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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I take it the rangers fans don't have a problem with Honest Dave being somewhat economical with the truth?

I have said since more or less Day one I wanted Dave King in to take the club forward. Along the way I obviously was left a tad disappointed that he was willing to wait so long to make his move. That said I was surprised with that part of his interview...I am assuming it has something to do with his promise to the SFA that he wouldn't operate as a 'shadow director'. If he says he is going to invest regardless the SFA could see that as he was going to take control regardless.

Dave King claims to be the most scrutinised person in Scottish football. It would be remiss of us not to continue that scrutiny throughout his time at the club.

Rangers have lost around 10,000 regular supporters and I honestly believe if things don't work out for this board then we may never return ( yeh I know) to the top of Scottish football.

Don't f**k it up Mr King!!!!!!!!

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I have said since more or less Day one I wanted Dave King in to take the club forward. Along the way I obviously was left a tad disappointed that he was willing to wait so long to make his move. That said I was surprised with that part of his interview...I am assuming it has something to do with his promise to the SFA that he wouldn't operate as a 'shadow director'. If he says he is going to invest regardless the SFA could see that as he was going to take control regardless.

Dave King claims to be the most scrutinised person in Scottish football. It would be remiss of us not to continue that scrutiny throughout his time at the club.

Rangers have lost around 10,000 regular supporters and I honestly believe if things don't work out for this board then we may never return ( yeh I know) to the top of Scottish football.

Don't f**k it up Mr King!!!!!!!!

It's a beautiful letter, and one that should be pinned to the Boardroom wall. you missed the obligatory sign off, "No Surrender", however.

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Why exactly did you want Dave King? What has he done to make you think he's either trustworthy or capable of delivering what you hope for?

A real ranjurs man will take them to land of milk and honey. You are obviously jealous of their forthcoming success.

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Dave's just been on the TV news and stated ... wait for it ... that he needs time to go over what's happened in the last couple of months - he'll be "information gathering". Again!

Like I've said before: If only he'd spent this much time going over the books of the Oldco :1eye

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Why exactly did you want Dave King? What has he done to make you think he's either trustworthy or capable of delivering what you hope for?

We know he has the best interests of the club at heart.

He has the backing of Rangers men with the wealth to take us back to the top.

He has shown in the past he is willing to invest his own money into the club.

They have the backing of the vast majority of the fans who now have what they wanted and will. need to invest in our club through season tickets.

Nobody else, well very few, could bring the support together the way he has.

I understand why others are hurting. They wanted us dead and buried. Those that didnt want us dead were happy to see our club raped by corrupt businessmen and out and out criminals. They were happy as long as we were no threat to their clubs on the pitch. It is understandable that they are hurting. It is not even a case of GIRUY now. I just dont care about the other clubs. My only interest is what is best for Rangers and the Rangers supporters.

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But he also said, quite clearly, that his investing in the club wasnt contingent on being on the BoD and that he would invest anyway. Did he not, also, give examples of companies in SA that he invested in but wasnt on the BoD of?

His statement yesterday completely contradicted that. Fair play to the STV reporter for picking up on it

Aye sometimes he does let bravado get the better of him but I don't suppose he'd have gotten away with sticking two fingers up at the SFA and shouting up ye ya punts.

We need to start getting along with the authorities now and building those bridges, in the interview it looked he had to keep reminding himself of that.

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