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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Cant say Im surprised AT ALL at this, if true. A lot of posters throughout this have stated that it was a set up with Haudit and Daudit and Whyte. The only thing is how deep does the EBTs and double contracts go. It is obvious that they will go bust, BUT the Newco Rangers is the problem thats facing Scottish football at the moment, until we see how the EBTs pan out.

With most, if not all, SPL chairmen lapping on ridicolous amount of lube to their anuses to let Newco ride them deep. THIS is the real problem.:(

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It was known already that D+P were advising Whyte during the takeover, but they denied knowing anything about the Ticketus deal. The BBC have evidence that they played a big part in setting it up, so they lied. They will claim a Chinese wall between what they were doing as advisers to Whyte and what they've been doing as administrators, ie different personnel, different dept etc. Have to wait till 8pm for the full succulent popcorn details, but an "expert" said it was enough for them to be thrown off the case..

They can't even say that though, because they are taking Craig Whyte to court because they say he didn't make them aware that the funding for the takeover wasn't from his own personal wealth......except....they were in on it and part of brokering the deal!

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It was known already that D+P were advising Whyte during the takeover, but they denied knowing anything about the Ticketus deal. The BBC have evidence that they played a big part in setting it up, so they lied. They will claim a Chinese wall between what they were doing as advisers to Whyte and what they've been doing as administrators, ie different personnel, different dept etc. Have to wait till 8pm for the full succulent popcorn details, but an "expert" said it was enough for them to be thrown off the case..

Right, and if they're thrown off, we'll get actual administrators at Ibrox, rather than these guys... and they're going to presumably say "Wow, this is fucked, no chance this is a going concern" and liquidate. Right?

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I'm not usually one for hyperbole etc, but surely the time has now come for there to be a totally independent inquiry into what must be one of the most shameful football episodes, Europe-wide.

You are having a laugh....Europe wide?....this is worldwide!!! This makes Pablo Escobars invoivement in Columbia's football in the 80s seem 100% legitimate

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D+P replaced by end of week and replaced by what should have been inplace 3 months ago, something call ''an administrator'' - cue wholesale redundancies and liquidation inside a fortnight. No newco. No oldco. Just nothing left but ashes :D

^^^^^^^my hope and now best guess.

I just leaked a little bit of sex wee biggrin.gif

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They can't even say that though, because they are taking Craig Whyte to court because they say he didn't make them aware that the funding for the takeover wasn't from his own personal wealth......except....they were in on it and part of brokering the deal!

did i miss them taking craig whyte to court?

they are taking collier and bristow to court for £100m which is imo nothng more than distractionary sabre rattling intended only to occupy media space and run up bills.

they were working for whyte before, now they are running rangers. they previously did what whyte instructed, now they believe that rangers have a claim. i've no idea what a court would make of this conflict of interest.

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Cant say Im surprised AT ALL at this, if true. A lot of posters throughout this have stated that it was a set up with Haudit and Daudit and Whyte. The only thing is how deep does the EBTs and double contracts go. It is obvious that they will go bust, BUT the Newco Rangers is the problem thats facing Scottish football at the moment, until we see how the EBTs pan out.

With most, if not all, SPL chairmen lapping on ridicolous amount of lube to their anuses to let Newco ride them deep. THIS is the real problem.:(

Afraid those little piggies are gonna have to get someone else to make them squeal by the look of it! :D

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did i miss them taking craig whyte to court?

they are taking collier and bristow to court for £100m which is imo nothng more than distractionary sabre rattling intended only to occupy media space and run up bills.

they were working for whyte before, now they are running rangers. they previously did what whyte instructed, now they believe that rangers have a claim. i've no idea what a court would make of this conflict of interest.

On Rangers Media they're saying all this conflict of interest stuff was already known, and that D&P actually mentioned it in their first press conference:


That's aside from the EBT stuff, which seems to me like total delusion. Post 18 is just complete nonsense.

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Probably been posted but here's Reporting Scotlands piece on the documentary tonight.

And for those outside the UK, here's a link to watch the full thing at 8.

Enjoy. ^_^

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did i miss them taking craig whyte to court?

they are taking collier and bristow to court for £100m which is imo nothng more than distractionary sabre rattling intended only to occupy media space and run up bills.

they were working for whyte before, now they are running rangers. they previously did what whyte instructed, now they believe that rangers have a claim. i've no idea what a court would make of this conflict of interest.

According to that report today, indeed they are...I guess point being that they are essentially trying to take legal action over not being told something that they themselves were a part of setting up?

Edited by Al B
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I can imagine half the folk on here between 8 and 9 will be nervously hopping about muttering the word 'giggidy' continually .

Then someone will press the 'eruption button' and PnB will go into meltdown :P

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did i miss them taking craig whyte to court?

they are taking collier and bristow to court for £100m which is imo nothng more than distractionary sabre rattling intended only to occupy media space and run up bills.

they were working for whyte before, now they are running rangers. they previously did what whyte instructed, now they believe that rangers have a claim. i've no idea what a court would make of this conflict of interest.

In the Reporting Scotland video that Liam just posted (cheers, Liam), the reporter says at 02:52, "Duff & Phelps are suing Craig Whyte and his lawyers Collier-Bristow..." That might just be a turn of phrase but it suggests that they're both named parties.

And the reporter says what Al B. was speculating there - namely that H&D are suing 'Craig white and his lawyers' for non-disclosure of something that they should have been told.

Edited by Swampy
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So if we can take the RS video at face value, either D&P were hoodwinked by this Grier character who works for them (seems fairly unlikely) or they are, to use an obscure legal term, "fucking at it."

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Aberdeen Football Club has issued the following statement regarding the ongoing situation in Scottish football with particular regards to Rangers Football Club.

Chairman Stewart Milne said "We are aware of the issues, concerns and opinions raised by our supporters with regards to the ongoing situation. These issues have taken up a great deal of my time, Duncan Fraser, the Chief Executive's time and that of our board of directors. The issues are complex and the situation remains extremely fluid. Events continue to move on a daily basis and therefore we feel it has been, and remains, inappropriate to comment publicly on what might arise out of this.

"We will continue to give this matter our full attention and will do what we believe is in the best interests of Aberdeen Football Club and Scottish football and will communicate this to our supporters at the appropriate time"

Milne in spineless, can't make a statement non-shocker...................

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