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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If rankgers are allowed to continue in whatever form in the SPheLL next season, I think the chairman are deluding themselves if they think they will get the away support to flood through their gates.

If rankgers have to let a load of players go and play kids, etc, then they will not be challenging for the league. Possibly even 6th or 7th.

Do you think that a load of rankgers fans will go to Ross County if they are trailing by 20 points midway through the season?

The fans are turning up now as a show of support but it wont last as we all know. Even the OF games will be like the 80s when they normally held little importance to the league title and were just bigot-fests.

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The reason I ask is because if they are due to be punished for playing players that were "dodgy" in the SPL, shouldnt they also be punished for playing the same players in europe by UEFA?

Rankgers have just received £100k from the Linfield game, which is kind of like putting a wee plaster over a bleeding artery. D&P will have that away for a couple of days "work".

Ally still trying to rally the troops, but as usual a hint of panic is breaking out as Miller has gone to ground.

He has as much a clue as we do about what is going on behind closed doors, but is being drip fed bits and pieces so that he can stand on the balcony and proclaim to the followers what he is being told. But more and more people are now realising that the cheeky chappy one of us image the he puts over really means f**k all when it comes down to it.

No one likes to pull the plug on someone that is terminally ill as we all cling on to whatever rays of hope we can. We dont want to think about the possibility of a full recovery if a miracle should happen. But sometimes its the kindest thing to do.

Rankgers are dead. They have hung on for long enough and cannot ever recover from this no matter how many operations they have. They are too badly damaged by their own actions.

Will it effect scottish football? Probably. Will it kill the game? Definitely not.

If Newco Rangers are voted straight back into the SPL then it might as well be dead for me and a fair few others.......I won't even watch the National team (even after following them to 2 WC & 2EC)

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You still don't get it do you? There is a strong case for us being better off in the long term without you; remember, we've been in this set up for years and it disnae work...it disnae phuckin work! Even you can see that we've"been struggling" and that's with 20 years of RFC being crucial to our survival with their piles of dosh that they give us. If we keep doing the same things then guess what? We'll get the same result.

Even more importantly of course is that if AFC or anyone else goes under beacause we put the commercial interests of the biggest team in the country first rather than sport then so be it. Especially if said big team is seen to have been shafting all and sundry for the last 10-20 years.


If United were to go to the wall due to mortgaging their future based on the presence of Rangers, the blame can firmly be placed in one direction. Not the SFA, not the SPL, not fans of any other team, but our board. Plain and simple.

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If United were to go to the wall due to mortgaging their future based on the presence of Rangers, the blame can firmly be placed in one direction. Not the SFA, not the SPL, not fans of any other team, but our board. Plain and simple.

I'd take it even further by saying the same of mortgaging their future on an ever changing TV deal.........

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People are getting a bit silly now. All this angst over "8-4". As I said last night, it doesn't appear to be clear whether it even meant 8-4 when voting on a Newco application OR just on changing the rules from it being the Board's decision to a General Meeting's decision.

They could also be creating a new rule, or amending an existing one, such that the existing higher supermajority (10-2) on related cases wasn't applicable.

People need to make up their minds anyway. Either you're for fairer voting... 9-3 or 8-4... or your not.

If not, no complaints over 11-1 when it doesn't suit.

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If United were to go to the wall due to mortgaging their future based on the presence of Rangers, the blame can firmly be placed in one direction. Not the SFA, not the SPL, not fans of any other team, but our board. Plain and simple.

Bingo ... Ya fucking Daftie. That is excatly why the board will act in the best interests of your club!! :rolleyes:

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If he does vote for Rangers Newco do you not think he is acting in the best interests of your club? I have made my feelings clear but the Chairman of your/my club club is better placed than you or i to decide what is best for the league and their club in particular. It is easy to sit here and say 'f**k Them/ f**k It 3rd division with them/us'.

If season ticket money doesn't come in from the glory hunters we will suffer....If your club don't get the TV revenue , sponsors money and the Rangers supporters visiting your club will suffer..i believe you have been struggling recently.

Chairmen are always going to vote for what they see as the best financial deal. We can all sit here and be as idealistic as we like but we know what will happen in the end.

Steven Thomson was quoted last week as saying the Chairmen "couldnt win" - lose TV money, etc, with no Rangers or lose home support who dont support their decision.

Surely, in that case their is only one way they can vote? They cant possible quantify either scenario, financially, so surely they must vote on the basis of sporting integrity, particularly when its clear that this is what fans of their own clubs want.

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Do you think that a load of rankgers fans will go to Ross County if they are trailing by 20 points midway through the season?

Inverness actually gave us more tickets for our last visit up there when there was nothing to play for.

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Bingo ... Ya fucking Daftie. That is excatly why the board will act in the best interests of your club!! :rolleyes:

If it's the case that the board have been planning based on the existence of any other club, then they haven't been acting in the club's best interests for some time.

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Gretna were bottom of the league and were relegated on their footballing merits anyway. The same is not true of Rangers.

Indeed, but Gretna were bust weeks before the season ended, the SPL didn't want to deal with the aftermath of a liquidation so advanced them cash to get them to the end of the season before saying "your problem SFL".

