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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This would incur that you have educational issues that you should address, the lack of things you alarmingly do not know when you compose a message and also not well thought out in the first place thinking you are getting it "up ye..." to the P&D's often ends up making you look thick & stupid when they descend upon the post that made you look thick & stupid pointing out how thick & stupid you look.


I take it you meant infer when you typed incur. However, if, as you suggest, there is a "lack of things" he doesn't know.

I would think that makes him quite clever, no?

Is English a second language for you? Gibberish being your first.

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I take it you meant infer when you typed incur. However, if, as you suggest, there is a "lack of things" he doesn't know. I would think that makes him quite clever, no? Is English a second language for you? Gibberish being your first.

Very clever.

Oh look at me giving out back to Benny what Benny dishes out to others, witty insults and veritable banter. How very naughty of me wanting to get it "up ye" to Bennett. My apologies I'll just let the resident fool insult and take the piss out of me whenever Bennett feels like it and I'll have to deal with it somehow.

And just for the intellectual superior that you are did one of the definitions of "incur" evade your Mensa IQ level ? "as a result of one's own behaviour or actions". Very appropriate I'll say.

For Benny. :wub: I wouldn't have you any other way pal, stay naughty.

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Forgive my ignorance chaps, I've not been on this thread for a bit ( and it's a pain to look back through ).The telly news has just reported the Ashley/badge story but hasn't it been that way for feckin ages ... what is it I'm missing ?

thinks it's cause he owns broxi bear that's the main problem.
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Forgive my ignorance chaps, I've not been on this thread for a bit ( and it's a pain to look back through ).The telly news has just reported the Ashley/badge story but hasn't it been that way for feckin ages ... what is it I'm missing ?

The MSM, like us, have known since September but the story was not sanctioned for publication by the previous regime, for obvious reasons.

You know the score, if it is not released, as news, by the incumbent thieves then it is not published.

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Not that it would offend as such, might just bend their noses out of shape watching some wee diddy club being funded by them so the wee club can afford better players that could or would beat their own club and knock them out of cups.

Some people can't or don't like a completely fair playing field and to some they would think why are we being punished for having a bigger fan base. I'm sure there are fans from smaller clubs who wouldn't want subsidising from bigger clubs as it might diminish or lower the achievements of their club gaining success on their own steam. They might prefer actually beating other clubs by their own means and without any financial help.

Just saying like MT.

Even the language you use reflects a really warped perspective.

When organised professional football took off in this country and for about its first century, people paid money to watch football matches between two teams at the venues that were staging them, in much the same way they might pay to visit a theatre, or later on, a cinema.

Nobody saw this as being about offering "financial help" to a club, "subsidising" them, or "funding" a rival. It was payment on the understanding that without two teams, no spectacle took place and that the contract involved paying to watch a contest, even if that person paying had a partisan interest in the outcome.

Obviously, this enabled the bigger clubs from bigger cities to earn significantly more through gates as they got to play in front of big crowds much more frequently than smaller clubs.

Now sadly, plenty of people see this as you - and indeed most OF fans - do and wish for difference in stature to be as exaggerated as possible, so that their team wins more often. That's why it changed.

Don't however pretend that a view that says otherwise is wacky or unfair. It's not. It's entirely sensible and was the prevailing one until football started veering hideously off the rails.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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You'd think if a club you loved was in dire straits you'd want to know the full extent of the problems so you could do whatever you could to help. Sevconians would rather live in denial of any problems and keep on throwing their money at false promises of the good old days.

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The latest interim accounts paints the club itself as reducing it's debt, but that's a crock of shite and the dodgy accounting over the past two years has just caught up.

There are two sums of money I am going to retract from the accounts to show up how bad things really as they aren't recurring items ie last Septembers share issue cash of £2.8 million and the lotto windfall from the Commonwealth games of £1.3 million. I want to show how bad the cash burn from the club itself without financial help.

Interim accounts say running costs in debt to £2.88 million and without the share money and Commonwealth money the clubs actual debt without them now climbs to £6.98 million for the six months.

And that's not all either ?, if you look in the interim accounts you will find the club took a loan of £3 million and in the interim accounts you will find that only £1.5 million was paid back so we now add the other £1.5 million to the total and we now see a cash burn of £8.48 million if the loan had been paid back before December 31st 2014.

But !, we don not stop there either as we now start to look ahead to the total amount the club is accruing to the end of the season. We will now factor in Sports Directs initial £5 million and the club has now accumulated cash burn of £13.48 million and rising.

Now we will add in the 3 bears £1.5 million and we get up until this date that the club without financial aid has burned through £14.98 million FFS and it isn't even the end of the season.

There are 3 months left of the season and now I enter some speculation here and if the club has a cash burn debt of a million a month and I'm being generous here, we will now add a further £3 million to the total and we now see a staggering burn rate of £17.98 million for the season. That's the debt the club has just about to go through for one season to reach the top tier.

And I haven't even began to speculate how much in bonuses will cost especially if they get promoted either because it is sure to be in the millions as well between the board and players etc etc etc.

So the club during the season without said financial assistance will burn through over £20 million just for this season, aye the club is reducing it's debt and living within it's means ! AYE RIGHT.

But just to make the bears happy we will know take that £4 million from the share and Commonwealth and retract it from the £20 million and the club for this season and the club will have got into £16 million plus in debt by the end of the season.

So The Rangers by the end of the season will be £16 million in debt chasing the dream to reach the top tier

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Very clever.

Oh look at me giving out back to Benny what Benny dishes out to others, witty insults and veritable banter. How very naughty of me wanting to get it "up ye" to Bennett. My apologies I'll just let the resident fool insult and take the piss out of me whenever Bennett feels like it and I'll have to deal with it somehow.

And just for the intellectual superior that you are did one of the definitions of "incur" evade your Mensa IQ level ? "as a result of one's own behaviour or actions". Very appropriate I'll say.

For Benny. :wub: I wouldn't have you any other way pal, stay naughty.

It's not clever at all, your third paragraph in that post is senseless bilge.

The clever part was making yourself look thicker and stupider than the person you were accusing of being thick and stupid.

Well done you.

I know what incur means, I also know you used it incorrectly.

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Gates should be split evenly, after the costs of staging the match have been taken off.

This recognises the principle, that if two teams don't show up, nobody else does.

That it's being resisted most volubly by Celtic fans is evidence enough of why it's a good idea.

Not only have they no interest in a fair fight; they've none in even a slightly fairer one.

I particularly enjoy the reference to "envy". Now who does that remind you of?

Two cheeks indeed.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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You do know the phrase "costs of staging a match" is completely and utterly subjective?

You want to recognise the principle that if two teams don't show then no one shows. What about the principle that one team brings a lot more to the table than the other? Let's ignore that one.

This thread has gone rank. Apologies for adding to it.

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You want to recognise the principle that if two teams don't show then no one shows. What about the principle that one team brings a lot more to the table than the other? Let's ignore that one.

What about that principle you've devised?

Please do explain it.

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