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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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These recent developments where the Yank has actually made a balanced decision based on actually looking at the books are hilarious and have been utterly predictable. To think I waited patiently for D & P to tell us Miller was the preferred bidder.

That's it exactly. It was pretty clear that, once Miller gained preferred bidder status and this became more than just paper talk, that he was going to run a mile once it was clear exactly what he was getting into. I imagine the afternoon spent going over the accounts was punctuated by puffed-out cheeks and mumbling "Jesus" every now and again. Then a wry shake of the head and tossing the books over his shoulder into a roaring furnace.

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Im actually surprised the stick Miller is getting for pulling out "wasting time". Did he give any guarantees? He had to look over things properly before making a bid, Im quite sure he wasted quite a bit of money on the bid.

Exactly. Would they prefer a(nother) owner who doesn't do due diligence? One who's relying on arcane financial formulae instead of a thorough look at profits and loss, assets and exposure?

I'm not trying to paint Miller as an angel but it seems fairly clear that he was looking at Rangers as a going concern, as opposed to a get-rich-kwik scheme, and as such any look at the books was going to do nothing but scare him off.

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Kaye is talking about neighbours now. Does anyone not have neighbours who support Rangers?

I live in Dunbartonshire and everyone in my street (to my knowledge) supports one half of the OF....myself excepted.

They wash their cars in their OF strips, but I'm not sure if any of them ever go to matches.

Now....where did I put my flamethrower?

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"With 1.5 million fans, the soccer club is one of the two most popular in Scotland, comparable to a top-tier NFL team."

Who the 'ell is feeding people these numbers (mind you, I have seen RangersMedia claim over 10 million worldwide!)

1.5m sounds realistic to me. If you discount people who don't follow football at all, but keep those who don't actively watch the game but still have sympathies for Rangers, that actually sounds quite conservative. And it's numbers like these that produce a lot of Rangers' commercial value, because while they'll never buy tickets and only very rarely buy merchandise, they are consistently a pair of eyes in front of TVs for Old Firm matches and European games.

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So to clarify: Bill Miller, David Murray, Craig Whyte, the `meed-ya`, spl/sfa, Celtic, Dundee United (and all the other clubs owed money), Scottish Government, Duff & Phelps.......have I missed anyone or any other institution? All the above are to blame and definitely not, no siree, the great fairminded supporters of the mighty Glasgow Rangers. Here to help.

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:D I'm proud to say that the islands are becoming full of Caley and County shirts incstead of the Ragners/Celtic stuff from my youth.:D

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

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My favourite moment was when in reaction to Spiersy saying that no one wanted to touch Rangers because of their poor reputation, one bluenose caller claimed that 'Rangers reputation is no worse than any other Scottish club'. Tell that to the people of Manchester.

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"With 1.5 million fans, the soccer club is one of the two most popular in Scotland, comparable to a top-tier NFL team."

Who the 'ell is feeding people these numbers (mind you, I have seen RangersMedia claim over 10 million worldwide!)

The number is probably not far off actually. I remember seeing a MR survey a few years back which estimated both Celtic and Rangers' support levels in the UK at just below that figure. That would encompass a lot more than regular fans, obviously, taking in those who consider one their first team to support.

As regards worldwide figures, pick any number you like. Who's going to contradict that ?

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Im actually surprised the stick Miller is getting for pulling out "wasting time". Did he give any guarantees? He had to look over things properly before making a bid, Im quite sure he wasted quite a bit of money on the bid.

Dumb and Dumber put Miller forward as the last and only hope...Now that has gone tits up we are left wondering where do we turn next. Certainly not Millers fault but frustrated supporters are lashing out at the easy target.

I tried reading Follow Follow but they are too busy back slapping each other after helping to chase Miller away. Obviously he didn't withdraw the bid due to their emails but it certainly doesn't help. I have said it before but sometimes i honestly despair at the Rangers support...The club is days away from disappearing and they are still in denial and discussing how they can harm 'The enemies of the club'...THERE WON'T BE A FUCKING CLUB IF THIS CARRIES ON ANY LONGER!!!!!!!

Watched 1 of my favourite football films last night 'Fever Pitch'...always enjoyed it because if you swap Arsenal for Rangers that character is similar to myself and it is always healthy to have a wee laugh at yourself...You can ad me to 1 of the 'bigots' who cried himself to sleep..Watching that film it struck me i probably wont have a 'Michael Thomas moment' ever again.

I can understand the animosity towards Rangers and i appreciate the club itself have done little to endear themself to the footballing public in this country so expect absolutely no sympathy but i truly hope no other Scottish football supporters ever have to go through thsi regardless of who they support or what they think of Rangers,Their support or me. It is like a never ending nightmare that has me so disillusioned that i just want it to end and end now. If there is a Rangers to support fine if not then i'll just have to spend more time golfing/hill walking etc. Life will go on but there will always be that little something missing that cant be replaced.

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So to clarify: Bill Miller, David Murray, Craig Whyte, the `meed-ya`, spl/sfa, Celtic, Dundee United (and all the other clubs owed money), Scottish Government, Duff & Phelps.......have I missed anyone or any other institution? All the above are to blame and definitely not, no siree, the great fairminded supporters of the mighty Glasgow Rangers. Here to help.

I'd probably give me left bollock right right now to get onto Rangers Media.

In the meantime, I missed their claim the Drysdale was not a 'fit and proper' person to decide on Rangers fate cos of the tiny debts raith hold. the idea of some idiot writing for that site getting a hard on cos he reckons he's discovered a massive exclusive whilst it is a pile of baloney makes me lol.

Rangers fans - the most deluded folk on the planet.

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So we're talking about the big tax case then?

NOTHING has been proven, decided, stated in a court of law that Rangers owe any money to HMRC whatsoever. Apart from the cluster f**k that Whyte inflicted on the club, there are no charges to answer. That's why the club is in administration.

All the other crap that people scream about, meh.........rolleyes.gif

If nothing's been proved, why are Rangers appealing to the FTT to get HMRC's decision re the EBTs overturned?

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Kaye is talking about neighbours now. Does anyone not have neighbours who support Rangers?

I live in Dunbartonshire and everyone in my street (to my knowledge) supports one half of the OF....myself excepted.

They wash their cars in their OF strips, but I'm not sure if any of them ever go to matches.

Now....where did I put my flamethrower?

When I moved in to my street there was a Celtic and a Rangers fan living there. Both are no longer there so as far as I'm aware it's Old Firm free. Although that said there is a strange couple at the end who never speak to anyone who only ever walk about in jogging bottoms. Potential OF material there.

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If nothing's been proved, why are Rangers appealing to the FTT to get HMRC's decision re the EBTs overturned?

I could respond to this quesion with facts and a useful response BUT simply put - they are the people = need I say more...:blink:

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1.5m sounds realistic to me. If you discount people who don't follow football at all, but keep those who don't actively watch the game but still have sympathies for Rangers, that actually sounds quite conservative. And it's numbers like these that produce a lot of Rangers' commercial value, because while they'll never buy tickets and only very rarely buy merchandise, they are consistently a pair of eyes in front of TVs for Old Firm matches and European games.

Old firm games don't usually get higher than 1 million viewers.

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Life will go on but there will always be that little something missing that cant be replaced.

Now there's something you'll seldom hear from cancer survivors.

You'll be liberated, my friend. It can only be for the good. Rejoice, embrace the change, and in the future, tell your grandchildren that you were there when they were saved from the most vile and ignominious fate :)

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