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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Thought I'd get the Big Thread back on track,

Ashley had his move to increase his shareholding blocked by the SFA and then fined for dual interests.

Sarver from the US linked to MA in some way or another makes an offer to either buy or invest in a controlling stake in the company.

King and the 3 bears buy shares on the cheap after deliberately sabotaging the finances at Ibrox. Did Sarver's bid make the stock price increase before this mob bought their shares and Sarver's bid was just to make King & Co pay more for the shares they bought. Was this a power move ?.

At the time King & Co bought their shares the club had all it's assets and brand under it's ownership.

After KingCo made their move, Ashley then ties up all the clubs assets in a loan deal which apparently has no repayment date.

King already made statements about he'd prefer the company to be de-listed, was there really an arterial motive behind his preferred route ?.

KingCo claimed all sorts of assurances to get the gig at Ibrox and all that is transpired is that they now have no Nomad, de-listed off the AIM stock exchange, and gave a monthly cash injection but no tens of millions straight into the club but they did add to the expenses a new manager.

Why the de-listing as a preferred option ?, it now appears that it was so they could make the smoke and mirrors impossible to see what the directors were up to by not having to announce every financial doing on the AIM stock market.

With the de-listing and if the club still had in it's possession ALL it's assets would King just have mortgaged off the assets to finance his Champions League campaign from the cash generated and would have lied to the fans bare faced that the amount of money they promised now resides in the bank account without telling them where the cash actually came from ?.

King has now fucked off saying nothing, did Ashley make the biggest power move so far by tying up the assets of the club under his protection ?, knowing that the Glib & shameless liar if he succeeded in his demented take over in secret would have actually mortgaged of the clubs assets to finance toppling Celtic in under 12 months.

Sports Direct haven't appointed any of the two nominated directors as yet, is this a worry KingCo are in real danger of busting the company if they stay in charge ?

It's like an episode of the old sitcom "SOAP" where you have to tune into next weeks episode to know what's going on. :lol:

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Just came in for a wee swatch, not one of the last 30 threads has been contributed to (or updated) by a Rangers supporter.

Crack on lads!! You're not missing us at all !!

Bennett will really be upset at that fact you have read 30 odd pages and didn't notice his input. :(

Or are you now solidifying further that Bennett is really a Kilmarnock supporter ? :rolleyes:

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Bennett will really be upset at that fact you have read 30 odd pages and didn't notice his input. :(

Or are you now solidifying further that Bennett is really a Kilmarnock supporter ? :rolleyes:

you're just as obsessed with the Gers as Dhens mate give it a break its boring as f*ck, just follow your own Jakey mob
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What happened to that £250000 fine for undisclosed payments DK and PMs old company got ?...eh..that was then passed on to ..eh this new company DK and PM own?..

Its pleasing to see Tedi red dots me so much he is now using his aliases to do it as well!

What a fukin loser.

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Its pleasing to see Tedi red dots me so much he is now using his aliases to do it as well!What a fukin loser.

He'll be using his aliases to red dot you because his Tedi account has been using up all his red dots on me for the last month. Just like his dead football club, he doesn't like a level playing field, and needs the red dots from his aliases to "get us all telt".

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He'll be using his aliases to red dot you because his Tedi account has been using up all his red dots on me for the last month. Just like his dead football club, he doesn't like a level playing field, and needs the red dots from his aliases to "get us all telt".

surely the amount of red dots that Tedi and all the wee alias Tedis issue are a World Record.

I know,(I know - 'they are only dots ffs')

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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The 280k a month going out the door to the Sevco triangle, amazes me the peeps are not squealing about that, or at least seeking a denial from Potless, That'll be something else that comes out like the badges and they'll squeal and squeal on sev media etc.., but it's been out there for yonks. They know they are effed, that's the bottom line I guess.

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you're just as obsessed with the Gers as Dhens mate give it a break its boring as f*ck, just follow your own Jakey mob

You must be one lonely c**t if you have to converse with people who bore you. Try getting out your mother's basement and meeting real people.

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Just came in for a wee swatch, not one of the last 30 threads has been contributed to (or updated) by a Rangers supporter.

Crack on lads!! You're not missing us at all !!

