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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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At least when it comes to the time where I have to put my Kids through University, I will not have to say 'sorry but I spent all my money trying to prove Rangers are deid'

Considering we are talking about sellick supporters, I'd say this is an unlikely future scenario.

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HMRC did not agree in principle, that is why they challenged it and that is why it never succeeded.

In both cases HMRC will receive monies from the failed companies.

You're quickly becoming a parody, of the very people, you claim are obsessed!

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But according to the chap who runs the Scottish Rangers Football Monitor, the site contains contributions from fans across the whole spectrum of Scottish Football.

I think you could make a pretty fair assumption that around 95% of its contributors are sellick minded.

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At least when it comes to the time where I have to put my Kids through University, I will not have to say 'sorry but I spent all my money trying to prove Rangers are deid'

A bit like Dave King, then. Hasn't cost him a penny of his children's inheritance. All he did was held a press conference.

Traditional Rangers

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2. We've won the league Cup blah blah blah times, which in fact was Glasgow Rangers, and not Sevco FC, where you should read runners up in the Pontifact Cup.

I very much doubt The Rangers were invited to play in that.

And may I add:

^^^ Big Leeds United Administration/Liquidation Thread for all this pish.

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It must be fucking soul destroying being a Rangers supporter.

They will have to constantly justify their teams continuation for generations to come.

No matter how many titles they win or how well they do on the pitch, they will forever be remineded and goaded about this situation.

It will never end.

Paying tens of thousands on adverts, ASA appeals,, web sites, goes beyond simple goading, for the 'we thought they died' brigade, this is serious business.

£10k loans, £20k per year to the Rangers Football monitor, Phil's new jacket appeal, idiots devoting their entire lives trying to prove its not Rangers etc......

Edit.. Non attending Symposium tickets, attending Symposium tickets just to discuss Rangers.

Edited by bennett
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I do not really care what loaded question you asked.

The original proposed sale did not go ahead because HMRC said no.

A NEW sale was proposed after the CVA failed and 6 parties submitted offers, this was an entirely new process, forced by law and the failure of the CVA.

That you don't care is obvious, you abuse the facts in an attempt to pervert them to your way of thinking yet never addressing issues that undermine your way of life , I will let you get back to saving for your kids university educations , just don't be too upset that once they have received that hard fought for higher education when they look back at history and ask you

Dad, why you support a club that died and why do you cling to an argument about another dead club that doesn't prove your point in any way shape or fashion :1eye

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£10k loans, £20k per year to the Rangers Football monitor, Phil's new jacket appeal, idiots devoting their entire lives trying to prove its not Rangers etc......

Edit.. Non attending Symposium tickets, attending Symposium tickets just to discuss Rangers.

To be honest I enjoy their utter obsession , I enjoy it when the likes of king calls you deluded and pathetic all the whilst he and his cronies fall over each other day after day , week after week and year after talking about a team they claim to hate and no longer exists , desperatley trying to prove their point , I sometimes wonder if it is me they are trying to convince or themselves , anyway I digress

54 and counting lads :)

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To be honest I enjoy their utter obsession , I enjoy it when the likes of king calls you deluded and pathetic all the whilst he and his cronies fall over each other day after day , week after week and year after talking about a team they claim to hate and no longer exists , desperatley trying to prove their point , I sometimes wonder if it is me they are trying to convince or themselves , anyway I digress 54 and counting lads :)

Lol. Is this the trying too hard thing you were on about yesterday?

2 rangers clubs at the SPL vote and none of your lies can change it.

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