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When was Steve Brown directly threatened? What was going to happen to him or Saints?

.....on several ocassions directed to the club you support and via the offices of the SPL. What has he ever done to deserve that and why am I sticking up for him and not you?

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.....on several ocassions directed to the club you support and via the offices of the SPL. What has he ever done to deserve that and why am I sticking up for him and not you?

You can't pander to threats.

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.....on several ocassions directed to the club you support and via the offices of the SPL. What has he ever done to deserve that and why am I sticking up for him and not you?

You still haven't answered when Steve Brown was directly threatened and what the reprisals would be.

I don't understand what you are going on about 'sticking up' for someone. Please explain.

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You still haven't answered when Steve Brown was directly threatened and what the reprisals would be.

I don't understand what you are going on about 'sticking up' for someone. Please explain.

Your chairman was threatened directly and indirectly by individuals who were anonymous and did not leave their names. As a consequence he argued to the SPL that he had no desire to carry the weight of taking on such a key decision with others he proposed that any decsions taken that might in time harm Rangers be taken by all clubs and not just the board. That was what they agreed at the meeting and rightly so.

Sticking up: a young man was threatened by morons and had genuine reason to be upset by that. He is an office bearer of St Johnstone your club and I think what happend to him is atrocious and unacceptable and will happily 'stick up' for him as its the decent thing to do, despite being a fan of a club that was once beaten 7-2 on New Year's day, thus leading to your log-in name.

Its morally quite simple Steven Brown should never have been threatened and all football fans irrespective of whether they are SJFC or DFC should support his right to take decisions without intimidation.

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Your chairman was threatened directly and indirectly by individuals who were anonymous and did not leave their names. As a consequence he argued to the SPL that he had no desire to carry the weight of taking on such a key decision with others he proposed that any decsions taken that might in time harm Rangers be taken by all clubs and not just the board. That was what they agreed at the meeting and rightly so.


And if these same "anonymous individuals" threaten all 12 office holders?

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Your chairman was threatened directly and indirectly by individuals who were anonymous and did not leave their names. As a consequence he argued to the SPL that he had no desire to carry the weight of taking on such a key decision with others he proposed that any decsions taken that might in time harm Rangers be taken by all clubs and not just the board. That was what they agreed at the meeting and rightly so.

Sticking up: a young man was threatened by morons and had genuine reason to be upset by that. He is an office bearer of St Johnstone your club and I think what happend to him is atrocious and unacceptable and will happily 'stick up' for him as its the decent thing to do, despite being a fan of a club that was once beaten 7-2 on New Year's day, thus leading to your log-in name.

Its morally quite simple Steven Brown should never have been threatened and all football fans irrespective of whether they are SJFC or DFC should support his right to take decisions without intimidation.

There is a lot of interesting pro and con arguments on here and long may it continue. However, the fact is that if you're seen to be pro or con the OF you are under threat, sometimes indirectly and sometimes directly. This is what will decide the issue. Sad but a win for the OF who need their small cartel to flourish for the sake of big crowds and money.

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Aye they could proper suffer, especially as rangers could be replaced by Dundee. Who the hell would turn up at Tannadice for that match? Looks like you've got yer knuckle-dragging hat on today, No 8.

To be clear, we don't want rangers (or Govan Red Hands 1690) in the SPL. We don't want them in the third division. We don't want them in Scotland.

We want them DEAD.

Don't have a go at me...Your own club chairman went an awful lot further in what he said than i have. :P

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Your chairman was threatened directly and indirectly by individuals who were anonymous and did not leave their names. As a consequence he argued to the SPL that he had no desire to carry the weight of taking on such a key decision with others he proposed that any decsions taken that might in time harm Rangers be taken by all clubs and not just the board. That was what they agreed at the meeting and rightly so.

Sticking up: a young man was threatened by morons and had genuine reason to be upset by that. He is an office bearer of St Johnstone your club and I think what happend to him is atrocious and unacceptable and will happily 'stick up' for him as its the decent thing to do, despite being a fan of a club that was once beaten 7-2 on New Year's day, thus leading to your log-in name.

Its morally quite simple Steven Brown should never have been threatened and all football fans irrespective of whether they are SJFC or DFC should support his right to take decisions without intimidation.

