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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What do they have to do for us to waken up and realise a boycott of these b*****ds is the only way to hit them hard

f**k backing our boys

We aren't gonna win the league

This is our chance to finally get it up that c**t and his club

We need to stand together on this one

Hit them where it hurts most, the pocket

Then the b*****ds will think twice of putting the boot in

ummmm..... ok?

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That site is just pure comedy gold.

Yeah, just dip into the clubs cash reserves to pay for that one!

Then we have our typical Rangers fan

and the resident idiot

The best thing is that we don't have to pay to read comedy like that. They just keep giving

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What do they have to do for us to waken up and realise a boycott of these b*****ds is the only way to hit them hard

f**k backing our boys

We aren't gonna win the league

This is our chance to finally get it up that c**t and his club

We need to stand together on this one

Hit them where it hurts most, the pocket

Then the b*****ds will think twice of putting the boot in


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Chris McLaughlin Seems players now negotiating individually with #Rangers administrators. Some close to agreement.

FFS, this is laughable.

Someone has to take a long hard look at the credentials of these characters. More procrastinators than adminstrators at the very best.

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From Comedy Central rangers media:


" hope i dont offend anyone cause i using word Boycott but after speaking to a load of guys, Utd are the arseholes of the league now. and none of us are goin to the game, and hopefully so i dont need to go Shopping wae the wife, a beam back or Reserve or under 19s can be arranged at ibrox for guys like me who want to go see my team.

the team needs us, but the CLUB needs us more!!!! not goin to tannadice will not effect anything at the club!!!"

The way things are going, it'll be a combined youth/reserve team playing at Tannadice!

Anyway, they can all go to the game and lend the kids and stiffs their support in the sure and certain knowledge that the lying thieving club they "support" will never pay the Arabs for their tickets, so all their hard-earned giros can go straight to Duff & Duffer. Are there ANY of this lot that aren't as thick as a very thick thing?


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FFS, this is laughable.

Someone has to take a long hard look at the credentials of these characters. More procrastinators than adminstrators at the very best.

3 weeks has resulted in 4 voluntary departures,and this at a club they admit is running at a loss of £1Mill a month.

So another week and thats another Million down the pan + their fees.

LOL - Their debt is growing not reducing under this pair of clowns.

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You can imagine the players after their one to ones.

Healy: Hey Stevie. What did you manage tae get.

Davis: I manged tae get 75% of my wages and my win bonus deferred. You?

Healy: Eh I kept ma goal bonus. Delighted to be sure....

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Does this mean that they'll now need to save more than £1 million a month to catch up after doing nothing for the best part of a whole one, hence make more cuts as a result? :huh:

Beats me mate. Surely though, with the 'final offer' being rejected on Tuesday morning, Haudit and Daudit should have turned up at Minty Moonbeams Park with a list of Rangers players who were out injured, liable to cost more if they played and triggered payments to previous clubs, were older and not likely to command a transfer fee, or any other number of reasons why they weren't vital to Rangers now, or in the future.

I really think the dynamic administration duo have an agenda that isn't that of any other football administration I have ever seen.

No offence - but why are McCoist, Durrant, MacDowall and Stewart all still at a club needing to save a miilion a month, three weeks into administration? If Russell and Smith had played hard-ball, or if Wylde and Celik had hung around talking and negotiating - what would Haudit and Daudit actually have done themselves to stop Rangers bleeding cash?

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A return to Monday's proposal of a 75% cut for high earners, 50% for mid earners and 25% for low earners is now again being discussed, in the hope the necessary savings can be made.

So basically, now that two players have left voluntarily, providing a saving of £48000 of the £1000000 required, they are now having discussions over the exact same proposal that was put forward yesterday and rejected.


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"sure people will maybe still go in the dundee area, but dont buy a single pie or nuthing at them"

An epic struggle for the majority of 'ra peepell', especially yer man with the Strata cap.

"Ah huvnae eaten in 2 hours though but. So it is."

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An epic struggle for the majority of 'ra peepell', especially yer man with the Strata cap.

"Ah huvnae eaten in 2 hours though but. So it is."

There's no chance he could fit through the tight corridors in the away stand in Tannadice anyway.

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