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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Presumably they're trying to find out who to send a big bouquet of flowers to, for exposing the shysters who have been stealing from their club and the British people, and who have brought their club to ruin. If RTC did have a source inside the HMRC, it's clear that the Tribunal already has the info, so how the blogger can be seen as harming Rangers is beyond me..

Edited by welshbairn
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WTF are you slavering about. Who mentioned death threats? :rolleyes:

The information will be handed over to the police and to HMRC. I am sure they will see that justice is done

No.8. If there are/is a names(s) mentioned I think even you will acknowledge that there are enough, nutjobs and fruitloops to attempt something, innocent or not, amongst the hundred of thousands of adoring f

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The retards at VBs have already linked him to....Paul mcbride and the BBCs Chris McLaughlin.... :lol: :lol:

It always amazes me how they can find out all this info on the so called enemy of Rangers, but yet they brown nosed Craig Whyte to the bitter end, and believed everyone was out to get him (they started the BBC protest after the first documentary) and out to get Ra Peeple

They are more interested in hating others than supporting the club they claim to love.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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No.8. If there are/is a names(s) mentioned I think even you will acknowledge that there are enough, nutjobs and fruitloops to attempt something, innocent or not, amongst the hundred of thousands of adoring f

I know somebody closely connected to VBs who told me a while ago they were after this No8. character for what he had posted on here. They seem to have taken offence at my stand against the bigots in our support. Fortunately he has never named me even though he suspects it is me.

I certainly do know there are nutters out there. I can no longer post on the OF forum after a poster who lives locally threatened to 'Do my son in'. Not going into too many details but ironically enough it was for defending a celtic poster :rolleyes:

There are many nutters out there who read these pages but never post. They are all just sitting there waiting to be offended. Rather sad and pathetic if you ask me but there you are.

I don't care who the blogger is and i never read it...I am interested in who was leaking the confidential information from the Tax Office

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It always amazes me how they can find out all this info on the so called enemy of Rangers, but yet they brown nosed Craig Whyte to the bitter end, and used the David Murray defence of being "duped" by him.

Yup. Agree it is laughable.

Hopefully no harm comes to anyone through these 'disclosures'

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I certainly do know there are nutters out there. I can no longer post on the OF forum after a poster who lives locally threatened to 'Do my son in'. Not going into too many details but ironically enough it was for defending a celtic poster :rolleyes:

Name and shame

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Yup. Agree it is laughable.

Hopefully no harm comes to anyone through these 'disclosures'

The Vanguard Bears were the last Rangers fan group to see through Whyte. They were defending him until very recently and well after we were in Administration. It was Craigy Boys fault..It was the fault of the enemies of the club in the press and MSM.

I honestly thought i was a deluded paranoid nutcase till i started reading some of the Rangers fans forums!!

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I take it if Rangers liquidate, Craig Whytes company (or dads company) that has the floating charge over £18m worth of assets, gets the lions share of the pie ? Sounds like that was his plan all along, constructing a clusterfuck of a situation & introduce your own administrators leaving him to trouser £millions for only a £1 outlay.

Maybe he will mix with Prince Albert after all

Meanwhile his mates (Green etc) get to feast upon the carcass and try to set up a new company, sell it on to the fans and trouser £millions. Only issue is timeframe due to which league etc

Of course if they disappear, Green gets nowt. Whyte however still gets the biggest payday

Get a feeling if this is the case and ever gets out, Whyte better use his billions/billions/trillions to beef up his security even more

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I don't care who the blogger is and i never read it...I am interested in who was leaking the confidential information from the Tax Office

I'd have thought you'd be more concerned about someone leaking information to the Tax Office..

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Name and shame

Why? Div knows about it and it is in the past and those involved know about it. It's finished but is why i am not getting dragged into anymore pointless tit for tat. It was fun for a while but when people take it too far it loses its appeal.

My main problem is he knows me..that is why the shitebag is threatening my son :rolleyes: ...but i have no idea who he is.

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I can no longer post on the OF forum after a poster who lives locally threatened to 'Do my son in'. Not going into too many details but ironically enough it was for defending a celtic poster :rolleyes:

think it might have something to do with this tbh

I had heard a story about the cover but thought it was nonsense and thought there is no way this would go unreported even by our press. Seemingly a caller was cut off tonight for mentioning it as the panel on Radio Clyde claimed they had no idea what he was talking about and had not seen it. It took me less than a minute to find this...


Absolute fucking scum!! Just another example of the hypocrisy coming out of the celtic boardroom.

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I'd have thought you'd be more concerned about someone leaking information to the Tax Office..

I want anybody that has acted illegally to be caught and punished. The Blogger has just posted what he has been told..Is that illegal? I honestly don't know but leaking confidential information from the tax office has to be...Surely?

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I guess just any 11 fan organisations would do. Trusts came to mind because they tend to be concerned more with ownership and finances. Interestingly I'm sure Dingwall mentioned the number of members they had in one interview and it was fairly low. Not that I'm questioning the rigour of our media but I think they just care if you say you're representative not that you actually are.

The whole point of my lengthy post was to have a body that did not represent any ONE club. But also included people way beyond those who would choose to be involved in a supporters club or trust.

By all means supporters clubs/trusts can work alongside what we choose to do, but give them the choice each time.

So yes, we can tap into them individually or collectively.

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I want anybody that has acted illegally to be caught and punished. The Blogger has just posted what he has been told..Is that illegal? I honestly don't know but leaking confidential information from the tax office has to be...Surely?

If it was my club at issue, I would have been grateful for any information, whatever the source, that exposed the people who had been screwing my club.

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Yup. Agree it is laughable.

Hopefully no harm comes to anyone through these 'disclosures'

Only a while ago it was supports to be a writer at FC Thomsons who was the blogger ,,,when he was named he quickly received death threats.

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1337939877[/url]' post='6270646']

The problem you will have to overcome is that the people who make these sponsorship decisions may well be dyed in the wool supporters of Dupe FC and any letters sent to them and the content therein may well be seen as an attack on the club they love and promptly binned. Dont forget they have these corporate boxes at football grounds for a reason and use them to conduct business and do business deals with the so called supporters of Rangers who might use their services and have money to spread around. Anyway good luck as I think the sentiment behind your suggestion is a good one.

This. And they would probably expect a Celtic backlash and underestimate diddy sentiments based on the media spin.

Best approach is to hoist bears on their own petard. Write politely that you find RFCs appalling and it effects your idea of he product, but bring to their attention that Rangers fans are themselves the boycott-happy ones and heavily factionalized - do they really want to be associated with a Rangers NewCo when a Rangers NewCo will be represent a problem and be owned by people a segment of fans won't like. If they boycotted SFA sponsors who gave cash to Rangers, might they not boycott the sponsors behind the wicked asset strippers who have mishandled their club and betrayed Ra Peepul?

I'd also think that the more boycotts that are thrown around, the less money is in Scottish football as a whole regardless of what happens. It would be a shame if everything worked out, Rangers went to the Third but all the sponsors reduced payments on the theory Scottish football fans can turn on you and thy might as well back the Rugby.

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