I could continue to write words on the internet to back up any argument I put forward too. It's very easy without being able to back them up, which you haven't done.

If the scenario you describe actually took place then I take it both Glasgow and Tayside police are investigating these incidents? Why have they not been made public? Why wait until I ask a simple question before you leap in with such stories?

I couldn't care which club you support and have little time for people that hid behind Scotland, Other or a junior club when evidently they are not a supporter of said club.

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Individuals who were anonymous and did not leave their names?

Exactly those kind. Indviduals who are anonymous since they did not leave their names. But they made threats against a young man who is on the Board of the SPL. I think people should stick up for him rather than allow intimidation to win out. The meeting that everyone says nothing happend at discussed his predicamnet and confirmed that going forward all clubs will decide, so that the person threatened is not singled out in future.

This is the sceond time people trying to make honest decsions on behalf of Scottish football have been threatened. What exactly is slavering about that.

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I could continue to write words on the internet to back up any argument I put forward too. It's very easy without being able to back them up, which you haven't done.

If the scenario you describe actually took place then I take it both Glasgow and Tayside police are investigating these incidents? Why have they not been made public? Why wait until I ask a simple question before you leap in with such stories?

I couldn't care which club you support and have little time for people that hid behind Scotland, Other or a junior club when evidently they are not a supporter of said club.

I was made aware by someone who works at your club. I don't know if they contacted the police. I hope so.

I support Scotland but your right that's not really relevant.

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You think these 2 have attended School?????????????????

Is this where I say something equally witty and post a funny face?

(btw; note the 1 question mark, it generally does the biz.)

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I was made aware by someone who works at your club. I don't know if they contacted the police. I hope so.

I support Scotland but your right that's not really relevant.

Well that's me convinced this time.

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Aye they could proper suffer, especially as rangers could be replaced by Dundee. Who the hell would turn up at Tannadice for that match? Looks like you've got yer knuckle-dragging hat on today, No 8.

To be clear, we don't want rangers (or Govan Red Hands 1690) in the SPL. We don't want them in the third division. We don't want them in Scotland.

We want them DEAD.

Read most of the pages since last logged on, I could really only agree with this full statement.

Get them to thuck.

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"there are known knowns; there are things we know we know.

We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.

But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know"

All I have to say that day in and day we here from the screechy heads in the Rangers friendly meeja that we are all "Doomed!" if the Rangers are relegated, that a lot of clubs will shrivel up die if Rangers are not allowed to play in the big boys league. That narrative is being picked and pushed at every minute. The alternatives are never discussed fully and logicaly.

So publish the figures, publish who came up with the numbers, publish them now and let all the fans see. It might go some way to see this dilema from all angles. The moral and needs must.

My opinion. Clubs can and will adapt with less money. Clubs may have to play younger talent but where is the harm in that? Sky TV deal? Sky are not going to walk away from football. Their whole buisness plan is snuffle up as much sport ( particulary football) behind the pay wall as they can get. SPL even without one of the Old Firm Inc is still an asset that they would like to have. They might knock a few quid off the deal but they will still want it.

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I'm not exactly sure what the current line of posts is about. Are we speculating that there are/are not threats being made to clubs and individuals on the back of decisions and opinions around RFC(IA) saga? I'm glad if there isn't. I suspect otherwise and that it will have an impact on the outcome. There are probably a few heroes on here but I wouldn't put my name to any comments that could be construed as anti-OF on an internet forum for example.

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Do away with the SPL

Twenty team First Division

Twenty two team Second Division.

Rankers get relegated to the 2nd and still have the player embargo in place for the year.

I think most fans would be happy with that.

Edited by Tam1314
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As taken from a Facebook post

Jim Ballantyne (Airdrie Chairman) in directors box in belfast last night for **** v linfield wearing a rangers fighting fund badge he is president of sfl and serves on board of sfa whom will try and save his 'beloved club' but was in the same position when Livingston entered administration and liquidation and demanded they got dropped into Div 3 which happened but will he do the same to the ****?? get this spread .

Nice to see the President of the SFL being so impartial in this matter. Having played football with Ballantyne many moons ago, never once saw him wearing an Airdrie top, but he had every Rangers top going!!

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