These threads are here for our amusement, not that of the Orc horde. However, you may feel free to contribute as it makes it funnier for us. :)

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"The rest of us had to look away from Scotland’s mainstream media (SMSM), as is too often the case with the Rangers tale(s). Donegal-based blogger Phil Mac Giolla Bhain is as respected by Rangers fans as their sobriquet for him, “Mad Phil,” suggests. But much as they hate to admit it, Mac Giolla Bhain has more often been right than wrong on the Rangers story when others have been following the PR narrative of the day".

cut and paste for non link clickers

How Scottish Journalism Works, Parts One & Two

by Mark · April 7, 2015

I was ready for Easter when Rangers International Football Club (RIFC) released their interim financial results for the six months to December 2014. And by the end of this week in this story, I was ready to retire. The accounts were bog-standard RIFC stuff, although seeing the whole corporate clusterf*ck spread out on-screen still retained powers to amaze. Multi-million pound losses? £2.89m. Check. Barmy payments to external bodies? Half-a-million to Newcastle United if Rangers win promotion. Check. Rangers challenging in Scotland and Europe? By 2022. Check. Traditions and values? Traditional values and traditions (traditional traditions?). Check.

Contingent liabilities? Craig bloody Whyte. Check. Going concern? Material uncertainty…significant doubt…blah…. Check. RIFC’s auditors resigning? Deloitte told the previous Board last summer and the Board didn’t tell us. Check. RIFC’s auditors re-elected at December’s AGM with 98.81% of the vote… Chec…er…no…wait…what? Wait…what? indeed. Rangers’ interim chairman Paul Murray reported: “‎I have been informed by Deloitte the existing auditor that they informed the previous Board of their intention to resign following the June 2014 audit. The previous Board chose not to announce this nor did they find a replacement for Deloitte.”

Another example, then, of the previous board’s appalling financial mismanagement. Murray appeared to be implying that the previous board went NINE months without an auditor. AND kept it quiet. Tsk. However, Deloitte did not resign in June. Nor, it seems, did they maintain their “intention” so to do. On November 27 2014, shareholders were given notice of RIFC’S AGM, including the resolutions for debate. Resolution 6 read: “That Deloitte LLP be re-appointed as auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company before which audited financial statements of the Company are laid.” On December 22nd, shareholders were told that 98.81% of those who voted agreed to re-appoint Deloitte. And from that day to this week, nothing more was heard of Deloitte’s intentions.

It would be safe, then, to assume, that either (a) Deloitte changed their mind between the aftermath of the June audit and November 27th and had it changed back by some post-AGM event(s); or (b) They were readied for re-election by the old board without permission or knowledge and were re-elected without permission or knowledge. But unless all staff were on a winter-long Caribbean cruise, with all communication devices lobbed into the Atlantic at the first opportunity, it seems beyond reason to suggest that no-one at Deloitte spotted this. Either way, it’s a story, and you would expect journalists to ask whether (a) or (b) was true and to have a raft of supplementary questions. Such expectations were not met.

The BBC published contradictory and puzzling takes on Deloitte. Under the arguably ironic sub-heading The Revealing Details BBC Sport’s Richard Wilson said Deloitte’s “final involvement” with Rangers “was to audit the annual results published last November.” Meanwhile, the Beeb’s “Business/Economy Editor, Scotland” Douglas Fraser, wrote that “Deloitte’s (sic) quit last summer.” The Daily Record’s Scott McCulloch reported that “no official announcement has been made to the Stock Exchange on Deloitte’s intention to step down” and quoted Murray as saying that the auditors were still “officially in place.” This begged, but didn’t inspire, the question “so, what’s all the fuss about?” And it contradicted Gregor Kyle’s assertion, published on the Record’s website 90 minutes previously, that Deloitte “resigned following the June 2014 audit.”

Maybe Record readers will have to wait for Keith “at the heart of the Rangers story since day one” Jackson to reveal the truth. The rest of us had to look away from Scotland’s mainstream media (SMSM), as is too often the case with the Rangers tale(s). Donegal-based blogger Phil Mac Giolla Bhain is as respected by Rangers fans as their sobriquet for him, “Mad Phil,” suggests. But much as they hate to admit it, Mac Giolla Bhain has more often been right than wrong on the Rangers story when others have been following the PR narrative of the day. It proved up to him to ask Deloitte, did they resign, when and why? Deloitte answered soon enough, the process wasn’t that difficult. They said that they told the board IN November that they “would not be seeking to be the group’s auditors” for the next financial year, the precise role to which they were re-elected one month later.

Mac Giolla Bhain’s supplementary questions were: did they not intend to audit the just-published interims, did they tell the board and should their November decision have been announced to the December AGM? Deloitte’s answers are still awaited at the time of typing. RIFC’s de-listing has now taken centre stage. But even as the Deloitte story emerged, it was soon submerged under piles of indignation at Rangers having to pay Newcastle United £500,000 if they win promotion and piles of s…omething else about Rangers “2022 vision” and their return to the peak of their powers by their tenth or 150th anniversary, depending on your view of the finality of death for football clubs.

