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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you really think the SFA wants this thorn in their side long term or would they not just pluck it out .. (think about it)

Do you really think the SFA will want to be held responsible for killing one of only two big clubs in Scotland and turning goodness knows how many people away from the game forever? I'm not saying they (or rather the tribunal) shouldn't but I just don't think they'll be bold enough to make a decision with that type of implication. They'll play it safe and ban them from the cup for 1-3 years.

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I was at that game, too. I'm ashamed to admit, but as I recall, the best player on the park that day was Andy Ritchie.

Big Andy was always the best player on the Park in any Match i seen him play.

He was a genius and i wish he'd played for us.

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We are in consultation with FIFA is the key. If we do not act in the best interests of teh game .. FIFA will ban Scotland and Scottish club teams ... blah blah ... EXIT RANGERS STAGE LEFT ...

Mibbes but will still believe it when I see it.

I guess they'll round up the usual suspects for the tribunal meeting next week so hopefully not long to wait.

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Do you really think the SFA will want to be held responsible for killing one of only two big clubs in Scotland and turning goodness knows how many people away from the game forever? I'm not saying they (or rather the tribunal) shouldn't but I just don't think they'll be bold enough to make a decision with that type of implication. They'll play it safe and ban them from the cup for 1-3 years.

Much as I would rather see the lot of them herded into some giant Wicker Man like structure, I sadly have to agree with this. :(

I think people are unfortunately interpreting Regan's comments far too optimistically.

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I wasn't being obtuse at all. I was agreeing with you.

You think Rangers will only play 1 game in the Scottish Cup? I would think finding out what Rangers take in on average from the Scottish Cup then deciding how long they are banned for would be appropriate and more importantly legal. That punishment could run into Millions or will be at least a 7 figure sum

A ban from the cup would not be any punishment. Rangers would arrange Friendlies for these dates, you know it and I know it.


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are you trying to tell me they dont do walking away and this will be respected, but the final insult will be being forced to do the "famous" bouncy away (nananana na)

That's a point, when they finally die can we take our bouncy bouncy back that those khunts stole ?......or had craig whyte sold that as well ?

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Do you really think the SFA will want to be held responsible for killing one of only two big clubs in Scotland and turning goodness knows how many people away from the game forever? I'm not saying they (or rather the tribunal) shouldn't but I just don't think they'll be bold enough to make a decision with that type of implication. They'll play it safe and ban them from the cup for 1-3 years.

Old Firm f*ckwits are no loss to our game.

F*ck the lot of them.

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Just a wee song to set you up for the weekend.

You say Ibrox, I say Ibrokes

You say D&P, I say H&D,

H&D,D&P, Ibrox, Ibrokes,

Let's call the whole thing off.

You say Ally, I say Sally

You say Gers, I say berrs

Gers, berrs, Ally, Sally

Let's call the whole thing off

You say Whyte, I say shyte,

You say Green, I say Whyte.....oh wait this is starting to go off here

Whyte, shyte, Green, Whyte

Let's call the whole thing off........Whit, what do you mean it's no oor choice anymair? The SFA have called it off? But we're speshull, we arra peepul. Pheck yez, then. We'll form oor ain league.

:D :D :D . From the soundtrack album of "When Charlie met Ally" (Honest,it is in the film)

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Yep, I thnk what he's saying is they've tried to be pragmatic and not dish out the full punishment but that got flung back in their face. So now, punishment will be without pragmatism. And the offences they're guilty of, they've already said, are considered second only to match fixing.

Here's what the rules say specifically about punishment.


The Board shall have the power to fine, suspend or expel any recognised football

body, club, official, player, referee or other person under the jurisdiction of the

Association who in its opinion, in any way brings the game into disrepute"

They've already imposed a fine...

My understanding is that the SFA must nominate the Scottish clubs to participate in European competitions.

In light of Rangers blatantly ignoring the SFA,Uefa & FIFA rules on the use of civil courts, it would be within the remit of the SFA to suspend Rangers (i.e. not nominate them) for all European competitions for 3 years if they had met the qualification standard. (in essence 6 year ban if relegated to 3rd Division)

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Is it time to resurrect the "Rangers Sinking Ship Rats Bingo" game again? Now that the contracts have reverted back to their original terms, only with nice little release clauses, who's going to jump ship first?

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Is it time to resurrect the "Rangers Sinking Ship Rats Bingo" game again? Now that the contracts have reverted back to their original terms, only with nice little release clauses, who's going to jump ship first?


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If your thesis is correct, it only reinforces the argument for a root and branch clear out of the SFA / SPL. You are basically saying that the SFA, as an organisation, are too craven and afraid to apply their own rules to one of their member clubs.

We can but hope, eh ?

Scottish football is run by a cosy little cartel based within an approximate 5 mile radius in Glasgow. It always has been. It's only now it's becoming apparent to those that never previously looked too closely. They will always look after themselves and f**k the rest. Scottish football stinks.

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Sorry if this has been posted but it's a full time job just keeping up with this thread.

Anyone seen the latest issue of Private Eye? Apparently Hughie is reported as being a one time deputy chairman of a Jersey-registered but Qatar-based company called, wait for it,..... PanCELTICa. No surprise to learn it went tits-up in 2010. The company went into liquidation and shareholders got nothing. Fit and proper person....my arse.

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I didnt actually think of this before, but Duff and Phelps have played an absolute blinder for themselves.

We all know the CVA has been doomed to failure from the start, their fees wrack up, but there is not the required money to pay them. They keep hold of the players at the time of administration, but agree a reduction in what they can go for, knowing that they would be knocked down in price in any case, but you trigger a release price that lets them go, which is probably a fair market value for these guys.

Knowing the cva will fail, player transfer fees are excluded from the CVA and the extra 5 or 6 million they will get in from letting these guys go means their fee is well covered, it has never been in doubt how much the CVA would cost, I guess they knew from the outset that it was going to be well in excess of 5 or 6 million, with the money they get from Green for the newco assets, there is now just enough for them to pay their bill.

Administration always ends up in the administrator and no one else getting paid,that is generally how things work, its always an amazing coincidence that administrators fees always end up very similarly to what is available.

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