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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Every time I go to Dingwall I imagine I can hear Edward Woodward shouting "In the name of Christ, no!" as he's dragged to a burning wickerman.

At least, I think I'm imagining it...

Oh, we do burn Southerners. But it's not a religious thing, it's just for the banter.

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Are you serious? Dundee went for broke and started signing 'emergency players' during the course of last season - Carl Finnigan anyone? Who also ended up scoring against us and putting our challenge to bed. Dundee are as crooked as Rangers, if not worse if that's possible; bending a rule if there's one to bend. Emergency signings I ask you! Did they not have a bench full of strikers already?? So Falkirk are ahead of Dundee in the planning process and so be it. If Dundee are fucked for budgetting 'best case scenarios' then they'll get whats coming. Scumbags.

quality :lol:

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It wouldnt, they can trade and employ whoever they like. They just can't register them to play. It's a condition of participation in the competition.

Exactly. I always got confused when people said that about the much discussed restricted foreigners rule. Surely they can employ whoever they want but would be subject to registration rules of each competition.

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Are you serious? Dundee went for broke and started signing 'emergency players' during the course of last season - Carl Finnigan anyone? Who also ended up scoring against us and putting our challenge to bed. Dundee are as crooked as Rangers, if not worse if that's possible; bending a rule if there's one to bend. Emergency signings I ask you! Did they not have a bench full of strikers already?? So Falkirk are ahead of Dundee in the planning process and so be it. If Dundee are fucked for budgetting 'best case scenarios' then they'll get whats coming. Scumbags.

^^^^^^^^^Dundees biggest fan^^^^^^^^^^

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Seriously though, why have none of these morons realised that other clubs will simply adjust spending to take account of no longer having two (in some cases only one) visit from Rangers a season and a TV deal which they hoover up most of anyway?

We just don't need these motherfuckers.

Quality post jupe, reading this and


It would be the making of Scottish football. Clubs would have to play cheap young players, which would be beneficial even in the relatively short term.

...this and I'm of total agreement. Within Scottish football in recent years, we've seen numerous young talents head down south such as Dorrans, Snodgrass and Goodwillie, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Previously, you saw clubs like Rangers and Celtic hoover up such talents from clubs for similar fees. However, given the hideous debt level of Rangers, its clear that one half of the bigoted beast can't sustain itself, and in turn other clubs. Sure, the SPL clubs stand to lose money if Rangers die. But then as you say, they can easily adjust the budget for such a change. Clubs in Scottish football aren't making marquee name signings with their war-chest finances.

The fact of the matter is, that three groups stand to lose out from Rangers going bust. The first one is obviously Rangers football club and their fans. No big loss there, we don't have to put up with the 17th century politics and songs about battles in another country, or something unrelated to SPL football. Sounds good though. Secondly, you have the SPL. The suited goons such as Doncaster must be shitting themselves. They might actually have to try and do their job, and market the league properly, rather than rely on Rangers and Celtic having four games a season and drawing in a payday to make life easier. But then, trying to make the league as marketable as possible on behalf of all the teams is something which should be getting done. Honestly, I can't wait to see the day that man gets the boot.

The final group to lose out is the succulent lamb brigade, the Scottish press. You hear the likes of Young and Hateley coming out with the whole "Rangers can't die, it'll kill football". Wrong lads, it'll kill your pay-cheques. Nobody really cares for the views of somebody like Hateley, who offers no insight into the game. The pendulum is swinging from hearing the opinions of ex-players, and more towards internet sites like this one. I'd far rather read the takes of somebody who actually takes into account the view that there are two sides to the coin, and that people aren't all apologists for Scotland's shame.

I'm not sure why I've put this rant here. Its something that we all know, all agree upon and I'm just putting it on the table. Like a wee bit of succulent lamb and fine red wine for you unashamed meat-eaters.

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The only bit I dont get in this long sorry story is HMRC.Has anybody actually heard them say they would be happy with 10p in the pound return.

Portsmouth have been rejected proffering 20p in the pound for theirs, and Darlington have had theirs to pay all outstanding debts within 3 years rejected also.