Aside from the glaring factual errors to which SMSM observers have become sadly accustomed, such a collective amnesia about Deloitte’s December re-election as auditors makes no sense. The Newcastle payment story has a certain “wow” factor (as in “wow, that Mike Ashley’s got a ******* nerve”) and relative simplicity for journalists and readers alike. And there may be a logical, sensible explanation for the anomalies in the Deloitte chronology. But the only way to discover that is to ask. And the SMSM aren’t asking. The story fits the current narrative of “new board, good, old board, bad.” So it is difficult to lay any “bias” charge against particular journalists. The general treatment of the new Ibrox regime has exposed certain preferences, though none as explicit as the Glasgow Evening Times’ Chris Jack’s “personal opinion”: “The King has returned. A ‘landslide’ victory…a momentous day for Rangers and the fans. The war is over, the Rangers men have won.”

The “Rangers men”, Murray and Dave King have frequently contradicted themselves, most notably about RIFC’s nominated adviser (nomad) and King’s current ability to “invest.” On March 4th, King expressed his disappointment that RIFC nomad WH Ireland resigned before the EGM because he believed they had “agreed to remain in place to effect a proper handover to the incoming nomad.” And he added: “I co-ordinated a call between both parties for this afternoon to effect the initial introduction.” At Glasgow Airport, the day before the EGM, King confirmed that “I have a nomad lined up who has done due diligence.” Immediately after the EGM, King said: “I had off-the-record discussions with the nomad…if we are successful they will start formally engaging on Monday (March 9th).” Yet in the subsequent nomad-free weeks there was no indication that any mainstream journalist asked to whom WH Ireland’s representative would have been talking had the March 4th call happened, who had done due diligence or with whom King had been off-the-record.

So, either (a) King’s nomad had a dramatic (Deloitte-esque?) change of heart, or (b) King had co-ordinated no such call, there had been no such due diligence and no such off-the-record discussions. RIFC’s de-listing announcement, and Murray’s claim that four weeks of “working hard” with “a prospective new nomad” failed to secure an appointment, suggests either could be true. However, the truth of this matter may have to wait for threatened legal processes to take their course, if any of them ever do. On March 24th, Murray claimed King was not yet investing in RIFC because “we respect the processes of the SFA and must wait until they have completed their review of Dave’s status before he can fully participate in the future of the Club.” However, on March 6th, immediately after the EGM, King said: “If I’m not found fit and proper then I won’t sit on the board (but) I’ll still invest.”

On February 4th, in front of the whole sports press pack he stressed that if the SFA “blocked” him “it wouldn’t change anything” and “it…makes no difference.” And King was right. His fitness and propriety to be a director does not need declaring before he can invest. So, did Murray mean something different by “fully participate?” Was King “respecting” the SFA’s “processes” voluntarily? Again, no indication that the SMSM has even asked. And it isn’t as if they are shy types who “don’t like to pry.” On March 5th, Celtic CEO Peter Lawwell was interrogated by STV’s Peter Smith on Irish Republicanism links to Celtic, on supporters’ behaviour and all sorts of non-kit issues at the launch of their new kit deal with sportswear firm New Balance.

Smith, very far from the worst that Scotland’s mainstream has to offer, claimed it was “a rare opportunity to quiz Celtic’s CEO on a variety of subjects.” And one would appreciate such opportunism if he or any of his colleagues were prepared to show a shred of it in front of King or Murray. As with the SFA, outside observers of the SMSM’s attitude to the new Rangers regime have two options while they wait for rational explanation. Either the SMSM are sufficiently incompetent to miss a story entirely, or they are minded to deliberately ignore it, either by instinct or PR “guidance.” Grim, either way.

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"The rest of us had to look away from Scotland’s mainstream media (SMSM), as is too often the case with the Rangers tale(s). Donegal-based blogger Phil Mac Giolla Bhain is as respected by Rangers fans as their sobriquet for him, “Mad Phil,” suggests. But much as they hate to admit it, Mac Giolla Bhain has more often been right than wrong on the Rangers story when others have been following the PR narrative of the day".

cut and paste for non link clickers

How Scottish Journalism Works, Parts One & Two

by Mark · April 7, 2015

I was ready for Easter when Rangers International Football Club (RIFC) released their interim financial results for the six months to December 2014. And by the end of this week in this story, I was ready to retire. The accounts were bog-standard RIFC stuff, although seeing the whole corporate clusterf*ck spread out on-screen still retained powers to amaze. Multi-million pound losses? £2.89m. Check. Barmy payments to external bodies? Half-a-million to Newcastle United if Rangers win promotion. Check. Rangers challenging in Scotland and Europe? By 2022. Check. Traditions and values? Traditional values and traditions (traditional traditions?). Check.

