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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SSN just announced the new bids on the table:

Blue Knights with Ticketus

Blue Knights without Ticketus


Ticketus with Brian Kennedy

Brian Kennedy

Blue Knights with the dancing dog from Britain's Got Talent

Fcuking tremendous. Time for an ice cold beer and AC/DCs Powerage album played at ear-splitting volume. 8)

Powerage... Best.Album.Ever!! Downpayment Blues may seem quite apt! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Indeed. Who the f**k is Matt Slater? Even by Traynor/Dodds standards, that's an incredible amount of horseshit he's coming out with. Does he just write for the BBC online or something?

He seems more of a business than sport type and has actually had some decent comments in the past iirc. But f**k knows what he's thinking on that one.

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No we aren't - lots has happened since Feb 14... Smith and Russell jumped, Cellik and Wylde jumped, the players took three weeks to accept pay cuts, and a bird did a big poo on the windscreen of Fraser Wishart's Audi - I saw it on SSN, it was one of those big messy ones that will leave a mark if you don't clean it off right away.

So, there - I have proved beyond doubt that a lot has happened in this administration since Feb 14.

I do apologise Poz. D&P are worth every penny.

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Slater also says: "I'm afraid to say yes, I think they'll take it @conorleeson they'll hate it, they'll cop flak for it, but they won't block CVA, IMHO"

So basically he's just making an assumption that HMRC will take whatever they can get rather than liquidate. I'd say they're far more likely to liquidate if it came down to it. 10p in the pound allowing the club to get a CVA, walk away from tens of millions of pounds of debt and carry on, or 2p in the pound sending a message that they are willing to shut down football clubs who don't pay their tax?

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Caller John on Clyde 1right now.............

I can hardly type for howling with laughter. laugh.gif

if we gee them eh munny ehy ci gee uz eht bak

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more developments after the yanks go home banner display.

been reported edu,bedoya and bocanegra seen boarding flight to USA.

Kyle lafferty also seen boarding same plane after missreading banner.

Edited by lithgierose
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Excellent caller on scoreboard giving it back to Gus McPherson, who says United will go bust without Rankers travelling support. Why can`t the meed-ya see that nearly all supporters of other clubs are prepared to take our chances sans the currants?? Also, anybody know where I can buy the new Rangers kit? I`ve a feeling it may be a collectors item just like the grey man yoo one. At least they wore that in anger at least the once!!!!

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Wasn't it about a week ago that Haudit and Daudit told us that we were running out of time and we needed to have a preferred bidder NOW!!!!?

Well here we are exactly in the same place as we were 12 weeks previous (February 14) How long until these 3 bidders need to submit the 1st of 5 final bids?

Rangers will die on Monday 14th May, there is about 1% doubt in my head of that. They will run out of cash and that will be that.

Hey that's my birthday :D That would be the best birthday gift EVER..:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I hope someone is listening to the brain donor on SSB right now and his cunning plan to save the Buns with a holy trinity of Super Ally, Watty and Sandy Jardine.

Actually, I don't think Holy Trinity is the phrase he used.


He's terrific isn't he?

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just think, in years to come all budding accountants will be shown how hawdit and dawdit have done this administration on a big how not to do an administration

In terms of looking after the creditors they've made a complete c**t of it (as most football administrators tend to do, incidentally). In terms of milking the situation for their own benefit they've merited an A+.

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Slater also says: "I'm afraid to say yes, I think they'll take it @conorleeson they'll hate it, they'll cop flak for it, but they won't block CVA, IMHO"

So basically he's just making an assumption that HMRC will take whatever they can get rather than liquidate. I'd say they're far more likely to liquidate if it came down to it. 10p in the pound allowing the club to get a CVA, walk away from tens of millions of pounds of debt and carry on, or 2p in the pound sending a message that they are willing to shut down football clubs who don't pay their tax?

HMRC are looking to set down a marker here..it would in fact suit them to liquidate rfc to send a message to rest of football in uk. Only a clown would think they will agree to a cva. btw is it just me or are the rangers fans a wee bit thin on ground tonite?

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Slater also says: "I'm afraid to say yes, I think they'll take it @conorleeson they'll hate it, they'll cop flak for it, but they won't block CVA, IMHO"

So basically he's just making an assumption that HMRC will take whatever they can get rather than liquidate. I'd say they're far more likely to liquidate if it came down to it. 10p in the pound allowing the club to get a CVA, walk away from tens of millions of pounds of debt and carry on, or 2p in the pound sending a message that they are willing to shut down football clubs who don't pay their tax?

HMRC (with good reason) hate football clubs. As is well documented, they're also obsessed with you 'not getting away with it' if you're a big fat chancer. A £9m CVA doesn't come close to covering what they're owed from last May never mind the longer term tax cases. They're in the business of funding the government to the tune of billions and billions, writing off a few million here is probably an excellent investment for them. If Slater has sources he should run a story, if he doesn't he's looking like a fantasist.

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more developments after the yanks go home banner display.

been reported edu,bedoya and bocanegra seen boarding flight to USA.

Kyle lafferty also seen boarding same plane after missreading banner.

Brilliant :lol:

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