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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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http://forum.followf...ad.php?t=873720 (need to log in) This one...yep sums you lot up perfectly. I am sure there will be a reciprocal one once your membership has been terminated/suspended.tongue.gif

Here it is for those who can't see it

Dear all non-Bears,

It has come to our attention that you are upset that our fight with the SFA may lead to Scotland and Scottish teams being prevented from playing in International or European matches.

We would just like to offer our sincerest, most heartfelt declaration of how sorry we are

No, not about it happening; about the fact that we have somehow managed to convey the wholly inaccurate impression that we give a fuck what happens to your paedophile club/pishy wee provincial side or national team.This is entirely our fault, and we promise to ensure there is no repeat of such behaviour. With that in mind, please take this as the completely definitive, unequivocal statement it is meant as. We couldn't give the first pull of a toss about you, never have and never will

Go fuck yourself,

The Rangers Support

Atrocious grammar. You'd think a guy like Ally McCoist would be more educated. He worked for the BBC ffs.

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We talk here about registering players, Rangers going to court, how good or useless the SFA is, but there are some basic truths to consider which in an ideal world would be the basis of any decision about Rangers.

Rangers I am sorry to say are just evil, a stain on society.

Their presence at a sporting event is the closest thing you can get to a BNP rally. Travel on public transport before or after their games and you are confronted by the foul behaviour. Who wants to sit on a train and listen to a mobile ring tone which is the sash including the F the Pope shout at the end?

Charities created on the back of the Rangers stain, such as Nil by Mouth - a kid murdered for wearing a Celtic top Cities going into lockdown at the hoards arrive in blue, even for friendlies for God's sake.

UEFA having to step in to penalise their repeated offensive and violent behaviour. How Rangers ran their business to their own set of rules is consistent with everything else they have done.

No 8 in his usually reasonably polite way, still personifies the arrogance that sits alongside fascist behaviour so easily. And the most dangerous part is that the Rangers faithful still think they are behaving normally, and the blame always lies with someone else.

If you don't think Rangers is a fascist organisation have a look at http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm It talks about Governments, but many common themes.

Closing them won't make all this go away, but sure as hell it is a good start.

The rest of us are 'the people'. Not Rangers.

Your post is pish and wholly inaccurate so you can go f**k yourself...In the politest possible way of course ;)

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A negative -185 rep ???:o.You must be crying ?.

Must be some sort of neg rep title your going after with all that bad rep and may be the only title you'll win this year :D.

Even more imprssive considering it was plus 72 before i started telling the dididies a few home truths.. :lol:

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Yes i agree...oh,you mean you weren't actually talking about fat Sallys initial rant about the sanction :o

When Airdrie United bought out the Clydebank SFL license were there any penalties levied?

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From the BBC website,

Inverness CT chairman Kenny Cameron criticises Rangers for going to the Court of Session over transfer ban.

I think we have another victim on the ragers boycott list for sure :D.

Does that make us tarriers? Was beginning to feel a tad left out

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13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

You are describing the Scottish Labour Party..Scottish Trade Union movement...Scottish Law society...Almost every local council in West Central scotland and in particular Glasgow City Council. I would use another word..or 2 to describe them but Facist b*****ds will do for now.. ;)

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There crimes were not 2nd only to match fixing :rolleyes:

They should be fined..and they were. They should be punished but our greatest punishment was having SDM and Whyte owning the club. The shame they have brought upon us will take a lifetime to get over. We as fans are not totally blameless as we maybe should have asked more questions but at the end of the day you expect those in charge to at the very least to act within the law and pay the taxman

Do you think they should be thrown out the game because the Chairman robbed the taxman? I wonder if you would think any other club would deserve to be thrown out of the game for such an offence...I seriously doubt it.

I would think most supporters would have sympathy with any other club who had suffered from such gross mismanagement. It will take the club years to recover from this shambles if they ever do.

Actual lol. So your shame is the equivalent to your long years of cheating? It may have been on the instruction of a few, but your club and its fans benefited for two decades, depriving other clubs of legitimate chances of competing and forcing many others to spend money on 2nd rate foreigners in desperate attempts to play catch-up.

Where was your shame when your fellow bears went on the rampage in Manchester?

Where was your shame when your club was repeatedly fined for sectarian chants?

Where was your shame when your club refused to sign a Catholic for 100 years?

You have no shame, because if you did, you wouldn't support such a vile institution. You wouldn't support a club which proudly stands for exclusion, bigotry and racism. Your supporters groups bleat about bigoted singing as being the acts of a minority, but where has the criticism been from the majority? Conspicuously absent, because it is the case, as everyone else knows, that such singing is condoned by EVERYONE in the Ibrox ranks, no matter their age, gender or upbringing.

And still, after all the fines, after all the cheating, the singing and the fraudulent schemes, you still fail to show a semblance of dignity, or of guilt. Not a single Rangers fan can provide a genuine reason as to why your stinking carcass of a club should be saved.

You don't understand why your club is so despised by the supporters of others. You can't understand why someone would choose to support their local team over the famous Glasgow Rangers.

You cheated your way to title after title, trophy after trophy, award after award. And you want us to think the club has suffered enough because of the "shame?"

You are right on one thing though - I probably would feel pity for any other club in similar circumstances. But your club is a vile, racist and bigoted organisation, a stain on society and a cause of division and violence for many.

You won't be missed.

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Wow, just wow

I used to think No8. was OK for a Rangers fan.

Turns out he's a fuckwitted shitgibbon like the rest of them.

Patronising and insulting in equal measure...well done you ;)

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Wow, just wow

I used to think No8. was OK for a Rangers fan.

Turns out he's a fuckwitted shitgibbon like the rest of them.

Sussed No 2 out a good while ago. Disappears when bad news announced...reappears when thing are going for Rankers.. Oh yes and of course we all support diddy clubs that cant live without the biggest cheats in World football...lol

Edited by Sting777
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Even more imprssive considering it was plus 72 before i started telling the dididies a few home truths.. :lol:

OK I'll correct it for you then -257 in about a week and using the famous Seville calculator we can round that off at about ! -2,570 :ph34r:.

You must have broken the sound barrier with the neg rep ?.

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When Airdrie United bought out the Clydebank SFL license were there any penalties levied?

Tbf, it wasn't that Airdrie United bought-out Clydebank's license / membership.

It was just that a group of people who were Airdrie-minded bought Clydebank and changed their hat and coat, effectively.

For example, the teapot wasn't removed from the box.

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Can anyone see my avi? I can't. Does it have to be approved or something before it's visible?

no and no - if it's too big to begin with, the system might not be able to resize/display.

Edited by Claymores
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When Airdrie United bought out the Clydebank SFL license were there any penalties levied?

No,technically we actually didn't start as a newco though.Clydebank were renamed to Airdrie Utd.The Clydebank fans wanted a new team,approached Airdrie for the redundant name,were given the rights to it and started a new junior side.

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Does that make us tarriers? Was beginning to feel a tad left out

OK then you tarrier t.a.i.g.y papal loving scuzzbucket your on the list and at the top.

Duz ya feel any better now :D.

Edited by hellbhoy
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Even more imprssive considering it was plus 72 before i started telling the dididies a few home truths.. :lol:

You're just another *** twat enjoying has final moments in the courtroom. Enjoy your pitiful mockery, we will enjoy the moment your sh1t diddy team is taken down permanently...even more. biggrin.gif

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