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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Re the teams Rangers tried to bin: from a Stenhousemuir History site, link here

In the summer of 1964, the fans of the Warriors, and four other small clubs, were shocked to discover that the other 32 clubs in the Scottish League were planning to dissolve the structure in place, and replace it with two new leagues of 16 teams. The plan, instigated by

Rangers, had been revealed, secretly, to the 31 other selected teams at two April meetings held at the home of the Glasgow club, Ibrox. Albion Rovers, Berwick Rangers, Brechin City, Stranraer and Stenhousemuir would have no part to play in Scottish senior football if Rangers got their way.

The secret plans, according to Rangers, would make for a more competitive, attractive league set-up. However, for the excluded five, the scheme would possibly signal their demise, especially as in the mid-sixties, smaller clubs were highly dependent on

pools money distributed by the Scottish League at £35 a point. In the season just ended, 1963-4, the Warriors gaining 35 points, were awarded £1225, a not inconsiderable sum at a time when many clubs were under pressure of extinction. Only three years later, Third Lanark, neighbours of Rangers, would go out of business, and the Steedman brothers were in the process of trying to kill off East Stirlingshire.

Previous efforts to restructure the leagues had ended in deadlock, therefore secretly Rangers were making an attempt to wind up the structure in place, and enforce one of their choosing. Of course, emotions ran high in Larbert and Stenhousemuir when the underhand plans were revealed. However, resentment and rage as sentiments themselves would not have halted the iniquitous scheme. Two special elements arrested the Rangers expulsion plans although it took four years to finally win a great victory!

Firstly, Jim Weir, the Warriors indomitable secretary, and Robert Turpie, committee man and Glasgow solicitor, formed a formidable partnership in forging a united approach from the five, and using every legal avenue open to rescue the situation. And secondly, although the press sided with Rangers in their illogical attempts at bullying, the 31 bedfellows gradually became more and more uneasy. In fact, at one of the secret meetings, on 28th April 1964, Alloa Athletic, Arbroath, Ayr United, Cowdenbeath, Dumbarton, East Fife, Montrose, Queen's Park, Raith Rovers and Stirling Albion were told that if they did not agree with the proposals, and vote with Rangers, then anyone of them could be expelled in place of one or more of the five.

Mr Turpie won an interim interdict on May 26th 1964, preventing Rangers winding up the structure at the Scottish League AGM two days later. This victory was short lived, although Rangers were finding support for their plans evaporating. Twenty-seven clubs led by Rangers issued a summons against the five in October 1964, and against five other clubs (including neighbours East Stirlingshire and Celtic, now powerful ally for the five). The summons stated that the Ibrox side should be allowed to submit winding up papers at a future meeting of the League .

The process of law is protracted. In November 1965, Lord Avonside rejected the majority of the preliminary defence pleas put forward by the five in opposition to Rangers: the five then turned to the Inner House of the Court of Session, who took over a year to issue a judgement. In December 1966, the Avonside decision was upheld. Nonetheless in February of that year, Stirling Albion had indicated withdrawal of support for the Rangers scheme.

The lowest point came in July 1967, when one of the five co- defendants was forced to give up the legal fight due to spiralling

legal costs. This could have been the end of the fight. However, the four others agreed to meet any further legal costs, while, on the surface, the five looked to remain 'as one',

In the meantime, the support of those clubs remaining on the side of the Ibrox giants was weakening.

Even so it came as a huge surprise when on 7th November 1967, Rangers announced an out of court settlement had been reached with the five, which meant that, in exchange for a withdrawal of legal proceedings, the five could stay as part of any future new league set up! A Special General Meeting in April 1968 confirmed the status of the five, where a Brechin City proposal found the necessary two-thirds majority with ease. The greatest victory?

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Since we now have the situation of Rangers deliberately going against FIFA regulations (which were well known to everyone due to last year's Sion case) and a CVA proposal which becomes more ludicrous by the day (taking away money from the pot to pay wages and admin fees) it is pretty obvious that H&D have now decided to pull the plug on Ra Peepul while still trying to put the blame on someone else.

Even if they liquidate and start a newco there is no way that they will flourish under self-confessed asset-strippers who are just out to make as many millions as possible. Rangers, under whatever guise it may continue, has no future. Season ticket sales and TV money will just about cover annual running costs and interest on the Green loan and there will be no money to be made on player sales as Green has made it plain that players will not belong to the club. Please correct me if I am wrong but is there not a UEFA/FIFA rule which makes it illegal for players to be owned by a third party and could they be registered with the SFA if they did not belong to the club?

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Since we now have the situation of Rangers deliberately going against FIFA regulations (which were well known to everyone due to last year's Sion case) and a CVA proposal which becomes more ludicrous by the day (taking away money from the pot to pay wages and admin fees) it is pretty obvious that H&D have now decided to pull the plug on Ra Peepul while still trying to put the blame on someone else.

Even if they liquidate and start a newco there is no way that they will flourish under self-confessed asset-strippers who are just out to make as many millions as possible. Rangers, under whatever guise it may continue, has no future. Season ticket sales and TV money will just about cover annual running costs and interest on the Green loan and there will be no money to be made on player sales as Green has made it plain that players will not belong to the club. Please correct me if I am wrong but is there not a UEFA/FIFA rule which makes it illegal for players to be owned by a third party and could they be registered with the SFA if they did not belong to the club?

I thought that, too - or is this another English football/Scottish football anomaly like the "paying football creditors in full" issue?

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Berwick Rangers

More info here:

1964 reconstruction

Worth bearing in mind that Rangers needed a two thirds majority to get agreement to this - they didn't do it all by themselves!

