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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I can exclusively reveal Green;'s "five or six" investors:


PayDay Express


Craig Whyte


Ocean Finance and Cashconvertors are said to be considering joining the consortium after readin Green's 14 page glossy brochure.

I thought they'd consolidated twenty-five years of cheating into one six month extermination?

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Meanwhile, Fifa are thought to be more satisfied now that Rangers' successful appeal against a Scottish Football Association tribunal's ban on signing players has returned to the footballing domain.


So Fifa are happy for East Stirling to get legal aid to contest a red card(not picking on East Stirling btw) and all the other sides in Europe deciding this is a good idea just raising a court case to get the punishment reduced.The whole house of cards is in danger of tumbling down if they dont stamp on this now.

That's nonsense and you know it's nonsense to boot. This thread is starting to get bipolar disorder. A few generalisms from FIFA/Regan had everyone in a lather about imminent expulsion, now 1 line in a BBC article is getting people in a lather about the end of footballing order.

Particular circumstances of this case are fairly unusual, given panel's overstepping of their powers and SFA's rules appearing to give no right of external recourse.

It sets no broad precedent. And I doubt FIFA have even reached a concrete viewpoint anyway.

People need to chill.

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No the payment to cover costs will be a gift into the cva pot. He isn't legally compelled to pay the money but it is a solid way of handling the running costs for a month. Basically if the cva succeeds it will be as if green owned the club from the day the cva was accepted.

In normal trading there should be a surplus from player sales, season tickets and spl money. If admin continued players would be sold to meet costs which is obviously unattractive for green so this arrangement is at his request. Season tickets sales can begin immediately with fans safe in the knowledge the money is going to the future of the club.

It seems a risk free way to realise the full cva since player sales can't be guaranteed and season tickets wouldn't be bought while the administrators get the money

OK - what is to stop a new buyer gazumptin the £5.3 mill ~Green is gonna pay when the CVA fails?

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Nae bother, I believe you. You still didn't answer my question if the mighty Gers would be full-time in Div 3 and full Ibrox every 2 weeks. You will pay £500 for season book? Home fixture against Peterhead sounds an enthraller.

EDIT: "I heard this who someone who my dad knows from work" - I heard that a distant cousin says the taxi driver who drove his granny heard from Liewell that Rangers will win SPL league next year - feel fee to share the news on RM

There were crowds of 2000 - 5000 at Ibrox when Rangers were shite in the early 1980s.

The fans would dessert in droves.

oh, wait a minute, wrong again....there won't be any team to follow, follow....oh dear, how sad, too fecking bad.

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Paying their taxes? :blink:

Well, yeah,

1. Paying their taxes

2. Not ripping of debenture holders

3. Not having dodgy share issues

4. Not ******* the bank manager

the list goes on...

No need for a serious answer mate ;)

Edited by fozzie
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1338584681[/url]' post='6295192']

That's nonsense and you know it's nonsense to boot. This thread is starting to get bipolar disorder. A few generalisms from FIFA/Regan had everyone in a lather about imminent expulsion, now 1 line in a BBC article is getting people in a lather about the end of footballing order.

Particular circumstances of this case are fairly unusual, given panel's overstepping of their powers and SFA's rules appearing to give no right of external recourse.

It sets no broad precedent. And I doubt FIFA have even reached a concrete viewpoint anyway.

People need to chill.

I think people are getting carried away too. Ranger were wrong in going to court however the court was very restrained. They did not void the punishment and did not determine what the punishment should be. They told the SFA that their rules were incompatible with the law and the tribunal had overstepped its powers.

Rangers punishment will still be decided by he SFA, even if a court has told them their rules limit the options. If a transfer embargo were an explicitly mentioned sanction then the court would have agreed with the SFA.

Edited by Jim McLean's Ghost
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1338584730[/url]' post='6295195']

OK - what is to stop a new buyer gazumptin the £5.3 mill ~Green is gonna pay when the CVA fails?