Contingent liabilities? Craig bloody Whyte. Check. Going concern? Material uncertainty…significant doubt…blah…. Check. RIFC’s auditors resigning? Deloitte told the previous Board last summer and the Board didn’t tell us. Check. RIFC’s auditors re-elected at December’s AGM with 98.81% of the vote… Chec…er…no…wait…what? Wait…what? indeed. Rangers’ interim chairman Paul Murray reported: “‎I have been informed by Deloitte the existing auditor that they informed the previous Board of their intention to resign following the June 2014 audit. The previous Board chose not to announce this nor did they find a replacement for Deloitte.”

Another example, then, of the previous board’s appalling financial mismanagement. Murray appeared to be implying that the previous board went NINE months without an auditor. AND kept it quiet. Tsk. However, Deloitte did not resign in June. Nor, it seems, did they maintain their “intention” so to do. On November 27 2014, shareholders were given notice of RIFC’S AGM, including the resolutions for debate. Resolution 6 read: “That Deloitte LLP be re-appointed as auditors of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company before which audited financial statements of the Company are laid.” On December 22nd, shareholders were told that 98.81% of those who voted agreed to re-appoint Deloitte. And from that day to this week, nothing more was heard of Deloitte’s intentions.

It would be safe, then, to assume, that either (a) Deloitte changed their mind between the aftermath of the June audit and November 27th and had it changed back by some post-AGM event(s); or (b) They were readied for re-election by the old board without permission or knowledge and were re-elected without permission or knowledge. But unless all staff were on a winter-long Caribbean cruise, with all communication devices lobbed into the Atlantic at the first opportunity, it seems beyond reason to suggest that no-one at Deloitte spotted this. Either way, it’s a story, and you would expect journalists to ask whether (a) or (b) was true and to have a raft of supplementary questions. Such expectations were not met.

The BBC published contradictory and puzzling takes on Deloitte. Under the arguably ironic sub-heading The Revealing Details BBC Sport’s Richard Wilson said Deloitte’s “final involvement” with Rangers “was to audit the annual results published last November.” Meanwhile, the Beeb’s “Business/Economy Editor, Scotland” Douglas Fraser, wrote that “Deloitte’s (sic) quit last summer.” The Daily Record’s Scott McCulloch reported that “no official announcement has been made to the Stock Exchange on Deloitte’s intention to step down” and quoted Murray as saying that the auditors were still “officially in place.” This begged, but didn’t inspire, the question “so, what’s all the fuss about?” And it contradicted Gregor Kyle’s assertion, published on the Record’s website 90 minutes previously, that Deloitte “resigned following the June 2014 audit.”

Maybe Record readers will have to wait for Keith “at the heart of the Rangers story since day one” Jackson to reveal the truth. The rest of us had to look away from Scotland’s mainstream media (SMSM), as is too often the case with the Rangers tale(s). Donegal-based blogger Phil Mac Giolla Bhain is as respected by Rangers fans as their sobriquet for him, “Mad Phil,” suggests. But much as they hate to admit it, Mac Giolla Bhain has more often been right than wrong on the Rangers story when others have been following the PR narrative of the day. It proved up to him to ask Deloitte, did they resign, when and why? Deloitte answered soon enough, the process wasn’t that difficult. They said that they told the board IN November that they “would not be seeking to be the group’s auditors” for the next financial year, the precise role to which they were re-elected one month later.

Mac Giolla Bhain’s supplementary questions were: did they not intend to audit the just-published interims, did they tell the board and should their November decision have been announced to the December AGM? Deloitte’s answers are still awaited at the time of typing. RIFC’s de-listing has now taken centre stage. But even as the Deloitte story emerged, it was soon submerged under piles of indignation at Rangers having to pay Newcastle United £500,000 if they win promotion and piles of s…omething else about Rangers “2022 vision” and their return to the peak of their powers by their tenth or 150th anniversary, depending on your view of the finality of death for football clubs.

Aside from the glaring factual errors to which SMSM observers have become sadly accustomed, such a collective amnesia about Deloitte’s December re-election as auditors makes no sense. The Newcastle payment story has a certain “wow” factor (as in “wow, that Mike Ashley’s got a ******* nerve”) and relative simplicity for journalists and readers alike. And there may be a logical, sensible explanation for the anomalies in the Deloitte chronology. But the only way to discover that is to ask. And the SMSM aren’t asking. The story fits the current narrative of “new board, good, old board, bad.” So it is difficult to lay any “bias” charge against particular journalists. The general treatment of the new Ibrox regime has exposed certain preferences, though none as explicit as the Glasgow Evening Times’ Chris Jack’s “personal opinion”: “The King has returned. A ‘landslide’ victory…a momentous day for Rangers and the fans. The war is over, the Rangers men have won.”

