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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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hiya Densboy :lol:

It really is beyond pathetic that this little scrote is so obsessed by our club he rejoins a forum which he is banned from just to post about a team he doesnt support.

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It really is beyond pathetic that this little scrote is so obsessed by our club he rejoins a forum which he is banned from just to post about a team he doesnt support.

Who was banned?

Sufferers of sevcosis are to be handled with delicate care, at all costs do not attempt to correct them, as sufferers know no shame and will direct their rage at any who displease them.

Edited by Equalizer
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That is because the Mods rightly erased your previous account and all its bile.

If you had a shred of decency you just admit what is obvious to everyone else.

Utterly obsessed with a club that you do not support - check

Posts about said club at daft times in the morning - check

Daily links to the bigot blogger ill phil - check

celtic fan - check

Obsessed you say? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit: Aren't you that loonballl who spent his vacation time in Thailand posting on P&B?

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Fs is dhense still here spouting his obsessed shite and posting mad phills blogs

Don't worry, you guys are doing a fabulous job of not letting on he's winding you up. If you all continue to ignore him like this I'm sure he'll go away.

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God, that was rubbish.

I thought it was impossible for the seething green bigot sites to get lower than the Andy Murray thing.

But they've managed it.

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I thought it was impossible for the seething green bigot sites to get lower than the Andy Murray thing.

But they've managed it.

I get that it was a bundle of pish but what was low about it? Having a joke at Sevco's expense? No idea why that would upset you so much.

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Ffs. Can people stop posting that bigoted fuckwits blog. If they really must post it could they at least warn people it is the bigots blog.

Please excuse my lack of insider knowledge here. Why is Phil McAlphabet a bigot?

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He wrote a blog called the incubator, it was a lighthearted tongue in cheek piece suggesting theRangers fans were grown in vats or something.

In a massive coup the the the Rangers fans swooped for the most sensitive and victimised fans on earth award and wrestled it off raselliks, by confirming they have no sense of humour, no self-awareness and all the staunch, resilient, character traits of a menopausal chat show host.

It was the central pillar of why Alex Thompson is also a bigot because he wrote the foreword in Phils book. The Daily Ranger also cancelled the syndication of Phils book on the back of all the knicker-wetting, hand-wringing and look at us, we're the victims here pish peddled by a shame-faced and humiliated support unable to accept the fact that their club died at it was in part their fault.

In a nut shell, nobody likes us, we don't care. Unless you say you don't like us, in which case you're a bigot and oh my goodness look at how much we care. *sob*

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