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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Arvekadze scored it ... What a goal!!! Anyway i am sure that is the reason...A Rangers player was paid legally through a tax avoidance loop hole that was declared in the audited accounts

Er not quite No 8. A tax avoidance loophole that has been fundamentally challenged by HMRC as being inappropriately managed, flagarantly misued and featuring concealed payments to high worth individuals, which should have formed part of their taxable player contracts, which then should have been accurately and wholly registered with the SFA under FIFA guidelines and with much great levels of commitmet to transparency, and no shredding machine. Oh and the tax wasn't paid in full but the bill is now with RF(IA).

Otherwise a not bad goal with a hint that the shot was slightly sclaffed. Good header-on by Nerlinger. You can almost see the letter of tax-comfort from Sir David Murray jutting out of his shorts.

Re enter via 3rd Division thanks.

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Out of what one? They were not illegal at the time. This is just another 'exclusive' that is going to take up an hour of your lifes and will tell you the square route of f**k all.

If that is all they have to say then you have to question why your TV licence money was wasted on it.

I would rather they looked into exactly how much was known about Whyte before he took over...Was SDM really put under pressure from the bank or was he just determined to sell to anybody as long as it wasn't Paul Murray...Where has all the money disappeared to. Why was Jelavic sold before Vienna had been paid in full.. Is there any way Whyte/Murray could face prosecution over this whole fiasco. What was Whytes long term vision for Rangers, f he had one at all.

There is so much unknown and cloaked in secrecy around all the dealings the names of who was loaned money through EBTs is miles down the list...TBH i could not care less about that

They're still not illegal if they are used properly. They cannot and never have been legal to contractually supplement wages and avoid income tax though.

I don't think you want to get into a debate about wasting Taxpayers money...... I still want my £20 back, in full!

I also think that, in time, you will get your wish regarding investigations into the criminal dealings of Sir David Murray and Craig Whyte but for now we are going to see the list of ineligible players you lot have been fielding for the last decade. Not a high priority for Rangers fans to but for the rest of us it may help us begin to correct the tainted decade of Scottish Football Statistics. I look forward to history being rewritten and all being right with the world again. I suspect there will be a few 3-0 defeats in there for you lot :D

Once we know the extent of the cheating and when Rangers inevitably fold, we can begin on the criminal pursuit of the cowboys! Just have a bit of patience....

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Heres the latest pearl of wisdom from followfollow.com, apparantly Rangers buying Lee Wallace on the never never was them helping Hearts out.

In other news it seems that as a result of Steve Browns comments St Johnstone have been added to "the list" get in there. :D

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There is so much unknown and cloaked in secrecy around all the dealings the names of who was loaned money through EBTs is miles down the list...TBH i could not care less about that

Will you care when your club loses the big tax case? £134m in debt?

(You are going to lose, a very good HMRC source tells me, hence the delay in breaking the bad news; it will be so huge and change our game forever, for the better I hope)

If there's a lot of p***ing about over £30m or so, what hope have you got?

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This is just another 'exclusive' that is going to take up an hour of your lifes and will tell you the square route of f**k all.

Plenty hours in our 'lives' have been wasted taken up so far since February 13th, so I hardly think one more will make much of a difference. :blink:

Appreciate the sentiment though.

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As this proud footballing giant stands on the brink of extinction, BBC Scotland Investigates the inside story of the scandal which brought Rangers FC to its knees. This is a programme based on dozens of secret emails, letters and documents which uncover the truth behind the tax scheme which threatens the club's very existence

Sounds like they're going to tell us what we and HMRC already know, which is why they hit Rangers with the Big Tax Case.

and reveals what went on behind the scenes in the run up to Craig Whyte's infamous takeover. From the day Sir David Murray took up the reigns at Ibrox, through the nine-in-a-row Championship years to the ignominy of owner Craig Whyte's reign and the plunge into administration, this programme charts the descent from glory into chaos of one of Scotland's great institutions

I hope it's not charted by the graphics kids on MOTD 2.

Along the way, investigative reporter Mark Daly goes in search of answers to the questions every Scottish football fan is asking, and attempts to confront those who are responsible for the Ibrox club's plight.

