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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This then would confirm the existence of Players duel contracts

If players had contracts to duel i would certainly have a problem with it...Dueling has been illegal for quite sometime!! :P

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Rangers CVA proposal due by Monday

Rangers' administrators are expected to submit a proposal to bring the club out of administration via a Creditors' Voluntary Agreement by Monday.

The club must notify the Court of Session first, with creditors then having two weeks to accept followed by a 28-day cooling off period.

The approval of 75% of the creditors is required for a CVA to proceed.

The two major creditors, HMRC and Ticketus, would together constitute that total.

A consortium fronted by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green have had a bid for the Ibrox club accepted by the administrators, Duff and Phelps.

The proposal will be an initial pence in the pound offer made up from purchase funds from Green's consortium and other cash raised by the administrators.

However, the proposal does not constitute a final offer and other funds may be available to the creditors' pot in the future.

Further funds would likely come primarily from Duff and Phelps' claim of £25 million against Craig Whyte's lawyers, Collyer Bristow, should that case be successful.

Hot off the press !

err BBC website actually!

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I'd be interested to hear the current views of Michael Johnston since last night's update. The Kilmarnock Chairman based his decision on finance and although I don't agree with him, I do understand why he is eager to take this stance. The question is, if it was the correct decision on Wednesday, to allow Rangers a place in the SPL without further sanctions, am I right in saying that it is still the right thing to do on Thursday ? If new revelations emerge on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will it still be correct to ensure that the cash flow to Kilmarnock (and others) is maintained ? What will it take for sporting integrity to enter into this equation ? If the same financial chicanery continues with the new owners, will further punishment then be justified ? If so, why is it not appropriate now ?

I don't believe the majority of Kilmarnock supporters, or any other fans of SPL teams, want their clubs to have anything to do with the corrupt practice of appeasement being adopted by people like Michael Johnston. The attitude of Johnston and the others who are treading the same line appears to be that any disreputable conduct is permissable if you generate money that will assist other member clubs to maintain their current status.

The question is.........where and when is a line drawn or is it generally accepted that, no matter what Rangers' officials have been involved in, Rangers position in the SPL is not up for debate. I suspect this is the case for too many people with a vote and if I'm right, how can scottish football hope to survive ?

We have all been viewing a mirage for a long number of years and, if I've got this right, Michael Johnston and his cohort of SPL Chairmen are asking the fans to continue contributing to this fiasco by paying to watch a contrived competition set up for the benefit of two clubs. Are these people prepared to take the risk that there may be a mass exodus of fans from the game should this charade be allowed to develop ?

The Rangers Football Club has been managed by unscrupulous and downright corrupt individuals and we are being asked to countenance a continuation of this fiasco.

He has been fairly outspoken with his views recently so it would be nice if Michael could provide an explanation for every supporter of every team in scottish football. I'm sure he could explain why we should go along with his plan using words of one syllable so we can all understand. well, let's face it, most of us have never played the game at the top level so it stands to reason that our opinion is worthless. We need to be led. Lead us Michael.

Scottish football is in the midst of an unprecedented crisis and if the people with influence ignore the supporters, for just a little longer, they will inevitably suffer the consequences of their actions.

Edit : Note to Killie fans............I'm on your side, honest !

Edited by Cutty Old
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Rangers CVA proposal due by Monday

Rangers' administrators are expected to submit a proposal to bring the club out of administration via a Creditors' Voluntary Agreement by Monday.

The club must notify the Court of Session first, with creditors then having two weeks to accept followed by a 28-day cooling off period.

The approval of 75% of the creditors is required for a CVA to proceed.

The two major creditors, HMRC and Ticketus, would together constitute that total.

A consortium fronted by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green have had a bid for the Ibrox club accepted by the administrators, Duff and Phelps.

The proposal will be an initial pence in the pound offer made up from purchase funds from Green's consortium and other cash raised by the administrators.

However, the proposal does not constitute a final offer and other funds may be available to the creditors' pot in the future.

Further funds would likely come primarily from Duff and Phelps' claim of £25 million against Craig Whyte's lawyers, Collyer Bristow, should that case be successful.

Hot off the press !

err BBC website actually!


That has cheered me up.

Rangers Media will be better than Family Guy tonight.

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On the campaigning front I agree totally with the sentiment to get the fans voices heard. I was wondering whether it might be easier to go to the Supporters Trusts and use them. Dingwall and McMillan get air time because they represent a body. I'm not sure the journalists would give us the same credit mostly because of their own narrow mindedness. Didn't the Dons Trust write a good letter to Milne. Wouldn't it be great to have the other 11 Supporters Trusts in the SPL holding a joint press conference laying out the arguments as to why we don't need Rangers cans why this is utter pish. Probably too many egos involved for it to happen but just a thought.

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Just another crime to add to the list, :lol:

I actually thought of 2 tonight...Rangers selling Trevor Steven to Marseille when that crooked b*****d Tapie was their chairman. We also started using Adidas around that time. Tapie owned Adidas at the time or had some other connection to them. We signed Trevor Steven back 12 months later for more than £2 million less. There was talk at the time that it was a bit dodgy

There was a more recent case with Martin Bain and a signing...Possibly around the PLG period when Bain was given a house by an agent or given a house at a knockdown price. It was that dodgy that SDM had him in for a 'quiet word' and he was expected to sack Bain but for some reason SDM gave him a slap on the wrist and kept him on. maybe 'Big Martin Knew'.

