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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My enjoyment of the thread has improved remarkably since placing the oxygen thief (aka No8.) on ignore.

For anyone else wanting the instant cure from a waste of bandwidth, click the 'sgined in as....' bit at the top of the page, select 'manage ignored users' and type 'no8.' in the box (including the full stop, the illiterate fool...) then save.

After - one less moron spoiling the thread.

Someone with such a negative rating should automatically be defaulted to 'ignore' anyway.

The truth...You cant handle the truth :rolleyes:

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I'll never out do Dougalldogg or whatever he was called..Promised to post pictures of his Girl friend topless and nude then changed his mind..The P&Bers were not amused especially as she had a fair pair of tits. He took her to the golf tourney and poor Andy C couldn't concentrate for the first 9 holes after she took her jumper off.


Me and Seamus were reduced to slavering wrecks* in the afternoon round.

(* more so than usual)

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1338487703[/url]' post='6291566']

As for the signing policy...Do i really need to post the names again? I cant even be bothered to go looking for it..There is a complete list out there if you want to use google.

Well, I can say after today that my days of not having any respect for No.8 and not taking anything he says seriously have certainly come to a beginning

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I've followed the thread closely, read every single post, until today - I've been out at work, came back to check on The Great Love Of My Life Mark II (this thread) when I noticed I'd missed too many threads to read through. Which is my long-winded way of saying sorry if this has already been posted.

The latest BBC Rangers story is about the SFA accepting the court ruling. If I were Rangers, I'd be shitting myself at the following 2 statements:

"The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the Scottish FA - and, for that matter, Uefa and Fifa - are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised. "


"Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the Appellate Tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it. "

They wouldn't. Would they?

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I've followed the thread closely, read every single post, until today - I've been out at work, came back to check on The Great Love Of My Life Mark II (this thread) when I noticed I'd missed too many threads to read through. Which is my long-winded way of saying sorry if this has already been posted.

The latest BBC Rangers story is about the SFA accepting the court ruling. If I were Rangers, I'd be shitting myself at the following 2 statements:

"The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the Scottish FA - and, for that matter, Uefa and Fifa - are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised. "


"Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the Appellate Tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it. "

They wouldn't. Would they?

They have to, into a corner, painted, no way out as it were.

RFC went..

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I've followed the thread closely, read every single post, until today - I've been out at work, came back to check on The Great Love Of My Life Mark II (this thread) when I noticed I'd missed too many threads to read through. Which is my long-winded way of saying sorry if this has already been posted.

The latest BBC Rangers story is about the SFA accepting the court ruling. If I were Rangers, I'd be shitting myself at the following 2 statements:

"The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the Scottish FA - and, for that matter, Uefa and Fifa - are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised. "


"Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the Appellate Tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it. "

They wouldn't. Would they?

Dunno. If i'm led to believe that exclusion from the scottish cup is too lenient, then its got to be suspension or expulsion from the league. My thoughts are it will be suspension for a year. Like someone else mentioned. Rangers will just go play glamour friendlies in that time, to recoup the costs.

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They wouldn't. Would they?

Those comments from the SFA are so teasing - enticing that possibility that they will get tough with Rangers by suspending them or expelling them altogether.

The cynic in me still thinks they'll 'let them off' with a Scottish Cup ban. Still, the EBT and BTC cases are yet to come... :)

Edited by The Naitch
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I've followed the thread closely, read every single post, until today - I've been out at work, came back to check on The Great Love Of My Life Mark II (this thread) when I noticed I'd missed too many threads to read through. Which is my long-winded way of saying sorry if this has already been posted.

The latest BBC Rangers story is about the SFA accepting the court ruling. If I were Rangers, I'd be shitting myself at the following 2 statements:

"The right of appeal is now open to the Scottish FA through the Court of Session. However, by so doing, the very principles on which the Scottish FA - and, for that matter, Uefa and Fifa - are founded, namely football disciplinary matters being dealt with within its own jurisdiction, would be fundamentally compromised. "


"Therefore, it is our intention to accede to Lord Glennie's request and refer the matter back to the Appellate Tribunal, which will consider the remaining sanctions open to it. "

They wouldn't. Would they?