The “Rangers men”, Murray and Dave King have frequently contradicted themselves, most notably about RIFC’s nominated adviser (nomad) and King’s current ability to “invest.” On March 4th, King expressed his disappointment that RIFC nomad WH Ireland resigned before the EGM because he believed they had “agreed to remain in place to effect a proper handover to the incoming nomad.” And he added: “I co-ordinated a call between both parties for this afternoon to effect the initial introduction.” At Glasgow Airport, the day before the EGM, King confirmed that “I have a nomad lined up who has done due diligence.” Immediately after the EGM, King said: “I had off-the-record discussions with the nomad…if we are successful they will start formally engaging on Monday (March 9th).” Yet in the subsequent nomad-free weeks there was no indication that any mainstream journalist asked to whom WH Ireland’s representative would have been talking had the March 4th call happened, who had done due diligence or with whom King had been off-the-record.

So, either (a) King’s nomad had a dramatic (Deloitte-esque?) change of heart, or (b) King had co-ordinated no such call, there had been no such due diligence and no such off-the-record discussions. RIFC’s de-listing announcement, and Murray’s claim that four weeks of “working hard” with “a prospective new nomad” failed to secure an appointment, suggests either could be true. However, the truth of this matter may have to wait for threatened legal processes to take their course, if any of them ever do. On March 24th, Murray claimed King was not yet investing in RIFC because “we respect the processes of the SFA and must wait until they have completed their review of Dave’s status before he can fully participate in the future of the Club.” However, on March 6th, immediately after the EGM, King said: “If I’m not found fit and proper then I won’t sit on the board (but) I’ll still invest.”

On February 4th, in front of the whole sports press pack he stressed that if the SFA “blocked” him “it wouldn’t change anything” and “it…makes no difference.” And King was right. His fitness and propriety to be a director does not need declaring before he can invest. So, did Murray mean something different by “fully participate?” Was King “respecting” the SFA’s “processes” voluntarily? Again, no indication that the SMSM has even asked. And it isn’t as if they are shy types who “don’t like to pry.” On March 5th, Celtic CEO Peter Lawwell was interrogated by STV’s Peter Smith on Irish Republicanism links to Celtic, on supporters’ behaviour and all sorts of non-kit issues at the launch of their new kit deal with sportswear firm New Balance.

Smith, very far from the worst that Scotland’s mainstream has to offer, claimed it was “a rare opportunity to quiz Celtic’s CEO on a variety of subjects.” And one would appreciate such opportunism if he or any of his colleagues were prepared to show a shred of it in front of King or Murray. As with the SFA, outside observers of the SMSM’s attitude to the new Rangers regime have two options while they wait for rational explanation. Either the SMSM are sufficiently incompetent to miss a story entirely, or they are minded to deliberately ignore it, either by instinct or PR “guidance.” Grim, either way.

Now, I read that and I agree with the points made about the Scottish Press, but as a Non-Old Firm or 'Rangers' fan I got distracted by the splatterings of Celtic related mini-bleats and the utterly absurd statement about Phil McGillivan being respected,

I don't know anything about the author so I might just have this wrong, but an article criticising journalists for being bias towards one club shouldn't highlight that the author is biased towards another club himself :1eye

Phil McGillivan & the word 'respected' FFS :wacko:

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Now, I read that and I agree with the points made about the Scottish Press, but as a Non-Old Firm or 'Rangers' fan I got distracted by the splatterings of Celtic related mini-bleats and the utterly absurd statement about Phil McGillivan being respected,

I don't know anything about the author so I might just have this wrong, but an article criticising journalists for being bias towards one club shouldn't highlight that the author is biased towards another club himself :1eye

Phil McGillivan & the word 'respected' FFS :wacko:

Aye, fair point and agree that the blogger may be coming from the direction of Glasgow's East End.

But surely he is ripping into the SMSM (of which he is obviously NOT a part) and using the Lawwell kit launch 'ambush' as an example of different treatments being given.

Not sure I actually buy that - both Celtic and 'Rangers' get vast acres of fawning press coverage to pander to their hordes.

He may be 'Mad' rather than 'respected', but is being a constant thorn in the side of FC Clusterfuck of Govan can't be a bad thing?

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You must be one lonely c**t if you have to converse with people who bore you. Try getting out your mother's basement and meeting real people.

Aye, try and get out of yer Ma's Bra and draws then I might take you seriously!
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