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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Celtic staying quiet on the subject is not as you say "playing a blinder",they don't want to admit to their fans that they need want the newco and that they will vote yes. So hoping that other SPL teams will do the dirty, now the vote seems to be going the other way they can say (privately) to the other cheek, we tried but it was those diddies fault


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Statement from the SFL;

There have been a lot rumours in the media lately, about the "Newco" starting in the 1st Division from next season. We would like to make our position clear to everyone regarding this story.

We, the SFL, will be telling the SPL, that we have no intention of letting them dump their shite at our door. If the clubs in the SPL think that we will be happy to take the "Newco", just so that they, the SPL clubs, can get to keep their Sky deal, then they can go and take a flying f**k. If you, the SPL clubs, had spent more time trying to run your clubs within budget, rather than spunking away whatever cash you had, on 3rd and 4th rate foreign diddies, then you would not find yourselves in the position that you are in now. But since most of you decided to appoint the Village idiot to look after your finances, you are now in a position where you have to bend over and take it up the arse, rather than properly punish one of your lot for cheating you for the last 15 years. And you seem to think that we, the SFL, will help you, by taking this shower of cheating b*****ds into our league. Well think again.

It has also been reported that, should we allow the cheating scum fucks to come into our league, we will be rewarded by getting a possible 2nd promotion place and income from the proposed TV deal. But to get this, you expect our members to bend over just like you lot. Not a fucking chance. You dont even offer an automatic promotion as a sweetener, its a fucking play-off. How fucking desperate do you think we are?

If you think the cheating scum are going to get any more than an application form to join the 3rd division, then think again. And remember, when you all start going tits-up and end up at our door looking for a way in, because you were complicit in this shitty deal we are being offered, you will be lucky to get an application form at all.

We look forward to discussing all possibilities with the SPL and the SFA, if needed. But we dont take kindly to being forced into a corner, especially by arseholes like Neil "Cockwomble" Doncaster.



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like these talks in 2011. I don't think its going to happen although the Daily Record seems to think it will.

All these reporters getting excited about league reconstruction talks do they remember how

long it takes to sort something like this out.

For any fans of Doncaster have a look at this(he says that their is broad support for

a ten team league. like all the articles just now what a lying waste of space)


I guess we have a 10 team SPL what a load of bollocks.

Much as I would love to comment on the technical contents of those two links and the points made therein for Scottish Football going forward, I am left with just one thought having watched them.

What the f**k is Going on with Doncaster's hair cut????

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I could not agree more but with Celtic staying silent well I think they have played a blinder tbh. They will have been playing a waiting game before showing their hand and why should they. Why try to fight when others can do it for you they will be well aware of their fans fellings on the matter there may be other reasons as well as yet unknown to us. If the report in the paper this morning is true then there is no need for them to comment as yet as this car crash just keeps giving as you well know they would be held to account if they said something that they had to retract later so their silence is in my opinion just keeps others on their toes. The time to speak will be when others try to push through changes and they are asked to vote for said changes even then it may be behind closed doors I'm sure they will keep the fans informed when it's crunch time.

Typical OF attitude, both rotten to the core

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Now that it looks increasingly certain that a resurrected Rangers will not be admitted to the SPL, we should turn our attention to what conditions might be attached to their admission to the SFL.

No. No, we shouldn't. :angry: The existing entry criteria should be considered and nothing else.

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Can someone help, why do people keep saying 'John McVeigh is a tit' and 'John McVeigh is a tit'?

If these slimy turds in charge of our game are incapable of providing a fair and just competition free from bias then we should, and hopefully will, tell them to go away and die. They, along with the west coast media, are currently employing a smoke and mirrors campaign designed to give the illusion that (the) rangers have been/ will be treated approriately (punished enough as they like to say). Only we are not that stupid. At least I really hope not.

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PISH, Vlad is right, Sky have got cut price for years, EPL a fucking billion quid, geez a break, Newcastle vs Wigan is no better than DU vs SJ. FACT!!!

Sorry mate, but you are wrong there.

I love my football, to the point that today I drove well over 500 miles to watch a Welsh pre-season friendly (I did have another reason to be in the area and the match was a fill in), I have attended over 100 live matches in each of the last 2 seasons, and to be fair the English Premier League is a very high standard. Most teams are packed full of players with international experience and its highly competitive as shown by the fact Wigan actually beat Newcastle 4-0 last season, using your example. Other than footy geeks like me, pretty much nobody this side of the border would open their curtains if Dundee United v St Johnstone was being played in their garden and they would not recognise any of the players if they did..