I think these statements could well prove to be interesting. I think IIRC that the court recommended overturning the transfer ban as it wasn't in the SFA's rules if you will whereas slapping them with a big fine or removing their registration was. I think Rangers have played a risky game by going down this route as it could go either way with a big fine (no impact to them in admin) or removal of registration (Big impact).

Knowing our luck the SFA will shite it and just fine them.

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Actual lol. So your shame is the equivalent to your long years of cheating? It may have been on the instruction of a few, but your club and its fans benefited for two decades, depriving other clubs of legitimate chances of competing and forcing many others to spend money on 2nd rate foreigners in desperate attempts to play catch-up.

Where was your shame when your fellow bears went on the rampage in Manchester?

Where was your shame when your club was repeatedly fined for sectarian chants?

Where was your shame when your club refused to sign a Catholic for 100 years?

You have no shame, because if you did, you wouldn't support such a vile institution. You wouldn't support a club which proudly stands for exclusion, bigotry and racism. Your supporters groups bleat about bigoted singing as being the acts of a minority, but where has the criticism been from the majority? Conspicuously absent, because it is the case, as everyone else knows, that such singing is condoned by EVERYONE in the Ibrox ranks, no matter their age, gender or upbringing.

And still, after all the fines, after all the cheating, the singing and the fraudulent schemes, you still fail to show a semblance of dignity, or of guilt. Not a single Rangers fan can provide a genuine reason as to why your stinking carcass of a club should be saved.

You don't understand why your club is so despised by the supporters of others. You can't understand why someone would choose to support their local team over the famous Glasgow Rangers.

You cheated your way to title after title, trophy after trophy, award after award. And you want us to think the club has suffered enough because of the "shame?"

You are right on one thing though - I probably would feel pity for any other club in similar circumstances. But your club is a vile, racist and bigoted organisation, a stain on society and a cause of division and violence for many.

You won't be missed.

Excellent post.

The point is that yes, many of us would feel sorry for fans whose club had been run by such dastardly people.

It's Rangers though, the uglier of the sisters. The only possible, rational response is to delight in their squirming.

The behaviour of the club is utterly consistent with everything we know about those the club appeals to.

The triumphalism we all endured turns out to have been based on systematic cheating. Of course we want that redressed.

It's usually sad when football clubs are run into trouble, but this is Rangers. Rangers are different for all the reasons outlined above, which is why our response is different.

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3 month after Doncaster asked Rangers for player contract details they supply them :D bet it was a furious phone call from Donkey that finally worked

Rangers cheated in every game for over a decade, and all that entailed...wonder what punishment would be fitting for that? answers on a postcard to the SPL / SFA

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3 month after Doncaster asked Rangers for player contract details they supply them :D bet it was a furious phone call from Donkey that finally worked

Rangers cheated in every game for over a decade, and all that entailed...wonder what punishment would be fitting for that? answers on a postcard to the SPL / SFA

It took 3 months to rewrite them, they'll be above board.

The shredder is broken though.

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So many factaul inaccuracies i am struggling to know where to start.... :rolleyes:

A few fans scuffling with police does not equate to our fans rampaging through the streets of Manchester...Maybe you might be the one able to show me the pictures of the looted shops..wrecked bars...smashed up restuarants etc

Rangers used a legal tax avoidance scheme and so far there has been no decision on dual contracts. No matter how many times that is pointed out on here dafties keep bringing it up

I have always been outspoken about sectarian singing..I have nothing against anybody that wants to sing these songs i just don't want them doing it at the football.

As for the signing policy...Do i really need to post the names again? I cant even be bothered to go looking for it..There is a complete list out there if you want to use google.

I could not care less who you support or why you support them. The fact you think yourself superior in some way due to the team you support says it all about you.

Ranger used a legal tax avoidance scheme ......illegally. The verdict on the BTC has been delivered - and while we've not seen the documentation which led to that outcome, the weight of evidence already in the public domain is fairly conclusive. And theres more to come on the Souness matter, what does the E in EBT stand for?

I do admire your commitment to the cause, No8. But the evidence is overwhelming and while theres no verdict yet you must feel a little like you're trying to get a not guilty verdict for Anders Breivik

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I'm another for they will go for the SC ban,a year isn't enough though.So will possibly see a 2nd or 3rd year ban thrown in as well.

Is that on top of sine die for decades of double contracts....AND for whatever else the EBT's was used for...surely the trust would have details that plod would be interested in looking over

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