If you read what you'd linked to, you might have noticed the following:

"Mr Robertson said some of the member clubs had actually been "threatened" that to get the two-thirds majority needed at the meeting to see the scheme through, if they did not vote for the scheme they would be discarded and one of the five clubs named substituted."

(No idea why there was the mention of the non-appearence of Airdrie, Celtic, East Stirlingshire (who would have been one of the five threatened were it not for a single season in Division 1) Hamilton Academical and Third Lanark when no one else other than the endangered five were present - not even Rangers bothered to turn up)

Then as now, Rangers the self-centred bully boys of Scottish football - let them die the painful and lingering, humiliating death they so richly deserve!

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Since we now have the situation of Rangers deliberately going against FIFA regulations (which were well known to everyone due to last year's Sion case) and a CVA proposal which becomes more ludicrous by the day (taking away money from the pot to pay wages and admin fees) it is pretty obvious that H&D have now decided to pull the plug on Ra Peepul while still trying to put the blame on someone else.

Even if they liquidate and start a newco there is no way that they will flourish under self-confessed asset-strippers who are just out to make as many millions as possible. Rangers, under whatever guise it may continue, has no future. Season ticket sales and TV money will just about cover annual running costs and interest on the Green loan and there will be no money to be made on player sales as Green has made it plain that players will not belong to the club. Please correct me if I am wrong but is there not a UEFA/FIFA rule which makes it illegal for players to be owned by a third party and could they be registered with the SFA if they did not belong to the club?

Even if they were admitted into the SPL under a newco guise they will still be banned from europe for 3 years and still won't have any money to spend on players never mind find any who would want to play for them.

They're on the way out regardless of how it happens, the orcs are just too stuborn to see it.

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If you read what you'd linked to, you might have noticed the following:

"Mr Robertson said some of the member clubs had actually been "threatened" that to get the two-thirds majority needed at the meeting to see the scheme through, if they did not vote for the scheme they would be discarded and one of the five clubs named substituted."

(No idea why there was the mention of the non-appearence of Airdrie, Celtic, East Stirlingshire (who would have been one of the five threatened were it not for a single season in Division 1) Hamilton Academical and Third Lanark when no one else other than the endangered five were present - not even Rangers bothered to turn up)

Then as now, Rangers the self-centred bully boys of Scottish football - let them die the painful and lingering, humiliating death they so richly deserve!

WaffenThinMint, see my earlier post: re you having no idea why these 5 clubs and their non-appearance is mentioned, the MSM was probably quite poor then as well. I think the writer is assuming prior knowledge of the reader, who may have known that these 5 clubs (Third Lanark still had representation*, even although they had gone out of business) had turned their support to the clubs under threat.

edit: * my mistake, I note the article is from 1964. The 5 club case wasn't concluded until 1968, by which time Thirds had gone.

Edited by Dundee Hibernian
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Oh since the bears are all currently pondering the first team leaving in a few weeks for a pittance due to the low release clauses. How much money can Kilmarnock expect to see for Naismith as he has a sell on clause if I recall correctly?

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Oh since the bears are all currently pondering the first team leaving in a few weeks for a pittance due to the low release clauses. How much money can Kilmarnock expect to see for Naismith as he has a sell on clause if I recall correctly?

15% of everything over £1.9m.

If the £2m sell-on clause is to believed, then that will amount to £15k, which we probably won't ever see.

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Oh since the bears are all currently pondering the first team leaving in a few weeks for a pittance due to the low release clauses. How much money can Kilmarnock expect to see for Naismith as he has a sell on clause if I recall correctly?

Been discussed on Killie Kickback.

IIRC, the consensus was nowt.

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Hey, c'mon, we're all pals on here.

6-3 game, our goalie Jimmy Liddell got sent off for head-butting, think it was, Frank MacDougall. (well done Jimmy, a local hero) :D

Anyway, point I was making was that Bankies fans done things the right way - they were shafted from pillar to post by JACK STEEDMAN, JOHN HALL and his puppet DAVID LOW (a man who cannot look anyone in the eye - even shiftier looking than Craig Whyte if you can believe that).

It seems to me now that Haudit and Daudit would never accept the Blue Knights bid as it actually had a chance of success - I reckon they could have got another £2m or so if they had a proper fighting fund set-up.

All I'm getting are moans and groans from Rangers fans doing virtually nothing to save the club, whereas if the Blue Knights had got preffered bidder status there would have been a massive campaign to get more funds into the pot.

The Third Lanark fans always hoped that someone, anyone would save them, sat back and did nothing - history seems to be repeating itself.

I just wonder who all the real players are behind the scenes.

I'm gonna try and answer my own question here:

I was unaware till 5 mins ago that GREEN had bought Sheffield Utd from the one and only REG BREALEY, with there now being suggestions BREALEY is one of GREEN'S backers - (Rangers are well fecked if that's the case).

BREALEY is well known to both St Mirren and Morton fans, having appeared on the Scottish scene 10 years ago with what appeared to be a hair-brained plan to merge both clubs, although no doubt the obtaining and then selling off both Cappielow and Love Street being high up in their agenda.

Another shifty character, whom I had the displeasure of meeting, was one MIKE PEDEN (don't mention his name in Darlington), who temporarily took control at Cappielow from HUGH SCOTT. Another name that appeared was STEVE MORGON (NOT the Liverpool one) but he was just in the background and is hated at GRANTHAM TOWN.

Once the cat was out of the bag, they all disappeared into thin air.

Surely some of these dodgy characters can't be involved in the Rangers takeover??? Bloody hope so though.

Don't really like jelly but will force myself when the time comes.

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