I haven't googled the specifics of the Bain scandal but with the media all over the Murray era it looks like these 2 incidents have been totally missed by the investigative Journalists.

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Is it just me or do this strike anyone as desperately trying to push the CVA through to deflect the attention focused on them following last nights BBC Programme ?


Edit to add: Not a snowballs chance in hell of a CVA being agreed btw !

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Anybody wondering why it's went quiet on the Rangers side, no McCoist demanded things, Sandy Jardine organising a demonstration or two, Green talking up the warchest

One wonders if they have been told not to stoke any further fires as we have a fait accompli, we could only guess who is giving that comfort. Be interesting if the beeb and rumours for further wrong doing have pissed in their collective tea

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I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but you may want to spend some time reading the Rangers Tax Case or Scots Law blog. This stuff is complicated and there have been some very smart dedicated people doing the groundwork in untangling this for a long time.

The Bears are stuck floundering trying to figure this stuff out from first principles and based on imperfect information because they think these sites are part of the great Opus Dei/Aberdeen/SNP conspiracy but there is no reason for the rest of us not to save some time and do a bit of directed research before posting. It never hurts to check out informed alternative views like Hillier's as well.

Informed posts are also more likely to piss off No.8 when he is in Mr. Hyde mode!

Duly noted sir and I did do some research.I'm sure these people are in court arguing "under section,in paragraph,referring to,under article whatever,citing this amendment,under Scots law is and blah blah.

Basically no money in the fund was what I was more or less stating.They can argue whatever law they can bend to save their bacon but defending an empty pension fund is futile.And I'll be absolutely gobsmacked if they win this !.

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If players had contracts to duel i would certainly have a problem with it...Dueling has been illegal for quite sometime!! :P

OK OK all for the sake of an "a" and one spelling mistake ! jeezos man.

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Is it just me or do this strike anyone as desperately trying to push the CVA through to deflect the attention focused on them following last nights BBC Programme ?


Edit to add: Not a snowballs chance in hell of a CVA being agreed btw !

Funny that D&P have chosen to use the BBC to leak the story...The same BBC they were threatening to take legal action against only a few hours ago

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I actually thought of 2 tonight...Rangers selling Trevor Steven to Marseille when that crooked b*****d Tapie was their chairman. We also started using Adidas around that time. Tapie owned Adidas at the time or had some other connection to them. We signed Trevor Steven back 12 months later for more than £2 million less. There was talk at the time that it was a bit dodgy

There was a more recent case with Martin Bain and a signing...Possibly around the PLG period when Bain was given a house by an agent or given a house at a knockdown price. It was that dodgy that SDM had him in for a 'quiet word' and he was expected to sack Bain but for some reason SDM gave him a slap on the wrist and kept him on. maybe 'Big Martin Knew'.

I haven't googled the specifics of the Bain scandal but with the media all over the Murray era it looks like these 2 incidents have been totally missed by the investigative Journalists.

It was Prso agent I think, Bain reportedly had a bag load of used £20 notes in France if I remember correctly, said he was buying a house off said agent or something when caught...was well covered in France, hardly made any news here :rolleyes: Usual threat of court action..............

Still most likely nothing in it

Edited to add - http://www.dailyreco...86908-17233406/

anybody know the outcome of the court case and subsequent SPL investigation if there was one that is

Edited by LordHawHaw
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On the campaigning front I agree totally with the sentiment to get the fans voices heard. I was wondering whether it might be easier to go to the Supporters Trusts and use them. Dingwall and McMillan get air time because they represent a body. I'm not sure the journalists would give us the same credit mostly because of their own narrow mindedness. Didn't the Dons Trust write a good letter to Milne. Wouldn't it be great to have the other 11 Supporters Trusts in the SPL holding a joint press conference laying out the arguments as to why we don't need Rangers cans why this is utter pish. Probably too many egos involved for it to happen but just a thought.

Whilst the sound of a united diddy front (UDF – how does that sound ? I'm sure it's never been used before) is very laudible it's clear that given the performance of the Scottish media it would be like pissing against the wind.

From what I've seen over the past few weeks the only Scottish people with any media presence and connection to football, to present the views of thediddy fans (i.e. the 96%) are Tam Cowan and Stuart Cosgrove. I've heard it said that they visit these pages, perhaps they could be persuaded to get involved in such a campaign.

Edited by exiled jambo
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On the campaigning front I agree totally with the sentiment to get the fans voices heard. I was wondering whether it might be easier to go to the Supporters Trusts and use them. Dingwall and McMillan get air time because they represent a body. I'm not sure the journalists would give us the same credit mostly because of their own narrow mindedness. Didn't the Dons Trust write a good letter to Milne. Wouldn't it be great to have the other 11 Supporters Trusts in the SPL holding a joint press conference laying out the arguments as to why we don't need Rangers cans why this is utter pish. Probably too many egos involved for it to happen but just a thought.

I can only speak for St Mirren but our supporters trust isn't the vehicle for that as it doesn't (sadly) have a broad enough base of support. We're pretty good at arguing amongst ourselves, that may change though.

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