Port Vale got theirs at the end of April because HMRC weren't a big enough creditor, and have been fobbed off with 3p in the £1. To say they were spitting bullets is putting it mildly.

That should let you know what will happen to Rangers when they try to get a CVA.

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Oh dear....

What are these charts you speak of - they sound like they involve reading and writing :ph34r:

I think he's suggesting that we can put something other than The Corries on our Phonographs. Crazy fool.

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Oh, we do burn Southerners. But it's not a religious thing, it's just for the banter.

ah, so THAT'S what you meant when you said you and Yoda were going to spit-roast VT. I thought you meant something else entirely.

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Portsmouth have been rejected proffering 20p in the pound for theirs, and Darlington have had theirs to pay all outstanding debts within 3 years rejected also.

Port Vale got theirs at the end of April because HMRC weren't a big enough creditor, and have been fobbed off with 3p in the £1. To say they were spitting bullets is putting it mildly.

That should let you know what will happen to Rangers when they try to get a CVA.

Anyone prepared to venture a timeframe for the CVA - do they wait until after the season and try to sneak it in before next season?

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Oh, we do burn Southerners. But it's not a religious thing, it's just for the banter.

Of course, that would be the clean, natural country way of doing things. I'm afraid that, here in decadent Glasgow, we deep-fry them.

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Anyone prepared to venture a timeframe for the CVA - do they wait until after the season and try to sneak it in before next season?

Nope. They won't get round to it. They will run out of money and shut the doors before they even get the chance to propose a CVA. Either that, or they will propose one quickly, have it knocked by quickly by HMRC, then call it a day.

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Bill Miller had to pay the Duff & Phelps a £500,000 "exclusivity fee" to have a look at the books.

Do you think I could find another 19,999 people who'd pay £25 to have a look at them?

That's the best bit of this. Miller realised he'd been conned, and got his revenge by letting everyone know about the £30 million black hole in the accounts on top of what's already known. No more half million exclusivity fees for Haudit and Daudit, and they didn't even get the fee from Miller anyway!

The whole family's chipped in and they've booked him [No.8] into an exclusive resort in Switzerland I believe.

Hopefully not DIGNITAS? :blink:

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Are you serious? Dundee went for broke and started signing 'emergency players' during the course of last season - Carl Finnigan anyone? Who also ended up scoring against us and putting our challenge to bed. Dundee are as crooked as Rangers, if not worse if that's possible; bending a rule if there's one to bend. Emergency signings I ask you! Did they not have a bench full of strikers already?? So Falkirk are ahead of Dundee in the planning process and so be it. If Dundee are fucked for budgetting 'best case scenarios' then they'll get whats coming. Scumbags.

yes those points you dropped that night .........would have meant you finished erm 3rd........... behind us. ..........well done :D

what a tube.

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I think he's suggesting that we can put something other than The Corries on our Phonographs. Crazy fool.

Tha gu dearbh - Tha mi gad cluinntinn dry.gif

Can only echo thoughts that County are more of a third way than a Unionit Protestant team or an Irish Catholic team - I hope Roy therefore votes sensibly.

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I dont think thats how it would pan out though. If the SFA and SPL accept the newco and the share transfer then the player registrations would also transfer over. In the same way that the transfer embargo etc would apply to any newco

On that subject, why havent we heard the outcome of the appeal against the SFA 'punishments'?



  • headingbullet.gifWhat happens to employees during a transfer of undertakings?An employee who feels he has been unfairly dismissed because of a transfer should raise the matter by way of your internal procedures. If this doesn't resolve the issue, he ultimately has the right to complain to an employment tribunal if he has been employed continuously for a year or more.
    Employees employed immediately before the transfer (or who would have been so employed had they not been unfairly dismissed for a reason connected with the transfer) automatically become employees of the new employer, unless they inform either employer that they object to being transferred. The continuity of their employment is not broken and they keep all the rights and obligations under their contracts of employment with their previous employer.

So if this is correct oldco could find itself having to pay out millions in salaries should players refuse to be transferred to newco. Won't happen, but interesting.

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