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People need to make up their minds anyway. Either you're for fairer voting... 9-3 or 8-4... or your not.

If not, no complaints over 11-1 when it doesn't suit.

That's disingenuous.

Almost everyone on here is in favour of 8-4 or 9-3 rather than 11-1. However, 11-1 is in place for a lot of issues at the moment, and it's no surprise that people would be a bit surprised and annoyed that 8-4 could be used for a Rangers decision while 11-1 is required for TV money and suchlike.

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Steven Thomson was quoted last week as saying the Chairmen "couldnt win" - lose TV money, etc, with no Rangers or lose home support who dont support their decision.

Surely, in that case their is only one way they can vote? They cant possible quantify either scenario, financially, so surely they must vote on the basis of sporting integrity, particularly when its clear that this is what fans of their own clubs want.

How many United supporters do you honestly think are not going to go because of the way he votes...Honestly? Have you seen their crowds recently? Did you see the crowd at the recent Aberdeen v United game? They are down to the loyal few and they wont turn their back on the club when they are needed most.

I keep hearing about boycotts by the Rangers support and Tannadice being the main one..the time when we would show the diddies they couldn't mess us about. There was a total of 20 outside the Jerry Kerr stand demonstrating and pleading with supporters not go in..Of course nobody listened and 15 minutes into the game i saw them sitting just a long from us. :rolleyes:

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If rankgers are allowed to continue in whatever form in the SPheLL next season, I think the chairman are deluding themselves if they think they will get the away support to flood through their gates.

If rankgers have to let a load of players go and play kids, etc, then they will not be challenging for the league. Possibly even 6th or 7th.

Do you think that a load of rankgers fans will go to Ross County if they are trailing by 20 points midway through the season?

The fans are turning up now as a show of support but it wont last as we all know. Even the OF games will be like the 80s when they normally held little importance to the league title and were just bigot-fests.

This is dead right. The current financial argument for re-admitting newco (TV money and away crowds) is based on the current insustainable Rangers model. If they are living within their means they will be no bigger than Aberdeen and their travelling support will diminish, plus how much will Sky/ESPN pay to televise four thrashings a year of the type we saw last weekend from Celtic?

If Rangers are playing kids next season and are away to Killie/Dundee Utd on the last game, needing 3 points to stay up, will these teams lie down and let them win as their chairmen NEED rangers in the SPL?

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Long Time Lurker, First Time Poster.

Like most people on this thread I am disgusted by what is going on but keep wondering what we can actually do about it. Can I suggest we each do the following:

1. email / mail our clubs clearly stating how pissed off we are. It takes a grand total of 30 seconds to fire off an e-mail. Np pointin saying, 'let's all say X' as we'll have differing views but we are in agreement that what they are doing is wholly wrong, underhand and that they are complicit in cheating.

2. get our mates, work colleagues, guys we play 5s with, guys we play golf with, etc. to do the same if they feel the same way. Not all fans read P&B so make it eay for them to get their views across too.

3. those of us on twitter regularly tweet the journos, Doncaster et al with excerpts from this thread and other areas that throw light on how the fans feel.

Other suggestions (no doubt better ones) more than welcome.

While it is obvious that those at the top can't decide which they love more: sectarianisn or money, it is clear they couldn't care a jot for football, football fans or a competitive league. We need to build up as large an evidence basket as possible so our position can't be swept under the carpet (oh the naivety, I know)

I appreciate some of this is already going on but it is so easy to put your point across and when all this is over I want to say 'I tried, I actually tried to do a something to uphold honour in our game, to uphold fairness in our game, and even in our society. I didn't just read about it, I did something'.

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Bingo ... Ya fucking Daftie. That is excatly why the board will act in the best interests of your club!! :rolleyes:

And you and your other cheek can carry on with the stitched up SPL along with any diidy teams who don't mind playing the dopes to your harlem globetrotters. It won't be sport and if AFC then they're part of the problem. That's the general drift here. Your club is in the sh*t and you're in bargaining mode (at least you've got past denial.). Who cares what happens to you, smelltic, Sky or whatever; none of them is indispensable.

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Yeah, but theres nothing to play for and NOTHING to play for.

TBH he picked a poor example to use as Inverness trips are not purely all about the football. ;)

I am sure Dundee United for example will see a marked fall in the travelling support and i believe( i could be wrong) that is why Thompson made the statement he did regarding Rangers and hinted he might vote in favour of the Newco.

Don't be mistaken...I have said i wont go back if we agree to join the SPL and have financial penalties..I will though because when the renewal for the season tickets comes through the door i'll pay it as i always do. There are others that i wont name that have been looking for an excuse to not renew and they might not.

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And you and your other cheek can carry on with the stitched up SPL along with any diidy teams who don't mind playing the dopes to your harlem globetrotters. It won't be sport and if AFC then they're part of the problem. That's the general drift here. Your club is in the sh*t and you're in bargaining mode (at least you've got past denial.). Who cares what happens to you, smelltic, Sky or whatever; none of them is indispensable.


I am merely highlighting why chairmen will vote in favour of the Newco. I don't actually agree with it myself!!! I have also said i would be reluctant to renew my season ticket if we face financial penalties in the SPL!!

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