This is not an attack on Scottish Football, but both the English and Scottish leagues have put their TV deals up for competitive tender and the results show their market value. SKY do not pump multi millions into the EPL as a charity. Believe it or not, they actually make money out of it (shock horror and don't tell the media and the Jonny come lately's who thank SKY for their 'investment'). The only way you can redress some of the imbalance is to make your league stronger and more competitive and as far as I can see, most of the fans on here realise that and have actually done something about it this summer. You don't get stronger by bending the rules to retain one half of a duopoly that has strangled the life out of Scottish football for years.

I have been genuinely impressed by the banter of the fans on this thread and even more so by the success some fans have had in influencing their clubs and it shows that football in Scotland is very much alive and kicking and it will take more than a few administrations of leading clubs to kill that, unless of course you let it.

Edited by Roker Rover
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Much as I would love to comment on the technical contents of those two links and the points made therein for Scottish Football going forward, I am left with just one thought having watched them.

What the f**k is Going on with Doncaster's hair cut????


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Sorry mate, but you are wrong there.

I love my football, to the point that today I drove well over 500 miles to watch a Welsh pre-season friendly (I did have another reason to be in the area and the match was a fill in), I have watched over 100 live matches in each of the last 2 seasons, and to be fair the English Premier League is a very high standard. Most teams are packed full of players with international experience and its highly competitive. Other than footy geeks like me, pretty much nobody this side of the border would open their curtains if Dundee United v St Johnstone was being played in their garden.

This is not an attack on Scottish Football, but both the English and Scottish leagues have put their TV deals up for competitive tender and the results show their market value. SKY do not pump multi millions into the EPL as a charity. Believe it or not, they actually make money out of it (shock horror and don't tell the media and the Jonny come lately's who thank SKY for their 'investment'). The only way you can redress some of the imbalance is to make your league stronger and more competitive and as far as I can see, most of the fans on here realise that and have actually done something about it this summer. You don't get stronger by bending the rules to retain one half of a duopoly that has strangled the life out of Scottish football for years.

I have been genuinely impressed by the banter of the fans on this thread and even more so by the success some fans have had in influencing their clubs and it shows that football in Scotland is very much alive and kicking and it will take more than a few administrations of leading clubs to kill that, unless of course you let it.

The only way the Scottish league can ever compete with the English league is importing 45 million immigrants and waiting about 50 years.

It's a number game, and the English league will always be better than the Scottish because they are ten times the size.

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No. No, we shouldn't. :angry: The existing entry criteria should be considered and nothing else.

Criteria are not the same as conditions. Content that normal criteria should be applied (SFA membership, three years accounts, financial stability, good corporate governance,etc). But if the outcome is that a resurrected Rangers are admitted different conditions should be applied to that membership, conditions which at least attempt to make the competition fairer.

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If the SFL chairman let The Rangers enter their competition in their highest league...what's the point of the competitions continued existence?

A league is a league, positions have to be earned via achievements on the field, not by how much money you bring to the table. Airdrie and QOTS and Ayr and whoever else are desperate to play in the SFL1 next year but they won't due to on the field matters.

Why should a team with less history than the average toe nail be reinstated ahead of these clubs? Because they have a potentially bigger fan base? Utter farce.

I am of the opinion they should not even be let into the SFL3. Cove Rangers, Gala Fairydean and Spartans are desperate for admission. They have established infrastructure, fan base and accounting procedures. The Rangers have none of these things.

Let's hope the SFL chairman see sense and tell these bunch of chancers where to go. I'm sure they'll find a space for them in the Junior West Region Super League next year. They can go there, establish 3 years accounts and prove that they can run a football club to an appropriate standard before applying for admission.

They cant join the Juniors at the top level either!

Newco would need to apply to join the West Region District 2nd Division like we did.

The SJFA AGM was last week and thats when new membership applications are considered for the coming season,they`d have to wait another year.

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The only way the Scottish league can ever compete with the English league is importing 45 million immigrants and waiting about 50 years.

It's a number game, and the English league will always be better than the Scottish because they are ten times the size.


England has more fully national and professional leagues than pretty much every other country. I think the Spanish, German and Italian leagues go regional at the 3rd tier, whereas England has the conference at the 5th level as a national league with half the clubs in it being full time.

To be honest, there is a serious case for re-organisation of the leagues down here. Far to many clubs at the lower end chasing the dream and travelling the length and breadth of the country to do so. I would support a return to the 3rd tier North and South and the regionalisation of the conference at the top of the pyramid.

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They cant join the Juniors at the top level either!

Newco would need to apply to join the West Region District 2nd Division like we did.

The SJFA AGM was last week and thats when new membership applications are considered for the coming season,they`d have to wait another year.

All that initial huffing and puffing instead of taking their medicine could go against them now.That's a pity :lol:

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The only way the Scottish league can ever compete with the English league is importing 45 million immigrants and waiting about 50 years.

It's a number game, and the English league will always be better than the Scottish because they are ten times the size.

How do Uraguay, Denmark and Holland fit into your numbers argument?

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