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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The "international ban" is red herring bullshit. The Record are citing Sion as a precedent, but that was completely different. In addition, neither FIFA nor UEFA kicked any Swiss team out of Europe bar Sion themselves.

All Rangers have done by taking the SFA to the Court of Session is increase the likelihood that they will be booted out of the Scottish game by the SFA. The alternatives? A £100,000 fine (has already been levied and will never be paid because Rangers are skint), kicked out of the Scottish Cup (too lenient), or kicked out of the Scottish game (uh oh!).

Rangers have fucked themselves right up the arse here. FIFA will not get involved as long as the SFA handle shit properly and the SFA will not even need to be warned by FIFA to act in the appropriate manner.

Very, very, very silly by Rangers. And very, very, very funny.

That's why it's what they will get, they will not get the punishment they deserve.

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where did all the rangers fans go ?they seemed like they thought they had come out of admin yesterday and had beat the world

and now silence today, have they realised that yesterday meant fuckall wink.gif

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Mark Daly just tweeted the e-mails between Duff and phelps and Craigy Bhoy White which set up their deal to go online at midnight.... if this reveals what people suspect surely criminal proceedings will ensue ??


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I'm hoping Granny is right (again!) with the balance of probabilities being the marker for any judgements. However even if it were to be the other way and proof positive be required, surely the statements Big Marvin and Doddsy have already made - added to paperwork the BBC hold in relation to Papac - make the outcome a formality?

From RTC Blog (Doncaster Dooms The SPL-22/05/12)

Doncaster is a key player in this dance. Therefore, I assume that he has been made aware of the Duff & Phelps plan. His interview this week was simply a crude attempt to blunt the impact of any accusations that might be contained within the BBC Scotland documentary to be aired on Wednesday night at 8pm. Either through an incredible degree of cynicism or playing the role of useful idiot, Doncaster’s cheer leading is key to a plan that will do more to destroy the Scottish Premier League than any loss of income from the temporary absence of a Rangers-type club could ever do.

One must assume that Doncaster is actively delaying the report on the dual contracts. It would take less than twenty minutes for any lawyer to see that there is a prima facie case against Rangers FC. Demonstrating a prima facie does not require looking at every piece of evidence or even getting close to providing proof. It is literally a check that “on the face of it” there appears to be something behind the allegations. Doncaster denies that there is a “go slow” instruction on this investigation. In the fullness of time, it will become clear that something is amiss.

The law firm of Harper McLeod have been hired by the SPL to investigate if a prima facie case against Rangers on the dual contract issue exists. Let me help Harper McLeod out a little.

On 28 July 2001, Rangers played Aberdeen at Pittodrie. Rangers won the game 3-0. Making his league debut that day was a German who would later go on to become General Manager of Bayern Munich, Christian Nerlinger. He also scored one of the goals. That game against Aberdeen marked the first game where the EBT scheme that is the subject of the ‘Big Tax Case’ interfered with the Scottish Premier League.

Harper McLeod should take a look at Nerlinger’s contract filed with the SFA. Next they should obtain Nerlinger’s contract documents and payment history from Rangers FC (IA)’s administrators. Comparing the contract to the payment history alone will expose payments of well in excess of £1 million that are not listed on his SFA-registered contract. There is your prima facie case, Mr. Doncaster. There is no need to investigate any further to demonstrate that Rangers have a case to answer and that an independent inquiry is required.

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The SPL seem to be having problems deciding wether there were dual contracts for players and other being paid though EBTs. Here is a very short 'Idiots Guide' to assist them.

1. A contract does not need to be in writing to be a contract. Also the inability to produce contracts does not mean contracts don't exist - this is quite important as the main source of obtaining any such contracts is the body who will be punished if such contracts are produced.

2. If the amounts paid were not contractual but purely discretionary consider what that means. It means players (and their agents) agreed a financial remuneration package over which they had no control. In other words player X agrees to be paid, say, £5k a week through his normal contract, the one that is registered with the SPL. He then agrees that he will be paid a further amount through the EBT but has no say over how much that amount will be.

Is there any sensible, logical people who could argue that the scenario outlined in '2' above really existed.

