of the TV revenue means that these clubs are such big businesses that a supporters buy out is an even bigger challenge than it is here.

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DAVE KING has today released the following statement:

"I am delighted that at a Court of Session hearing this morning before Lord Woolman my application to become a Director of Rangers International Football Club PLC was granted. Today's decision has removed the final legal hurdle for me to take up my role on the Board following the overwhelming mandate at the General Meeting.
"The previous Board had raised a little known legal provision stating that because I was a Director of Rangers Oldco within 12 months of its liquidation that I must obtain Court sanction before becoming a Director of RIFC because the word “Rangers” is in both company names.
"A Court would not grant leave to an applicant unless it is satisfied that the circumstances warrant such approval. Any affected party, eg the liquidator or an aggrieved creditor of the previous company, has the right to be heard at such a hearing.
"The liquidation of Rangers Oldco and the formation of Rangers Newco were not conducted clandestinely but in the full glare of publicity. However, being aware of the provision I sought leave of the Court to accept my Board appointment.
"Hopefully, this endorsement will also provide the SFA with additional comfort to complete its consideration of my fit and proper status. All Rangers supporters have suffered from the failure of full and proper corporate governance over the last 4 years. I am anxious to play my part in ensuring that this is comprehensively remedied for present and future generations of Rangers supporters.
"I have fully co-operated with the SFA over the last few weeks and thank them for the care and attention with which they have undertaken this task. I must be the most scrutinised candidate in Scottish football history but accept this as being preferable to the lack of scrutiny that has been the case in Rangers recent past - and possibly other clubs. I hope that matters can be swiftly concluded now that, with the permission of the Court, I can take up my role as a Director of RIFC.
"I also take this opportunity to confirm to all Rangers supporters and shareholders that, despite the ill-informed commentary on the subject, the loss of the AIM listing was all to do with the prior Rangers Board and nothing to do with the current Board. It is clear to me that the AIM regulator simply lost patience with the embarrassment that the company has been to AIM since it was listed.
"The Board is currently exploring options that I believe will be a better solution, both short and long term, for the trading of the company’s shares and that will provide a more conducive environment for the rebuilding of the club - both on and off the field.
"Finally, although standing back from the Board to respect the processes of the authorities this has allowed me time to review some of the commercial transactions and arrangements that have been concluded by the club over the last few years. This is a process that will continue to be undertaken in a structured and professional manner and in the appropriate forum. Previous Boards, unfortunately, leaked and debated board and shareholder issues in the media to the point that Boardroom issues often took up more media space than the football team - hence contributing to the AIM rejection.
"That was a function of poor governance and lack of leadership at Board level and is something I promised to rectify when speaking in the run up to the General Meeting. Fans and shareholders can continue to be comforted that, despite the lack of comment in the public arena, those individuals who are deemed responsible for failure to protect the company’s interests will be held accountable. However, announcements in that regard will be made only after due process has been concluded

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Most of the obstacles to King being part of Newco "Rangers"were there to protect unsuspecting potential creditors and investors from doing business with knowing about the question marks over the wisdom of doing so.

Given that there are undiscovered tribes halfway up the Amazon who know to count your fingers if you've just shaken Dave Kings Hands I reckon they'll be fine

Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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DAVE KING has today released the following statement:

"I am delighted that at a Court of Session hearing this morning before Lord Woolman my application to become a Director of Rangers International Football Club PLC was granted. Today's decision has removed the final legal hurdle for me to take up my role on the Board following the overwhelming mandate at the General Meeting.

"The previous Board had raised a little known legal provision stating that because I was a Director of Rangers Oldco within 12 months of its liquidation that I must obtain Court sanction before becoming a Director of RIFC because the word “Rangers” is in both company names.

"A Court would not grant leave to an applicant unless it is satisfied that the circumstances warrant such approval. Any affected party, eg the liquidator or an aggrieved creditor of the previous company, has the right to be heard at such a hearing.

"The liquidation of Rangers Oldco and the formation of Rangers Newco were not conducted clandestinely but in the full glare of publicity. However, being aware of the provision I sought leave of the Court to accept my Board appointment.

"Hopefully, this endorsement will also provide the SFA with additional comfort to complete its consideration of my fit and proper status. All Rangers supporters have suffered from the failure of full and proper corporate governance over the last 4 years. I am anxious to play my part in ensuring that this is comprehensively remedied for present and future generations of Rangers supporters.

"I have fully co-operated with the SFA over the last few weeks and thank them for the care and attention with which they have undertaken this task. I must be the most scrutinised candidate in Scottish football history but accept this as being preferable to the lack of scrutiny that has been the case in Rangers recent past - and possibly other clubs. I hope that matters can be swiftly concluded now that, with the permission of the Court, I can take up my role as a Director of RIFC.

"I also take this opportunity to confirm to all Rangers supporters and shareholders that, despite the ill-informed commentary on the subject, the loss of the AIM listing was all to do with the prior Rangers Board and nothing to do with the current Board. It is clear to me that the AIM regulator simply lost patience with the embarrassment that the company has been to AIM since it was listed.

"The Board is currently exploring options that I believe will be a better solution, both short and long term, for the trading of the company’s shares and that will provide a more conducive environment for the rebuilding of the club - both on and off the field.

"Finally, although standing back from the Board to respect the processes of the authorities this has allowed me time to review some of the commercial transactions and arrangements that have been concluded by the club over the last few years. This is a process that will continue to be undertaken in a structured and professional manner and in the appropriate forum. Previous Boards, unfortunately, leaked and debated board and shareholder issues in the media to the point that Boardroom issues often took up more media space than the football team - hence contributing to the AIM rejection.

"That was a function of poor governance and lack of leadership at Board level and is something I promised to rectify when speaking in the run up to the General Meeting. Fans and shareholders can continue to be comforted that, despite the lack of comment in the public arena, those individuals who are deemed responsible for failure to protect the company’s interests will be held accountable. However, announcements in that regard will be made only after due process has been concluded

Well that's sorted for Mr Glib, the way is paved clear to crash n burn the holding company evading debt and also has 3 patsy's on the holding company to take the fall. IMO anyway.

Then after that Mr Shameless will buy the club out the holding companies collapse under his complete control and all the shares the investors and fans bought in the holding company are worthless. The G&SL now has the club 100% owned by himself for a pittance and debt free in whatever league they will play next season.

Fans who bought shares will cry a little but their club once again evaded massive debts and can again throw money at the club to make a title challenge in the first season in the Premier Division if it gets promoted.

Or either that Mike Cashley will be livid at King's cheek and take King to the cleaners, or worse kill the club off and no chance of a Rangers FC ever playing footy out of Ibrox ever again.

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Is it time to see the colour of King & Co's money ?

Will King actually now stump up the cash to get rid of Ashley ?

Or is this another bare faced lie from the world champion of telling porkies to the multitude and has a more sinister plot to get his mitts on the club itself ?

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