Realistically? Time. Rangers have no money to run for the month and would be taking on large expenses so if he CVA fails Green gets his bid accepted immediately. The process of ending this administration is too far along now to entertain other bidders as that will just run up more costs. The ticking time bomb of full wages has set this timescale.

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Seriously? D&P ( acting in the interests of creditors ) have agreed that monies due to the club can be placed into a bank account which is controlled by someone other than the administrators? And that he can use this as he sees fit? While the creditors get shafted with the square root of feck all?


Its worse than that. If Green doesnt raise enough to cover the running costs (or possibly, just decides he'd rather keep the cash) then he can dip into he CVA pot instead!

Its a real lose-lose for the creditors, although, presumably, H&D will stop him dipping into the pot if it looks like their fees wont get covered :rolleyes:

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Realistically? Time. Rangers have no money to run for the month and would be taking on large expenses so if he CVA fails Green gets his bid accepted immediately. The process of ending this administration is too far along now to entertain other bidders as that will just run up more costs. The ticking time bomb of full wages has set this timescale.

If the CVA fails, the next steps should be to liquidate and sell assets the assets on the open market to the highest bidder. This will realise more than the maximum 0.9 million that the CVA is offering.

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1338582449[/url]' post='6295095']

I think thats been covered. Its coming out of the 5.5 million that was in the CVA pot. So the 5.5 million is reduced by

4.6 million - being PAYE for the period Feb to May due to HMRC that should have been treated as costs of administration but which D&P false portayed in the CVA

3 million - being running costs over the summer

I'm unclear whether there will be an additional few million due for PAYE during the summer or whether thats included in the 3 million running costs but essentially, whether its CVA, liquidation or newco the pot for creditors is actually a big fat ZERO.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain to my how Green has first refusal of the assets for a paulty 5.5 million. Is there a logical explanation - or have D&P just openly conned the creditors?

Well, the 5.5 million is in a NewCo scenario so as I understand it the players are free agents and worthless.

As for the rest, D&P will have third party valuations to give Credence to the numbers. And those aren't As crazy as they initially look.

Everyone agrees that the book value of Murray Park and Ibrox are fiction. Murray Park has planning restrictions and logical buyers for a facility like that are limited - would be a great pickup for the tennis federation, a post London Olympic training center or even council sports facilities at this price but I can't see a public or semi-public body risking the wrath of the Bears. Perhaps the scientologists want a sports complex? Ibrox has a listed facade and is not, perhaps, in the most attractive patch of Glasgow. It costs alot to run and may not be perfectly maintained. As it is, its an outright liability without a sports tenant and in a city with three mega stadiums only Glasgow Rugby Union leaps to mind, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want it. This is 2012, not 2007.

The intangibles - history, logos and other IP, trophies etc. are pretty much worthless unless you have happy Orcs follow following said intangibles and paying good money to buy the brand. A private equity house cant buy the rights to the name and crest and expect to make value added cash with an expansion team in the MLS or A league. Nobody buys Third Lanark tops. The history is worth whatever it's worth as scrap silver without a team.

It's infuriating, but the breakup value on the open market may actually be that low. That bing said, the valuation cn be challenged under some circumstances and it's conceivable others buyers might be tempted. Someone with some money and a lot of guts might buy Ibrox and charge rent to Govan 1690, somebody may want to set up Andy Murray Park Tennis and Mad Vlad might put in a last minute bid to drag the contents of the trophy room off to the Baltics.

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1338585477[/url]' post='6295223']

If the CVA fails, the next steps should be to liquidate and sell assets the assets on the open market to the highest bidder. This will realise more than the maximum 0.9 million that the CVA is offering.

An open sale takes time, which runs up more costs as well as administering any tender process. The administrators have accepted £5.3M so I there will be little movement above that figure. Green's money is certain, it could become a shambles where a delay costs creditors money.

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