This is not a legal matter but the burden of proof when deciding the outcome should be that used in civil law, the balance of probability. I think that it is completely improbable to imagine that players and others agreed to purely discretionary payments therefore dual contracts did exist.

I totally agree with you there TOTALLY !.

I just get this gut feeling that this will continue after appeal after appeal or stall tactic after stall tactic and the gers will have played another season in the SPL.

This debacle is just dragging on and on and now we hear today that sanctions are in place way too late for the gers to be punished by them but only for future clubs woes ? now guess how many clubs could go to the wall because of the gers woes next season affecting them only and the gers got off lightly and causing these measures to come into being ?.

The BTC verdict must come soon because if it comes in during next season with the gers still in the SPL then shit will hit the fan for other clubs who budgeted for the inclusion of the gers !.So if it's not before mid June then it will fall after the end of next season I would have guessed so as not to cause a domino effect on the other member clubs.This could be a stall tactic for the BTC in court to prepare for the demise of rangers fc at the end of next season if the axe does not fall before the fixtures are made for this season coming.

As for Doncaster today saying no sanctions for the entry newco's as yet ! is he lubing our anuses for an easy shoe in for a newco rangers without penalties ?.

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Wonder if Michael Johnston will say something. Noticed he was one to scarper.

He seemed to be firmly on RFC side of things.

Could he still be of the same mind?

Good on Gilmour though.

He's away to count the beans for season 2014/2015. It's just how he is.

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Where has the Rangers Manager gone ? Is he being kept out of the media spotlight after his latest botch up ?

Mr McCoist appears to have escaped punishment for inciting the Rangers supporters when the embargo was announced. It was a massive error of judgement on his part and, it appears, he never learned his lesson as he went on to comment that he thought his club did exactly the right thing in going to the COS to seek justice for the wrongdoing of the SFA panel.

The 'successful' outcome of that hearing has served merely to force the SFA to come up with a satisfactory substitute punishment for the now disallowed embargo. It could well mean a more severe punishment but if Ally thinks that is the best way for justice to be served, who are we to argue ?

Of course, taking that route has now put Rangers under more serious threat of losing their place in scottish football as the rulers of our game will need to show FIFA that they have their house in order. This may result in Rangers losing their membership of the SFA and it will then have turned out to have been another costly mistake.

So, two major gaffes Ally with the latest one perhaps signalling the end of your club. I hope I don't come across as gloating when I refer to your desire to see justice being done by offering you the same advice as you were recently offering us................. "Be careful what you wish for"

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Mark Daly (@MarkDaly2): Revealed: the emails which set out the deal between Craig Whyte & Duff & Phelps in the days leading up to administration. Online at midnight

Looks like that's another early night down the pan.

See you at midnight.

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where did all the rangers fans go ?they seemed like they thought they had come out of admin yesterday and had beat the world

and now silence today, have they realised that yesterday meant fuckall wink.gif

We are here. Just waiting for someone to post something/anything remotely interesting and worthy of comment.

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Where has the Rangers Manager gone ? Is he being kept out of the media spotlight after his latest botch up ?

Mr McCoist appears to have escaped punishment for inciting the Rangers supporters when the embargo was announced. It was a massive error of judgement on his part and, it appears, he never learned his lesson as he went on to comment that he thought his club did exactly the right thing in going to the COS to seek justice for the wrongdoing of the SFA panel.

The 'successful' outcome of that hearing has served merely to force the SFA to come up with a satisfactory substitute punishment for the now disallowed embargo. It could well mean a more severe punishment but if Ally thinks that is the best way for justice to be served, who are we to argue ?

Of course, taking that route has now put Rangers under more serious threat of losing their place in scottish football as the rulers of our game will need to show FIFA that they have their house in order. This may result in Rangers losing their membership of the SFA and it will then have turned out to have been another costly mistake.

So, two major gaffes Ally with the latest one perhaps signalling the end of your club. I hope I don't come across as gloating when I refer to your desire to see justice being done by offering you the same advice as you were recently offering us................. "Be careful what you wish for"

I suspect that FIFA may be telling the SFA to make their rules conform to FIFA rules and don't let it happen again.

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