Hmmmmm, there appears to be a lot of trying going on. No mention of success though.

Some good good PR non speak there. I'd be more encouraged if the preamble used phrases such as -

We reveal the names of...

We have documented proof of...

We have copies of...

xxxxxx tells Mark Daly exactly how he was involved...

Prepare to be underwhelmed.

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I DO wonder if SPL Clubs' e-mail inboxes are getting pumped by the fans as we get closer to some sort of decision being made ?

Chairmen and Boards at these clubs MUST be made aware of the deep feelings of their fan bases by every means possible and as frequently as possible. Without such effort these guys will undoubtedly bend over on this one, such is their philosophy on the Gentlemans Club that is the SPL.

It isn't just the Chairmen who have BIG decisions to make......

...the FANS arguably have an even bigger decision to come to... one that may hurt the very thing the love the most...... huh.gif

If a Newco RFC(or any Newco club for that matter) is in the SPL then I'm out for good.

If I caught my wife fucking the window cleaner I wouldn't hang around to ask her if she was enjoying it !

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Out of what one? They were not illegal at the time. This is just another 'exclusive' that is going to take up an hour of your lifes and will tell you the square route of f**k all.

If that is all they have to say then you have to question why your TV licence money was wasted on it.

I would rather they looked into exactly how much was known about Whyte before he took over...Was SDM really put under pressure from the bank or was he just determined to sell to anybody as long as it wasn't Paul Murray...Where has all the money disappeared to. Why was Jelavic sold before Vienna had been paid in full.. Is there any way Whyte/Murray could face prosecution over this whole fiasco. What was Whytes long term vision for Rangers, f he had one at all.

There is so much unknown and cloaked in secrecy around all the dealings the names of who was loaned money through EBTs is miles down the list...TBH i could not care less about that

Paying Nerlinger around £1m over and above his registered contratc is illegal in football. Should be punishable by instant expulsion from the SPL.

Edited by Owsley
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1337758215[/url]' post='6264080']


Thats me right above the RFC sign in the Union Flag...I stand out as i have a Green Jacket on ;)

I take it that this is your Dr. Jekyll appearance and the Mr. Hyde alternate personality aesthetic includes an expanded frame, a faded orange Gers top that doesn't quite fit it anymore, tatoos and a baseball cap?

Do you have to change in a phone booth or does it just happen offscreen via. Puff of smoke?

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Out of what one? They were not illegal at the time. This is just another 'exclusive' that is going to take up an hour of your lifes and will tell you the square route of f**k all.

^^ not sure if serious

Ogilvie dodged any question over his position in the SFA when the rumours of his involvement in the EBT scheme broke, mainly on the back of them being just rumours. If there is any actual proof uncovered, I want to see him squirm right up to the point where he resigns.

If that is all they have to say then you have to question why your TV licence money was wasted on it.

I would rather they looked into exactly how much was known about Whyte before he took over...Was SDM really put under pressure from the bank or was he just determined to sell to anybody as long as it wasn't Paul Murray...Where has all the money disappeared to. Why was Jelavic sold before Vienna had been paid in full.. Is there any way Whyte/Murray could face prosecution over this whole fiasco. What was Whytes long term vision for Rangers, f he had one at all.

There is so much unknown and cloaked in secrecy around all the dealings the names of who was loaned money through EBTs is miles down the list...TBH i could not care less about that

You might care about all that, in fact Im sure you would love something to be uncovered where you and youre fellow Rangers fans can jump up and down, pointing and screaming "SEE SEE! A big boy DID do it then runaway"

Frankly, I doubt the rest of us could care less. The story of Rangers cheating their way through years of Scottish and European football is far more interesting.

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Prepare to be underwhelmed.

So you are agreeing with me this time?

There is little point naming the players...They are footballers FFS they are paid to play football and are certainly not tax experts. If they are guilty of anything it is trusting others to look after their best interests.

I would want to know who was advising them...Who authorised the EBTs and so on...I would want the people ultimately responsible to be brought to task. Looks to me like they have absolutely nothing to show and are building it up as some kind of expose that is revealing what is more or less common knowledge.

The De Boers were paid in this way and i take it a few others signed around this time. As Jack Dee would say....So What?

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