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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is what is usually referred to as IRA connections - a single article from 2003 in the Guardian whth that headline "Maze party with jelly and ice cream".

It's about as ridiculous as the eggs benedict story from a while back - saddos with too much time on their hands!

Oops, did I touch a wee raw nerve there?

Ok, I believe the Thatcher connection is valid. BUT if it's not, then this party IS THE SOURCE of the jelly and ice cream nonsense spouted by the Eastenders, so IT DOES have an IRA connection.

Edited by Happy Buddie
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Be interesting to hear what FIFA say if they're releasing a statement today,

It'll be something along the lines of having received assurances from the SFA that they are dealing appropriately with the situation, and that they (FIFA) have confidence in this but will continue to monitor things.

It'll be pretty bland stuff, I suspect. More FIFI than FIFA, most likely.

Edited by Drooper
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I'm also with KillieJambo on the cup thing. As you'll know, Brechin also got punted from the Scottish Cup for playing a loan signing who came along between the original match against Hamilton and the replay. Other than that, we're one of the best run supporter owned clubs in the country, in the black financially, been punching well above our weight for a wee town city team for years and for the dirty, cheating, debt-ridden, underachieving Rangers owned by crooks to get what would effectively be this same punishment would be absolutely criminal. :angry:

Edited by Hedgecutter
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'They couldn't have got this so wrong could they?'...Or words to that affect...It was a question which has been answered already by a couple of posters on here :rolleyes:

Are you so frigging dumb that you couldn't read the Tribunal decision or even the BBC summary? You were talking PISH again by suggesting £160,000 for all the wrongdoings was incorrect as your total bill - mind you ,a Ranjurs fan only gives £1.60 for the total ya w****r Fuck off to FFor go play golf.

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IIRC it was actually the combination of the Laurentia and Baltica continents that formed Scotland, the former being the one associated with the current Northern American continent.

Edit: OOooh, and the Highlands of Scotland have some of the oldest rocks on Earth, at over 3 billion years old.

See when this thread started, Scotland WAS still attached to Laurentia.

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I don't know the legalities but were they not blocked by SFA rules from taking it to the court of Arbitration? If so then they were left with no option but to go to the CoS where they won their case.

Their other option was to take the punishment dished out by the appeal panel ,a system to which you morons agreed to , not rip yer tights and go to cos thus endangering the future of Scottish football.

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i thought Rangers were originally fined £160,000 but now i see £100,000 was the maximum fine. Surely they cant have got that so wrong?

There is no way the SFA could defend a suspension or expulsion in a court of law after already saying it was too severe. It would be a waste of time and the SFAs money.

It will be a Cup ban..It is only a matter of how long the Cup ban is for. I would think 1 year is not enough so would go for a 2 year ban.

Um, actually they can. It is the close season (therefore no adverse affect on other members mid-term) and more to the point it is their private club and they can do what they like.

It is the right of any football association to allow in or not allow in whatever clubs it damn well pleases and at what level. This was one of the reasons for Derry City moving to the League Of Ireland. Quite aside from them wishing to be full time in a part-time league, as far as the IFA were concerned history had shown they were more trouble than they were worth (and before any of the usual Celtic fans masquerading as Oirish Republicans start their usual nonsense, Warrenpoint Town based in a far more contentious area of Northern Ireland were invited to join the IFA national league at the first time of them topping the Intermediate League and are now sitting happily in Division 1 two years later).

What Rangers got in court was an overturn on a punishment which was not in the rulebook, was lighter than the other fitting sanctions available for their misdemeanours, and more to the point ought to have been academic considering a flat broke club should not be signing any more players when they cannot afford the ones they have.

But the spoilt brats of Ibrox had to cut off their own noses to spite their faces, and the price of their one-upmanship is the SFA has now been left with no option but to go by those punishments that are available. Which means expulsion - either for a calander year or permanently.


Edited by WaffenThinMint
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I'm also with KillieJambo on the cup thing. As you'll know, Brechin also got punted from the Scottish Cup for playing a loan signing who came along between the original match against Hamilton and the replay. Other than that, we're one of the best run clubs in the country, owned by the season ticket holders, in the black financially, been punching well above our weight for a wee town city team for years and for Rangers to get what would effectively be this same punishment would be absolutely criminal. :angry:

You had two ineligible in that replay as I recall. But totally agree on your main point.

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The fighting fund was supposed to be paying off the smaller creditors. Not sure how that went but quite a few have been paid in full.

good to hear

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Apologies for the double post.

Unreliable internet access in China, no doubt caused by all the millions of Rangers fans out here logging into P&B all the time.

biggrin.gif Slowly catching up, but have run out of "greenies".

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I don't know the legalities but were they not blocked by SFA rules from taking it to the court of Arbitration? If so then they were left with no option but to go to the CoS where they won their case.

Just like they were blocked by SFA rules from taking it to the Court of Session? So, they could pick the CoS or the CAS, when the latter is expliciltly allowed by FIFA statute and the former is expliciitly banned. Should have been a no-brainer...

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Can people stop coming up with this rubbish about Spartans being banned from the Scottish Cup for improperly registering a player.

They weren't banned, they were thrown out after fielding an ineligible player in their 2nd Round match. It's a completely different scenario.

Completely different in that Spartans were unable to play in the cup after being "thrown out", and neither will Rangers after their "ban"?

Not to mention it was in Round 2, a round Rangers never play in. Well not yet anyway.

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You had two ineligible in that replay as I recall. But totally agree on your main point.

Both for exactly the same rule which our board overlooked - Willie Dyer brought in from St Johnstone and Michael Paton from Aberdeen. I remember the hell of constantly following that every day for weeks so can't imagine what the Rangers fans have been going through for months (not that I have any sympathy for the majority of them).

See when this thread started, Scotland WAS still attached to Laurentia.

All the continents will have collided to form another supercontinent, Ibrox will have rusted away and archaeologists will still be hunting for Craig Whyte's lost secret fossil grave by the time this saga ends too.

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Completely different in that Spartans were unable to play in the cup after being "thrown out", and neither will Rangers after their "ban"?

Not to mention it was in Round 2, a round Rangers never play in. Well not yet anyway.

Teams are thrown out of competitions for fielding ineligible players fairly regularly. They have already had the opportunity to participate, and have taken part in matches, but end up being removed from the competition as a result (usually) of clerical errors.

Teams are very rarely banned from competitions in advance. It is a more severe sanction, though still not one which is appropriate in this case.

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Their other option was to take the punishment dished out by the appeal panel ,a system to which you morons agreed to , not rip yer tights and go to cos thus endangering the future of Scottish football.

Sensationalist bollox.

Again people are missing the point...Rangers were 100% correct and it was the SFA panel and the handpicked Law Lord who were in the wrong as was proven in a court of law.

If Rangers had been dealt with properly and fairly at the first hearing this would never have happened and Rangers would not have had to go to the courts to find the justice they we all deserve.

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I don't know the legalities but were they not blocked by SFA rules from taking it to the court of Arbitration? If so then they were left with no option but to go to the CoS where they won their case.

They could have accepted their punishment and oh, I dunno, apologised for their behaviour or something?

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